Capital Audiofest (CAF) 2015 Show Report Part 2
CAF 2015 Coverage By Kemper Holt

ModWright, Daedalus,
WyWires and VPI Industries
In one of the big rooms on the 3rd floor, Rickie
Lee Jones like a Siren called to me as I approached, "come in and relax" the
music said. I was just in time for an A/B comparison with the new DIDs,
Daedalus Isolation Devices $120 each. Lou Hinkley, Mr. Solid Wood
speakers, demonstrated the effectiveness of the DIDs as he added and removed
them from under a ModWright Instruments OPPO
105D with "Truth" mods Universal player $3,880. We listened
several times to Rickie Lee Jones' "Easy Money" from her 1st
release, and each time the 6 other listeners and myself could hear a better
focus on her voice, tighter bass lines, and highs that just floated. The DIDs
use dissimilar materials to dissipate vibration, wood, metal, and ball bearings
and the result was an audible gain. Lou had his newly updated Poseidon V.2 speakers $16,450 in cherry ($21,450 in Baked
Flamed Maple with "Art Deco" front baffle) firing cater-corner in the room
trying to tame the bass. The wood finish is extraordinary, and the look is
luxury heirloom quality. The V.2 upgrade uses new woofers and a tweaked
crossover, well worth the effort. Dan Wright brought
the whole inventory to power the system, LS
36.5 DM linestage $9,995, KWA 150 SE Signature Edition amp $8,495, Elyse DAC
$6,900, PH 150 Tube Phono Stage $7,900, and the MW OPPO 105D. VPI had
the new Avenger $9,000 turntable
and 3D arm ready to spin vinyl. WyWires
was used throughout, including their new Diamond
series Interconnects $4,495/pr.
Poking around behind the equipment I found a wire loom to keep
the wires separated, a nice detail, and Lou can build you one if you want it. My
cut from Michael Hedges, "Rickover's Dream" was as dynamically exciting
here as it was on the Daedalus Athena V.2s, guitar tone on the button, plenty of
detail, and solid bass, deep and powerful. Lou played a favorite of mine that he
has on his server, Jesse Colin Young's "Ridgetop", just beautiful on this
system. At the end of the song, Jesse uses his voice like an instrument and has
a wonderful interplay duet with the saxophone, I've never heard the two better
delineated, best sound yet from Lou and Dan at CAF.

Backert Labs, Martin Logan,
Odyssey, And Chord
Norah Jones' "Don't Know Why" from Come
Away With Me was playing on the turntable when I walked into this
lowly lit room, relaxed and engaging, but I didn't see a phono stage? A
prototype Backert Tube Phono Stage
was being used to good advantage, 2016 availability and price TBD. The focus
here was on the Backert Unnamed Tube Linestage
$2,995, looking classy in silver and showing the new acrylic tube
cover to allow that valve "Glow" to accent a darkened room. Andy
Tebbe Explained to me that Bob
Backert kept the same circuit topology as the more expensive Rhythm
1.1, but used less expensive parts to be able to offer most of the Rhythm's
beauty at less than half the cost. High quality polypropylene caps instead of
Teflon, an ALPS pot not a TKD, and less expensive casework helped shave the
cost, yet retain most of the Rhythm's sonics. A of pair Martin
Logan Montis speakers $10,000/pr were driven by a pair of Odyssey
Kismet mono amps $5,000/pr( shown here in Stratos cases ), a VPI
Classic with 3D arm and Dynavector
XX2 mk II cartridge spun records, and a Chord
Hugo DAC $2,500 fed from a laptop completed the system. Although a ML
sub was in the corner, it was never used during the show. Attention ML Montis
owners, the Odyssey Kismet amps really brought the stats to life, sounding the
best I've heard them. The system had a tight vocal focus, was very transparent
and clear, and conveyed good emotion evident on Norah Jones, and Eva Cassidy's
Songbird, had a big soundstage with precise imaging. I sure
like the idea of bringing such a good sounding and looking preamp down under
$3000, should be a winner.

Starting with the 1,000 watt Russian transmission triode lit
up in the hall, to the redesign of the Quads inside, nothing here is off the
shelf. Dave Slagle, Ijaz Khan, John Pessetto, and Jeffery Jackson have
built " and they are close to finalizing the
details. Since the Quads are a two-way design, they eliminated the passive
crossover, and use two custom PP Triode wired EL 34 tubed amps (15watts each) with
specially designed transformers, each dialed in to drive their specific panels,
the best part is the Quad's transformer is kicked to the curb. The panels,
courtesy of Wayne Picquet, are
re-furbished using three-micron film, and the dust cover is not re-installed. They
sit up higher than stock on a hardwood base/frame, and the panels are clamped to
the frame using brass cones for superior rigidity resulting in wider dynamic
swings and better detailing. A vintage Garrard
301 turntable with a machined brass platter used a Siggwan
tonearm and Soundsmith modded Denon 103 cartridge, feeding an EMIA
Silver Phono Stage $12,000, and EMIA Silver Autoformer Volume Control $5,400. Miles
Davis was on the platter when I finally got in, after three futile tries, and he was
resplendent, his trumpet clear and powerful, dripping with emotion, I felt
transported to a small club. I got to hear "Industrial Disease" and "Love Over Gold" from Dire Straits' Love Over
Gold, and the speakers just rocked out, big deep stage, great vocals,
solid bass, and toe tapping PRAT.

Industries And KEF
A corporate president that knows, cares, and appreciates all
of his employees? Harry you did right passing the reigns to son, Mat
Weisfeld, who brought the entire gang down to Rockville along with,
maybe for the first time, every turntable VPI
Industries makes! The room was awash with vinyl spinning glory,
turntable heaven. VPI turntables were
everywhere at the show, many sporting multiple arms allowing cartridge
comparisons and proper mono record playback. The energy and "esprit de
corps" of the whole VPI staff was on abundant display, led by Mat, who
insisted fiancé Jane Cai pick up the trombone and jump into the lineup for a
picture. On display up front in the system were the fruits of both Weisfelds, Harry
Weisfeld's Avenger from $9,000 and Mat's
Prime $3,800 with JMW 3D arm. The system used to audition the 2 tables
was anchored by a pair of "arrest me red" KEF
Blade 2 speakers $25,000/pr, VAS monoblock amps, ModWright LS 100 linestage
$3,750, and a choice of phono stages, either a Luminious
Audio Arion $6,395, or a DSA Phono II $13,500. On my third visit to
this room, I spied a Backert Rhythm 1.1 Line
Preamp $7,500 tucked into the rack, not sure if it got any play, but
it sure is pretty. I was too distracted by all the VPI candy to sit and listen,
but from the back of the room the sound filled the large room with punchy bass
and good dynamic swings. Mat is doing a great job helming the VPI ship and is
aware of the human condition, the thoughtful chief gave the staff half a day off
when they returned home to recover from the show, Mat "you da man". If you
are in the market for a turntable, from entry level to reference, please start
with VPI Industries and get great sound from your records, tremendous value, and a made in
the USA product.

United Home Audio, JoLida,
MBL, And Synergistic Research
Reel to Reel is alive and very well as this room proved. Greg
Beron of UHA had his UHA Phase
12-PB-OPS $25,000
dishing out some of the best sounding music at the show. Every part and function
of this deck has been painstakingly honed over seven years to provide the best
source for any system. The most important change to the 12 model is a complete
redesign of the preamp section, eliminating output capacitors from the signal
path, improving all aspects of the sound. Partnering with Jerred
and Mike Allen of JoLida / Luxor, and
MBL as in previous shows makes for
an inviting room. In addition to the UHA Phase 12 deck, was a JoLida
Fusion DAC/Transport $5,000, JoLida Luxor Preamp VTSP $8,500, four Luxor VTM 100
mono amps $9,000 each, and a pair of MBL
116F Radialstrahler Speakers $32,500/pr. Synergistic Research linked
it all together with Atmosphere Level 4 cables
and room treatments. One of the highlights of any show is the
after-hours tape listening sessions Greg hosts on Friday and Saturday nights
(mornings), you can't believe how good your favorite artists' music sounds
until you've heard a master tape of the album, sensational. The system was
throwing a huge soundstage very wide and deep, front row perspective, and doing
a holographic thing with voices, very focused and in the room sounding. I
don't think there is a better source than tape played back through a world
class system like this, powerful bass transients, huge dynamic swings, details
missed on other formats, and a "they are in the room" effect to die for.
Both RTR analog tape and vinyl are staging comebacks, it's no secret why as
they convey music with staggering realism. Greg's persistence in improving
every aspect of his UHA Phase 12 has produced the most exciting and involving
source for any system, combined with the 20 sources of New Generation Master
Tape Copies, have created worldwide demand for this one of a kind deck.
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