Munich HIGH END Show Report 2016 Showcasing what applied modern mathematics as it pertains to manipulating the human hearing system, Dr. Edgar Choueiri and his Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH-SP system was mated with Marten speakers and Engstrom electronics. Yes the room wins my award for the very best imaging, yet am not sure if audiophiles are willing to drop their classic role of 'purist' to then experiment in modern technology to fine-tune their audio system Be as it may, who cares what 'audiophiles' think as the proof is in the listening and this room easily achieved the most transparent, 3D imaging that was completely free from the physical limitations of the loudspeaker positioning.
If you look at the photo above just between the middle devices, you can see the camera that tracks your movement, which alters how the BACCH-SP head-tracking device operates. i am so in awe of the BAACCH-SP device that i forgot the details of the remainder of the room. Here are some pics. BTW, BACCH-SP stands for Band Assembled Crosstalk Cancellation Hearopy Stereo Purifier.
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