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Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report

Day 3 Features A Dazzling Array Of High-End Audio Gear At FIAE 2025
Thoughts concerning the most expensive hi-fi stereo audiophile sound systems in Tampa.
Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report By Brett Rudolph



Room 264   AV Luxury
The AV Luxury room displayed one of the most unique speakers at the expo, the Bayz Audio Courante 2.0s. They look somewhat like a pair of carabiners, but luckily, that is where the resemblance stops. I had the fortune of seeing these again at CAF, but I am still blown away by their sound and the fact that they can produce it.



When you enter the room, the first thing that strikes you is the speakers themselves, but once you get over the visual shock, the real fun begins. These are capable speakers, and the system behind them is no slouch. The words I'd use to describe it are clean, clear, and natural; there is just nothing else to it. The sound is effortless. The instruments are a tapestry of sound and a delight to hear. It was a real delight to behold.

The system consisted of Nayz Audio Courante 2.0 ($47,900 to $69,900 per pair), Acoustic Arts Power III Integrated Amplifier with DAC & Phono Stage ($20,490), ReVox / Sonorus – PR99 Reel-To-Reel (vintage), Acoustic Arts Player III CD Player ($14,990), Aurender N20 Ultra High-Performance Network Transport Music Server / Streamer ($12,500), Berkeley Audio Design Alpha USB Series 2 Noise Isolation Re-clocker ($2495), Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC Reference Series 3 ($28,000). All cabling by Shunyata.



Room 223   Playback Distribution
The Playback Distribution room had an interesting setup with a system curated from multiple companies they represent. It was one of the rooms where you got to experience several different manufacturers' products. The result was interesting to hear.



The system in room 223 took what I believe to be the best from all its parts. I enjoyed how well the PMC Prophecy 9 loudspeakers handles the music. They were well-heeled, considering the information that the Advance components were feeding them. There was plenty of bass to fill the room, but none of it seemed muddy. In fact, it appeared that the room itself was holding the system back. There was a potential for more, given the right environment. Considering all the people going in and out by the time we got to the room, this was not the place.



The system consisted of PMC 9 three-way floorstanding speakers (12999/pair), Advance A12 Classic Integrated Amplifier ($3799), Advance X-CD Player ($1199), Advance WTX StreamTubes Network Streamer ($599), Volta Power Strip ($999). All cables by Celesta.



Room 257   Volti Audio, Triode Wire Labs, Cary Audio, And Mojo Audio
The Volti Audio room was standout at the beginning of the second day. I walked into it and fell in love with how the speakers looked. I know that looks aren't everything, especially with audio equipment. Still, there is something about horns that always makes me smile a little bit. The trouble with them is that they usually have a sound that I don't like, but these were different.



My first note about this room was that the speakers were horn-loaded and didn't have a horn sound. That means something because, without that, nothing is possible. They had a well-integrated bass. The music was enveloping and warm. The music was incredibly coherent and sounded lifelike. The sound filled the room with its majesty, and I had no complaints whatsoever. It was a great demonstration.



The gear in the room was the Vittora Loudspeaker System (Vittora Speakers, two ELF12, one ELFamp, one ELFpre) ($50,000), Innuos ZENith music server 2TB ($6999), Mojo Audio Mystique SE DAC ($8499), Cary SLI-80 ($4995).  Cables by Triode Wire Labs.



Brandon 6    Popori Acoustics / UniQue Home Audio
This was the first of the big rooms on the 1st floor we visited. They always hold the larger systems and usually the bigger crowds, too. The Popori Acoustics / UniQue Home Audio room was no exception. Everyone was looking to see the WR1 speakers. Again, these are not new speakers, but they are nevertheless impressive electrostatics. They are the only ones I know now who can play loud music and do it well.

The speakers and the equipment aren't new, but the configuration, at least for me, is something I never saw before. I took a seat and listened. I first noticed that I liked them more than I had the last time I heard them. They sounded great. They were clear and coherent. They had plenty of air, even on the most difficult of passages. They didn't have any predilection to a specific type of genre, which is typically the case. The vocals were pristine and crisp. Suppose I had to make one negative comment, and this is really straining. In that case, the entire demonstration was a slight analytical touch for me, but that is a personal taste, not a flaw.



There were two separate systems in the room. The first one had their larger W1s, and the smaller one had their W3s. They were demonstrating their W1s.



System 1
This was the system that was being demonstrated. It consisted of Popori Acoustics Electrostatic Speakers WR1 ($66,800/pair), Margules U-280SC Class A amplifier ($12,000/each), Bacch-SP stereo purifier with DAC ($30,000), ASC Studio Traps ($1278/each), AGY Custom Power Conditioner ($TBD), UHA Audio Rack ($1200). Cables and Cable lifters by VIABLUE.





System 2
Although this system wasn't being demonstrated, it shows an example configuration of their smaller W3 electrostatic speakers. This system consisted of Popori Acoustics Electrostatic Speakers WR3 ($17,800), Margules i240 Class A integrated amplifier ($7000), Margules i240 Class A integrated amplifier ($7000), Margules M501 music server/streamer ($3500), Rythmik F12G Subwoofers ($1278/each), UHA Audio Rack ($800), Coda No. 8 Amplifier with meters ($7800).




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