The 13th annual Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest (RMAF) came with spectacular weather, bright Aspens dotting the mountains, a "Big Top" tent, and most exhibits in one tower, and all went smoothly. We all are aware of the unfinished renovations at the Marriott that had Marjorie Baumert and staff working hard to overcome, and in my estimation the show came off without a hitch, congratulations to the Colorado Audio Society and everyone involved.
Having most of the rooms in one tower made navigating much easier, and it was easier to be sure to see every room and not miss any, the halls were straight and the end rooms couldn't be missed. The elevators were packed, so my plan was to go to the 11th floor, and use the stairs to get to each lower floor, it worked perfectly. Friday and Saturday were very well attended, and Sunday, well it's always slower on Sunday especially with a Bronco game at home. Maybe more shows should follow Gary Gill's Capital Audiofest lead and have a must attend audio kit giveaway at 4pm on Sunday, it drew a much larger Sunday crowd in Rockville, and some lucky people went home deliriously happy.
Knowing they would be in some smaller rooms than anticipated, most exhibitors sized the speakers to the room properly, used room treatments, and are getting better at setting up in hotel rooms. I quickly found out many rooms had a front center chair that was "nearfield", and the system worked wonderfully from that close perspective, bravo to the setup skills of the room hosts. The hosts of some rooms were kind enough to tell me which chair the room setup for, the sweetest of spots, thanks for the tip.
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