TAVES Consumer Electronics Show 2015 Show Report
Toronto Audio Video Entertainment Show Part 3
Report By Rick Becker
Excellence is one of the top retailers in the Toronto area and
they took two rooms at the show, 7107 & 7111. In this first room they showed
a deceptively simple system with a Naim
UnitiServe music server ($5495), Naim NA 272 preamp with upgraded power supply
($15,490), Naim NAP 250 DR power amp (80 wpc, $7495) all on a Naim Fraim rack
that will jump up and bite your wallet at $4385. It was all strung together with
Super Lumina interconnects at $3495 (each?) and 5 meter speaker cables at $6995
– driving Audio Physics Avanti
speakers at $11,000, all prices CAD. That adds up quickly, doesn't it? This
was the Canadian debut of the new Avanti, which was first introduced at RMAF a
few weeks earlier. Emmanuel LeQuerre of Naim informed me that Naim is exiting
the speaker building business and from what I heard in this room, that's a
great idea. Music here was excellent and I've often thought Naim's rooms in
the past have struggled when limited by having to use their own speakers. Not
that their speakers were bad, just that the electronics were so much better.
This room confirmed my suspicion and I expect the company will see a lot of
growth as more people are exposed to their gear driving a multitude of other
speaker brands. I'm normally a tube guy, but this solid state gear was one of
the Best Rooms at the show.
The other Audio
Excellence room was like déjà vu as Yogi would say.
More Naim gear, but not on a Naim
rack, and topped by a tall stack of MSB
digital gear with fancy footers that let the chassis jiggle as I've said in
previous reports. Oh, and there was a little digital recorder on the top shelf,
too, which was part of Peter McGrath's personal gear along with an Apple full
of music that he's recorded and collected over the centuries. And where
there's Peter, there's bound to be a Wilson
speaker. In this case it was the new Sabrina, Wilson's smallest and least
expensive floor stander in the smallest room I've ever heard a Wilson speaker.
Peter had them in front of the long wall with a row of armless steel office
chairs up against the opposite wall for a few lucky people to sit in. From what
I could tell, there were always more than a few people squeezing in to get a
listen. Peter had his hands full with the crowd but asked me to come back at the
end of the day. It wasn't until 5 o'clock Sunday that I walked in again,
battle weary. The chairs were still all taken, but there was room to breathe so
I stood along the short wall and listened to Peter addressing questions about
how he set up this small room for optimum bass response. When Peter talks, I
listen. He is a wealth of knowledge and experience. Finally, the others left and
we talked some more – about the Sabrina and bass quality.
I observed some black cloth behind the speaker that covered some absorptive
material he used to tame the bass. The speakers were angled in toward the
central listening chair, crossing just behind my head to minimize side wall
reflections and keep tonal balance correct. Every instance in recent memory the
Wilsons have been angled in toward the listener – sometimes more, sometimes
less, depending on the room and the distance to the chair. Even sitting off to
the side, the sound was excellent. Moving to the sweet spot made it even better
than that. It was not too dry, not too wet. It presented the room tone of the
recording without being bloomy or euphonic. Articulate, but not edgy; always
sounding just like music. And sounding like a much bigger speaker in a bigger
room than we were in. Technically, the Sabrina uses a silk dome tweeter similar
to what is now used on all Wilson speakers. Peter feels the Sabrina is superior
to the Sophia III which is the model immediately above it in their hierarchy.
I've heard both speakers, though in vastly different size rooms with vastly
different electronics, but I'm inclined to agree. Given the price difference,
the new Sabrina ($15,900 USD) is a much better value, and is said to be able to
perform in much larger rooms than we were in at the show.
Peter claimed not
to have the actual numbers, but thought the speaker's sensitivity was about
89dB/W/m. He's used the Sabrina "with an incredibly wide range of amplifiers
in different shows, and in different stores, and in different installations. And
it seems to thrive on anything you connect it to, whether it be solid state or
vacuum tube. The smallest VTL, the smallest Prima Luna amps, the smallest Audio
Research amps do extremely well with this, all the way to behemoth tube and
solid state amps." While the published specs for the Sabrina are a little
scary for lower powered tube amplifiers, I'd be inclined to take Peter for his
word. It certainly sounded very good in the "then and there" with the Naim
pre and power amps, adding credence to my speculation that Naim will do very
well by giving up their loudspeaker efforts and pairing their electronics with a
multitude of speaker manufacturers. What they lose in speaker sales they will
more than gain in sales of electronics.
The Sabrina is the
first speaker Dave Wilson has offered that was designed in collaboration with
his son, Darrel. Like VPI and PS Audio which are also bringing the next
generation into the forefront, this bodes well not only for Wilson Audio, but
for the industry as a whole. As the third generation owner of my business, I
know how hard it can be to mentor the next generation and ultimately hand over
the reins. If you haven't figured out by now, this was one of the Best
Rooms at the show. At one point, in a fit of enthusiasm, I blurted
out "Send me a pair!" but Peter deflected my interest. Since the Sabrina was
introduced very early in the year, we are probably on the brink of several
reviews being published, if they haven't already. With its compact size,
attractive style and larger than life capabilities, the Sabrina will win a large
following. Of course, it doesn't hurt to have Peter McGrath set them up for
you, if you can make that happen, too. The MSB Analog DAC was $16,985 CAD,
(starting from $9,450) and the MSB Universal Media Transport with Dual Transport
Power base and two Signature Power cables was $16,185 (starting from $10,250
CAD). The Naim NAC 282 preamp with HiCap was $11,990 and the Naim NAP 259 Power
Amp with 80 wpc, as in the previous room, was $6500, all CAD. The power
conditioner that was actually in use was a McIntosh unit, not a Torus as posted
in the room.
In 7103, which was
either the first or the last room on the hallway, I was delighted to see and
hear the gear presented by Jeff Dimock and Brian Smith of ANK
Kits, also, or formerly known as Audio Note Kits. Their designs are
evolving away (beyond) the original Audio Note designs and I like what I've
seen and heard in their rooms over the past couple of years. Also in action here
was the new Mundorf Anniversary
MA30 kit speaker that Mr. Mundorf had told me about in the Grant Fidelity room
at the Montreal show earlier this year. I saw him in the hall at TAVES at one
point, but didn't get a chance to talk with him. (He walks fast.) It will sell
for $3000 to $3500 CAD including the finished cabinet and be available in the
Toronto area through AuDIYo.com and Audio Sensibility. Steven Huang of Audio
Sensibility tells me he will be offering hot-rod step-ups to this speaker kit as
well as build service for those of us with a fear of soldering irons. He claims
his upgrades will greatly improve on the hardness heard at the show and he will
have detailed information about it up on his website very shortly. To me, the
MA30 sounded like it has great potential, but I suspect the sample playing in
this room did not have a lot of time on it.
The next visual
goody here was one of the new Zavfino turntables
with the fancy paint jobs that I mentioned earlier in this report. While it was
playing with a Dynavector Karat
17D3 cartridge, a cartridge I've used as my reference for a couple of years in
the past, I can't say the music here was really great. It kind of sounded like
everything was brand new and not yet broken in. Maybe it was simply that the
Mundorf speaker with its Air Motion Transducer tweeter and Accuton ceramic
mid/woofer had just been assembled. I don't know, but I expect the room would
sound better with some more time on the clock... or maybe just a lower volume
setting. The music was focused, but kind of aggressive, and unfamiliar to me, so
maybe that was part of the problem. The L4 Phono Stage was a new kit for them
and will sell for about $3000 CAD. The line stage was a very special limited
edition model. The speakers were driven by EL34 tube Level 1 monoblocks putting
out 35 watts. Unfortunately the music drowned out much of my conversation and I
missed a lot of the details in this room on my video notes. Suffice it to say
that I've previously heard ANK Kit gear sound a lot better than what I
experienced at this show.
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