| T.H.E. Show Newport
Beach 2015 Report The Audio Nerd is a retail website who specializes in a variety of gear, including tweaks, cables and vinyl LPs. They carry stuff we here at Enjoy the Music.com have reviews such as the Black Ravioli, Bybee and JoLida. You can use our search engine and see the many reviews we have done.
Of course they cater to vinylphiles and one great bargain is the Spin Clean LP cleaner, which we have also reviewed of course. Within our review, Nels Ferre said ". It is quicker and easier, and records cleaned with the Spin Clean seem cleaner than those cleaned by hand with the supplied drying cloths. Sure, it requires two units this way, and it is noisier due to the vacuum cleaner, but at the end of the day, this is how I plan to clean my records from this point forward. The Spin-Clean cloths are still quite useful for removing the last bit of moisture that the KAB tends to leave behind on the outer edge of the LP. How easy is it? Counting the extra spins on the cleaning step and two cleaning/drying cycles, I can clean an LP in just over three minutes -- 3:06 to be exact -- and I was not rushing." See our review of the SPin Clean record washer at this link.
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