dCS, Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems, Wilson Audio,
Have you ever had flashbacks? You know, when you think you've already lived what is currently happening within your life? It seemed almost like a flashback with Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems amplification being used successfully with Wilson Audio speakers. Oh, wait, this might have been a flashback as this combo was the best sound i've heard from Wilson Audio speakers a few months back within my AXPONA 2016 coverage. This setup included Nordost's awesome cables, dCS digital gear and a tank.
Ok, not a real tank, but a battery power supply unit from Stromtank as covered within my HIGH END 2016 Munich show report (more flashbacks?). That's the situation when you've covered so many high-end audio events within your lifetime, what's old, is, well, so month or three ago. T.H.E. Show 2016 must have been 125th show, maybe 130th, it all seems like a blur. Be that as it may, this system was unique in the specific products chosen by dealer The Audio Salon and looked like it would be a great combo too! But first, here's a breakdown of the gear and then let's get to the sound shall we?
dCS Rossini CD transport/DAC - $28,500
Using battery power instead of wall power is something every music loving audiophile should do. Sure many of us have dedicated power lines and that is a good starting point, yet if you really want to achieve the very best then you need to take it up a notch with battery power. Benefits include eliminating power line noise, lower impedance power delivery, and many other things including no worries about power spikes that can destroy your precious gear. Thus Stromtank, a company founded by an engineer who was with MBL, is an excellent choice. Sure it weighs nearly as much as a tank, and is quite expensive at $30,000, yet if you're striving to achieve the very best it will get a bit costly.
My listening notes say the music was endearing with a welcome touch of very slight warmth. Wish there was more time to sit and relax yet being the end of the day i could already tell i'm falling far behind schedule. It is obvious the Dan D'Agostino and Wilson Audio combo might be that magic one-two, with the Nordost cables making a successful connection. My personal time with Nordost cables has been extremely positive and they have everything from Ethernet to both analog and digital solutions plus quite a few fun tweaks.
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