Day 2 Delivers Tantalizing Hi-Fi Gear
At FIAE 2025
Lunch ended up being a lot of fun. We met with Steven R. Rochlin, the Creative Director for Enjoy the Music.com, his wife Heather, and Albert Martinez from Synergistic Research. We spent about an hour discussing the show, what we saw, and everything. When we were done, we parted ways and got back on track for the rest of the afternoon and more of what the expo had in store. It certainly had more wonders yet to bestow. Thanks to my son Dylan Rudolph who took the photos.
Room 443 Luxury HiFi / Suncoast Audio
System 1
The system in room one consisted of Tobian Sound Systems VR 40 / 300B / 2A3 Integrated ($42,625), Tobian Sound Systems 15FH Full Range Horn Speakers ($70,125), Pink Faun Scion Streamer 8TB ($22,000), MSB Discreet DAC w/ Dual PSUs ($15,930), Critical Mass Systems Ultra Gateway Rack and Shunyata Research cables.
System 2
The system in room two consisted of Fezz Audio Mira Ceti 300B Integrated ($4795), Tobian Sound Systems 12HC Coaxial Horn Speakers ($28,875/pair), Pink Faun Scion Streamer 8TB ($22,000), Critical Mass Systems Ultra Gateway Rack and Shunyata Research cables.
Room 451 Ball Audio Distribution
And System Solutions
The speakers themselves did a fantastic job with the midrange, which usually is the downfall of all systems. In this case, it only added to the richness of the sound quality. It was so good that this was another one of my favorite rooms again. It was also one of the few rooms with large floor-standing monitors working in smaller hotel rooms.
The system was made up of Margules Orpheo Century Intermezzo Speakers ($30,000), Margules U-280 SC 30th Anniversary LTD Tube Amplifier ($12,000), Margules SF-220 30th Anniversary Tube Preamplifier ($8000), J. Silkora Initial MAX Special Edition Turntable ($17,250), J. Sikora KY12TVA 12” Tonearm ($8995), Ortofon AS-309R Tonearm w/headshell ($3728), Zesto Andros Deluxe II Phonostage (($8300), Aldas True-Stone Gold Web Cartridge ($5995), Margules Magenta MS-01 Music Server & DAC ($3500), Quadspiresvt 5 Shelf Rack ($3300), Cabled by VIABLUE.
Room 454 Reel Sound Distribution / Metaxas & Sins
My first impression of these speakers are everything you would expect from an electrostatic speaker and more. First, they don't suffer from any of the crossover issues that many electrostatic speakers are prone to have. The music flows from them. The smaller panels don't have the presence that the larger ones do, but they are certainly far from impotent. If you add a sub, like they did in the room, they are enough for a smaller room. Oppositely, when you put the whole system together, it might be a contender for some of the larger electrostatic speaker systems I've heard. However, to make that statement, it would take hearing them in a far larger room with hopefully better acoustics.
The system in the room consisted of Tourbillon T-RX Reel to Reel ($52,000), Perambulator Turntable ($29,000), Combobulator Tonearm ($9000), Czar Speaker ($37000), Prinz Speaker ($24,000), Solitaire Integrated Amplifier ($41,000), Barus Integrated Amplifier ($29,000), Tourbillon Custom Stand ($8000).