Day 3 Features A Dazzling Array Of High-End Audio Gear At FIAE 2025
Brandon 5 MBL North America
This was one of my favorite rooms at the expo. It was one of those rooms that did everything right for me. Maybe their new C41 Network player made the difference, but whatever it was, the sound was incredible. It was, in a word, elegant. Start with an enveloping soundstage and add accurate detail to allow its full majesty to fill your world with the potential it holds. Next, imagine that the world holds instruments playing and a female vocalist singing. You can hear all of it in the pristine beauty without anything in the way. It might not be as perfect as your imagination, but it's close enough to get you most of the way there. That's what the room was like. The system was simple for something that was this powerful. It consisted of MBL 101 E MKII Loudspeaker ($91000), MBL 9011 Mono Amplifier ($64,100/each), MBL C41 Network Player ($11,000), UHA Ultima Apollo Tape Deck. Cables by WireWorld.
Ballroom Sabal Playback
Audio The entire playback system recreated the music very well. There was plenty of bass in the large room. The piano sounded lifelike, and the female vocalist on the track I heard during the demonstration was rich and full-bodied. However, I found the soundstage a tad too forward for my tastes, primarily due to the room acoustics and the recording, not the system itself. Overall, it was a wonderful experience; I would've sat there all afternoon if I had allowed it, but alas, Tempus fugit.
There were two systems in the room. The first was demonstrated, and the result is the above. The other was static. I've listed both.
System 1
System 2
Park Fidelity Imports
The gear in the room was Perlisten S7T Floor-Standing Speakers ($21,990/pair), Perlisten D15s 15” Subwoofer ($5995), Audia Flight FLS1 Preamplifier ($9999), Audia Flight Stereo Amplifier ($11,999), Michell Audio Gyro SE Turntable ($6499), Michell Audio Apollo / Muse Phono Preamplifier and power supply ($4999), Goldring Elite cartridge ($999).
Well, it was over after what seemed like no time, but it was from early morning until 5:30 P.M. in the evening. We had finally completed our mission of the day. We had made it through the hotel rooms or as many as possible. A few were too crowded, a couple had interviews at the time, and some weren't open, but what counted was that we were done. We loved it but were tired, so it was dinner time. Where do weary travelers go to eat? The hotel restaurant. Remember when I mentioned that it took us forever to get to the hotel? Well, I think that the restaurant might have learned the same lesson. Everything was going great. We ordered, and our dinner came out in a fairly reasonable length of time. The trouble started when my son ordered something to go. It was only a Caesar Chicken Wrap, but he broke the system, and everything stopped. I was afraid we might not make the show the next day. It was a comedy of errors. First, after half an hour, we decided to get the check and at least pay for everything, only to find that the waitress forgot to order it. We ordered it, and an hour later, we got our to-go order. By the time we got back to the hotel room, both of us were tired and fell asleep.
At Last, The Finale Alas, parting is such sweet sorrow, but this is where I must leave you. Don't worry; I will be back for the next show. Until then, myself and son Dylan say "Enjoy the music!"
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