ModWright Instruments, Daedalus Audio, WyWires And GIK Acoustics
ModWright Instruments teamed up with Daedalus Audio, WyWires and acoustic treatments by GIK Acoustics. My focus stood squarely on the incredible new ModWright Ambrose A30 monoblock SE ($15,000 per pair). This 30 Watt single-ended EL-34-based vacuum tube monoblock amplifier is wrapped in seductive artisan flamed maple wood. This very special word is built by master woodworker Lou Hinkley of Daedalus Audio. ModWright's Ambrose A30 uses precision hand-wound custom Electraprint single-ended output transformers too! Internally, the unit is point-to-point wired as expected from a high-end audio design. ModWright's amp also includes Jack Eliano (of Electraprint) Isolinear technology design to ensure low IMD and THD.
Also in the room is ModWright's Elyse 24-bit/192kHz tubed DAC ($6900), LS 36.5 'DM' two box balanced preamplifier ($9995), PH 150 tubes phonostage with external power supply and passive RIAA ($7900) and lastly ModWright's 'Truth' modified OPPO BDP-105D all vacuum tube analog stage with external tube power supply ($2495).
Daedalus Audio brought in their captivating Athena V.2 compact floorstanding loudspeakers that are a very high 96dD/W/m sensitive ($11,850) and DiD Daedalus Isolation Devices ($480 for a set of three). A variety of WyWires power cords, interconnect, digital and loudspeaker cables rounded out the system.
Looking back at my listening notes it says super-fast highs, tight tuneful bass and great balanced sound to-to-bottom. It is great to see extensive use of room acoustic devices, such as those from GIK Acoustics.
Within another room there was a headphone focused and static display with their TRYST headphone amplifier (starting at $2995) we covered during AXPONA 2016 plus Elyse tubed 24-bit/192kHz DAC, DiD Daedalus isolation devices, and a wide assortment of WyWires interconnects and loudspeaker cables.
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