| T.H.E. Show Newport
Beach 2015 Report It is always great seeing Ray Kimber of Kimber Kable and Shahin Al Rashid of emm labs at events such as T.H.E. Show Newport 2015. They always work wonderfully together showcasing Ray's IsoMike recording and here is no exception. With the IsoMike technique, recordings are available in multi-channel hybrid SACD disc and give you an inspiring and realistic 3D soundfield as if you were at the actual musical event. In fact many of the recordings are sold out, so hurry and get the currently available music now at IsoMike's website before they become sold out too! Check out their image gallery for a look at this revolutionary microphone technique.
Of course Kimber Kable had another room showcasing their cables. Here we see their new WattGate Evolution that handles up to 8 gauge wire, with hardware to hex head instead of Phillips to ensure a high quality connection. The body of this new power plug is manufactured with polycarbonate verses lower quality glass-filled nylon. The WattGate 381 is available in USA or European plug configuration.
Josh Borgstrom was here at T.H.E. Show 2015 making Kimber Kables speaker cables, which are all produced by hand here in the USA. Have been personally using Kimber Kables with excellent results for many years. Not just within my main system, yet in other rooms and am now using their all-silver cable within the car to connect the Sony NW-ZX2 to the in-car audio system with excellent results. Even my wife has commented how much better the car audio system sounds as compared to just using the stock system or the previous Apple iPod/Dice Electronics combo.
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