Vitus Audio #Winning At HIGH END
Vtitus Audio, founded in Denmark by music-loving engineer Hans Ole Vitus, believes in uncompromising quality. "Nothing is allowed to interfere with the original sound of the recording; it's all about music." We here at Enjoy the Music.com whole-heartedly agree! High End by Oz in Los Angeles is their newly appointed USA distributor, and together, they have formulated a strategy for re-entering the American market. They plan to include a local service center, secondhand certification, and warranty guidelines as well as general dealer guidelines. Founded in January 1995, Vitus Audio introduced its first products to the US market at CES 2004 after eight years of intensive research and development. Here at HIGH END 2019 Vitus Audio released their new SIA-030 Signature Integrated Amplifier (€35,000). An immense 2.2KVA custom design transformer is vibration suspended, and matched with a ~400,000uF capacitor bank. Control logic has it's own power supply, plus there's a secondary capacitor bank of approximately 216,000uF. The fully regulated power supply is similar to what is found in Vitus' MP-M201 four chassis mono amplifiers; so this gives you an good idea how immense the PSU is.
There's is a user switchable Class A at 30 Watts per channel stereo, or Class AB at 200 Watts, both at 8 Ohms and nearly doubling as Ohm load halves. Thus you can enjoy the sweet purity of true Class A operating, and then switch to Class AB as desired. As standard, there are two unbalanced RCA inputs and three fully balanced XLR inputs. There's also a pre-out unbalanced to use with most active subwoofers. An optional MM/MC phono stage and DAC/Streamer are offered. DAC inputs are AES, S/PDIF, Ethernet for streaming, USB supporting up to 2x DSD, and optical input. Note that loudspeaker outputs are true balanced, so that is quite impressive indeed! There's a RJ45/USB logical inputs for easy firmware upgrades.
Other gear within their room includes a front-end system with Thrax Yatrus turntable / Schroeder tonearm (€12,000, Sculpture A.3 cartridge is €2400), Vitus Audio's special RP-102 MC/MM phono stage (€12,000), Vitus Audio SCD-025 Signature CD player/DAC (€21,000), and Alluxity Media One (€12,500) music server. A variety of excellent Andromeda and Furutech cables fed a pair of Rockport Avior loudspeakers. The amplifier stand, as seen here, is Stillpoints' CS4-9 (€2800) and has four Ultra 6 Stillpoints feet. Phew, with those wonderful details done we can (finally get the the sound. Look, manufacturers love it when their room receives an award, which this room certainly does for Best Sound At HIGH END 2019. And the sound was high-end audio reference quality! Smoooooth and exceedingly clean, with a gloriously natural harmonic structure that went both tight and deep on bass plus way on high for cymbals and such. Soundscape was deeeeeeeep; close your eyes and wade into the 'immense pool' of musical instruments presented in front of you. It reminds me of a popular meme from year ago... #Winning.
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