Gary Gill was convinced he had a plan to keep his CAF busy right through closing on Sunday by holding a drawing where you had to be present to win. Of course he also needed to make the prizes worthy. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! With a little help from friends, a sensational system was given away Sunday to a lucky participant.
Alta Audio's Rhea speakers, VPI's 299D Integrated tube amp plus Player turntable, and Luminous Audio cables became the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (show). The system was on display in Room 210, and sounded like a great prize too! There are always stories of equipment failures and incompatibilities at every show, and this time yours truly was involved.
Outside of the room Friday I bumped into Tim Stinson of Luminous Audio and asked how the show was going for him. Tim said he had four of his Arion phono preamps in use, including the VPI / KEF room, but he couldn't use the Arion here because of some hum/buzz that just couldn't be solved by floating grounds or cable routing changes. The lightbulb went off over my head, and I told Tim I've got something and I'd be right back.
I went to the CARE audio room and asked Sunil if I could borrow the Core Power Technologies E=Q 300 balanced power cord/conditioner, thankfully he said yes. I drew a few stares as I walked down the hall with the E=Q 300 under my arm. I gave it to Tim who installed it when the chance came. The noxious buzz and hum were 100% banished, and thus Tim was happy as was I. The AC power at these shows is sketchy at best, and here is a simple and affordable solution as the giveaway room sang beautifully with the Arion back in the system, quietly.
There were actually three more drawings for audio goodies Sunday afternoon! John Gatski of Everything Audio Review gave away a HA-2 DSD portable player from OPPO, Scott Dalzell of Viva HiFi gave away a pair of ELAC B5 bookshelf speakers, and Tweak Studio gave away a gift card. A huge crowd gathered in the Atrium for the drawings, and crowded close for a better look at what was happening.
Gary Gill played Master of Ceremonies, but was soon upstaged by the effervescent Mat Weisfeld who got the crowd to quiet down and behave. Mat has a way of garnering everyone's attention and so I nominate him to be High End's mouthpiece as he appeals to everybody equally. It was a fun and exciting end to another great sounding, friendly, laid back Capital Audiofest. Congratulations Gary, Paul, Christina and staff for the best show yet!
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