A Billionaire's Guide To HIGH END 2018 In Munich
There is no doubt one tends to see an extremely wide variety of people at Germany's HIGH END 2018 in Munich. Attendees at HIGH END range from the very young babies to quite old over 80. There's many people from all around the world including USA, EU, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Japan, Canada, etc, etc and yes etc. Was chatting with a longtime, and highly-respected, woman within our industry and she was a bit perplexed. Why you ask? Well, none of us are happy about the recent LAAS 2018 cancellation and it seems some people <cough> men </cough> were saying less than positive things about the ladies. Remember kids, all generalizations are wrong; generally speaking. Personally, have learned that the proverb "never judge a book by its cover" to hold true when it comes to the human race. Thus during HIGH END 2018 show I felt it was time to honor the lovely ladies who work extremely hard to make our industry a success. Oh, and will readily admit that my muse / soon-to-be-wife (we're engaged!) is indeed the 'better half' of our future marriage. What is it they say? Behind every man is a great woman... who makes me laugh and smile each and every day. She's also an inspiration to many within high-end audio. With that said, I now present to you a few photos featuring smart, talented, amazing, and hard-working women of high-end audio.
Just seeing if you're paying attention. This is the extremely talented guitarist Damian Salazar at HIGH END 2018. Check out his YouTube video here.
A most humble thanks to everyone at HIGH END 2018 for helping me retrieve my tablet computer. Left it on the shuttle bus from the airport to the show. They were kind enough to ensure it arrived safely to my hands within an hour. Simply stated, if it was not for the ladies of HIGH END there'd be almost no way for me to report on their show in an efficient manner. Thank you ladies of HIGH END 2018. You're all very much appreciated.
Ok, now give me some attitude gurl! That's perfect!
---> Onward to Part 3 of our HIGH END 2018 show report.
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