SWAF 2024 Show Report Part 2
Seeing that Songer Audio made the trip to the Southwest Audio Fest 20924 show, they demonstrated their wonderful loudspeakers was a real treat! In the room were the S1x field-coil speakers ($45,000) powered by a Trafomatic Rhapsody integrated amplifier ($19,000). Front-end duties were performed by Innuos Statement Music Server and Streamer ($18,900) and a LampizatOr Poseidon DAC ($25,000).
Power was supplied by Stromtank S-2500 Quantum ($30,000). The SX1x speakers feature the new V4 Nova driver. It has redesigned steel geometry milled from ultra-low carbon steel, and the field coil pole piece is made from permendur, a hard-to-find high-flux alloy sourced from Germany. Additionally, the voice coils are cryogenically processed to improve conductivity and a new copper phase plug is now being used to increase the heat dissipation to the motor. As expected, the sound in this room was amazing; detailed, but never fatiguing. My hat goes off to Ken Songer for such an amazing achievement in single-driver design.
Raven Audio was one of the companies that represented Texas in the inaugural SWAF 2024. In their room, they had new versions of their Nighthawk ($3495), Blackhawk ($4495), and Osprey ($5695) integrated amplifiers. Also on display were their Corvus Reference Monitors ($9500) and Raptor speakers ($7500). Everything was hooked up using their interconnects, power chords, and speaker cables.
This was a very popular room and I was able to spend some time early on the last day of the show listening to what Raven had to offer. No matter what configuration or music I heard, everything sounded very musical.
The Vibrant Hi-Fi room featured the striking Avantgarde Acoustic Duo GT speakers ($87,000) paired with Phasemation MA-1500 300B monoblocks ($32,800) and a Phasemation CM-2200 Control Meister ($27,500). The source was the T+A SD3100 HV Reference Streaming DAC ($36,390) paired with an Antipodes K50 Music Streamer ($19,000). Several Computer Audio Design ground control units and Argento Organic Reference 2 cabling were used all around.
This system delivered the goods when it came to nuance and drama. It was my first encounter with Avantgarde Acoustic horns, and I was impressed!
The Ayre Acoustics room was demonstrating YG Acoustic Summit speakers ($25,000) with Ayre Acoustics electronics. The Ayre Acoustics equipment consisted of CX-8 NET CD player ($6450), VX-8 Stereo Power Amp ($6800), and a KX-8 Preamp ($6400).
It was all connected using Cardas cabling. A great room and glad to see them here at the show.
Part 3 coming soon, as I'll delve deeper into my Southwest Audio Fest 2024 show coverage.
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