audioXpress Magazine
November 2024
audioXpress remains the authority on audio and reproduced sound by connecting manufacturers and distributors with developers, buyers and consultants around the globe!
It's readers are the audio product designers, consultants, integrators, DIY enthusiasts, opinion leaders and your best customers. All of them agree that the coverage of trending topics, unique in the audio industry, make
audioXpress a must read.
Every month, audioXpress combines the best educational articles on topic such audio electronics, speaker and headphone design, amplifiers (from tube to Class D), acoustics, practical test and measurement, audio engineering praxis, and standards.
audioXpress provides inside stories on new audio developments, on R&D Stories, the most complete objective reviews of innovative products and software, and selects some of the best DIY audio projects from worldwide
From the Editor's Desk
Other Ways Of Listening
Immersive audio, DSP processing, and an interview with Dolby Laboratories.
Editorial By J. Martins
The great thing about the audio industry is that every day our perceptions are challenged. There are so many different ways to approach sound, so many different audio disciplines.
That's what motivates me daily with audioXpress. I get to engage with a huge diversity of professionals and companies, all of which are extremely passionate and dedicated to what they do, and strongly believe in their
missions. For some, it's all about pure enjoyment, for others pure survival. For some,
it's about understanding sound, for others, sound reproduction. I can speak to brilliant people who generate, capture, and measure sound and audio signals. They all see things from different perspectives and all are equally engaging and
exciting. Whenever I plan to focus on audio signal processing I am reminded of that. So many uses are possible that it transverses multiple product and application segments. As always, there are still purists who tremble at the mere notion of the use of
"DSP," while some are only now enthusiastically embracing digital signal processing (DSP) for things such as active speaker crossovers, which has been done for nearly 30
---> Other Ways Of Listening.
5 Supporting Companies
8 PSI Audio AVAA C214
Digital Active Bass Absorber With App Control
By Philipp Paul Klose
PSI Audio launched the AVAA C20 in 2017, the first
commercially available analog active bass trap for
small rooms. The easy-to-set-up active acoustics device
absorbs undesired room modes in studios, being as
efficient as passive absorbers many times its size.
With AVAA C214, PSI has introduced a digital controlled
active bass trap that's better suited for listening and
small studios rooms. But how effective is it?
42 Wolf von Langa Field Coil Powered Speaker Driver
Some Technical Test Results
By Rens Tellers and Jan Didden
Field coil speaker drivers occupy a niche in the
speaker ecosystem. They are touted as outperforming
traditional permanent magnet drivers; however,
they need an extra power supply and are relatively
expensive. Rens Tellers and Jan Didden managed to
get their hands on one and put it on the bench.
49 Non-Linear Amplitude Modulation Of Loudspeakers
By Reinhold Lutz
Do you believe that a perfectly linear loudspeaker
doesn't generate distortions? Think again. Even a
perfectly linear loudspeaker produces two types
of distortions because of the movement of its
membrane. First, Doppler distortions, a.k.a. phase
modulation, and second, distortions stemming from
the non-linear amplitude modulation (NLAM). This
article characterizes these second distortions and
shows how to eliminate them.
54 ACX-100: An Analog Four-Way Active Crossover
By George Ntanavaras
Digital signal processing offers the freedom to
experiment with multiple options until we find what
works for the application. But once our design goals
are accomplished, is it possible to replace DSP with an
equivalent dedicated analog design? This project does
exactly that with loudspeaker crossovers.
17 Audioscenic Amphi Technology High Dimensional Sound
By Marcos Simón and Adam Levenson
This article describes the concept of binaural 3D sound and its reproduction through
loudspeakers. It explains the advantages of the technology developed by Audioscenic
and its unique position-adaptive 3D sound, compared with other 3D sound technologies.
23 Pushing The Boundaries Of Active Noise Cancellation
By Stefan Liebich and Johannes Fabry
Active noise cancellation (ANC) has revolutionized the way we experience audio, allowing
listeners to immerse themselves in music or podcasts. It is a must-have feature in
current devices, but what are the factors that contribute to an ANC system and how do
you achieve excellent performance in your devices?
30 The Road To Dolby Atmos
A Talk with Andreas Ehret, Senior Director, Automotive at Dolby Laboratories
By J. Martins
How did Dolby Atmos evolve and how did Dolby's business model become today's
indispensable technology partner to both the media and the automotive industry?
In this audioXpress interview, Andreas Ehret shares details of that fascinating path at
Dolby Laboratories
Hollow-State Electronics
62 Classic Hollow State Hi-Fi In The 1950s And 1960s
By Richard Honeycutt
In June, Richard Honeycutt discussed the history of home music reproduction systems
from the late 1920s pre-hi-fi AM radio days until the early 1950s. This article picks up
where that one left off including details of some 1950s and 1960s home sound systems.
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