Capital Audiofest (CAF) 2015 Show Report Part 2
CAF 2015 Coverage By Kemper Holt

Border Patrol, Triode Wire
Labs, And Living Voice
Local manufacturer Border
Patrol, had a very quiet room, I mean a black background from which
small details sprung forth revealing musical info missed by other systems. Gary
Dews, designer for BP should be nick named power supply Czar.
Gary's amps and preamps have giant outboard power units relaying his opinion
on just how important a p/s is to the sonics of a design. For 2015 CAF Gary
dispensed with a preamp and ran a MacMini into a Border
Patrol USB NOS DAC $1,250 with tube rectified power supply as used
here, add $750. Speaking of power supplies, the BP
S20 amp from $13,750, (the silver knob on the amp is a volume
control), has two mono power supply units to let this 18 watt parallel single-ended 300B
based amp sound much bigger than the ratings suggest, and I don't think any
other 300B amp has the frequency extension at both ends of the spectrum as the
S20 does. We all gush over the SET mids, but this amp is wide band and has good
bass slam and clear highs. A pair of Living
Voice Avatar OBX-RW speakers $11,850 were connected with Triode Wire Labs American Speaker Cables Bi-Wire version $1,099/pr,
with TWL Spirit ICs $349/pr and a TWL
Silver Statement power cord $1,199, and a few Digital
American cords $499 ($699 for HP version) were used throughout the
system. The system had a very interesting ability to draw you in to the music,
nothing jumping out, but instruments and voices sounding just right. Surprising
to me was the drum kit impact, and the slew of small details flowing easily into
the room. Only the soundstage seemed a bit small, but the room contributed to
that aspect. Everything else was superb, violin and guitar tones were spot on,
voices tightly focused and clear, sax sounded raw and powerfully dynamic, and
Michael Hedges' "Rickover's Dream" had the immediacy and explosiveness
to be exciting and live. Another room using TWL
cables that was neutral balanced, low noise floor, and just a wee bit sweet on
top, in a marketplace that can be wildly priced, Pete's cables are a real

Gershman Acoustics, Lamm,
And Nordost
As I got off the elevator on the 4th floor, I saw a
6 foot tall poster for a speaker, turning the corner and into the room I went
expecting some big cabinets. Well despite the big sound in the room, the
speakers were petite, at least for floor standers. Eli
and Ofra Gershman were wonderful hosts, and offered to play, digital
only, anything anybody wanted to hear. I could hardly get over the sound coming
from these small, unassuming speakers. Coated in "Ferrari Red", the Gershman
Acoustics Grande Avant Garde Loudspeakers $ 12,950/pr are small
enough to fit in any room, yet roar when needed. LAMM Industries supplied a LL2.1
preamp $6,490, and a pair of M1.2 mono amps $27,190/pr. The striking
wide and flat speaker cables shown in my second picture, and all the rest of the
cables were from the Valhalla 2 collection by
Nordost. I asked about the big footers the preamp and CD player were
sitting on and got a surprising answer, the equipment was floating. The Levitation
Vibration Control (LVC) footers $359 to $389 per set of four, use the
repelling force of magnets to float the equipment on them to eliminate
vibrations, and judging from what I heard they were effective. Eli put my demo
disc in the Oracle and I enjoyed every second of the next 15 minutes, Michael
Hedges was exciting, the KODO drums rattled the room with surprising deep bass
power and the other percussionists on the track appeared deep into the
soundstage with plenty of treble details, and voices were clear and nicely
focused with plenty of body. Enjoy
the Music.com's
Rick Jensen just reviewed these speakers and I have to agree with
him, I really had fun listening to music in this room.

Audio Note UK
This room took a risk and had a gifted cellist, Vincent
Belanger, playing live, and sometimes accompanied by himself on CD.
Vincent's cello is a family heirloom 200 years old, and it sounded fantastic.
Sitting six feet from the cello was a real treat, all the colors, tone, and
dynamics from the solo cello were delicious, I reveled in the music, it just
flowed. I was floored by the power of the bass frequencies when Vincent bowed
the low notes, the vibrations were tactile. Gary Gill was next to me for one of
the many performances, and when Vincent finished "Partitae Mundi", we both
stood up and applauded, just a beautiful program. It's not fair to make a
direct comparison to a live instrument, but the Audio
Note system did a very credible job of keeping up with Vincent. A
pair of Audio Note AN-E speakers $9,600/pr featured
silver wire voice coils and internal wiring. An AN3 Phono Preamp $11,000, fed a Jinro Shochu amp $31,000, making for a very natural sounding

The Voice That Is, Tidal,
Aurender, And Stillpoints
Doug White's clients
should consider themselves very content, if you are lucky enough to have a The
Voice That Is system, and then count your blessings. Doug's rooms
are always sensational, beautifully decorated with plants and great gear. In
this primarily Tidal room, Doug was
displaying the upgraded Tidal Contriva G2
speakers $65,990, with a finish you could fall into it was so deep.
An Aurender N10 Reference Music Server $7,995 fed
a Tidal Preos D Stereo Preamp/DAC $32,190, and
a pair of Tidal Impulse Monoblock amps
$64,990/pr drove
the Contriva G2s. Purist Audio Luminist
Revision Dominus Speaker Cables $15,000/pr, LR 25th Anniversary XLR
ICs $9,970/pr, and LRD AC Power cords $2,870/prconnected all the
gear. Silver Circle Audio provided a Tchaik 6 Power Conditioner Isolation Transformer $9,995, and
everything was sitting on a StillPoints ESS
GRID Rack with StillPoints Ultra
Isolators, and the room had StillPoints
Aperture Room Treatments $699/panel. I listened to plenty of music in
this room, basking in top notch sonics. From the extremely quiet noise floor,
small details popped out, percussion from Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an
Exhibition" came from deep in the soundstage yet seemed clear as a "bell".
The power of the full orchestra was easily rendered, and dynamics handled with
aplomb. The system expressed detail in a perfect way, not edgy or forward, but
with ease and gave the listener a relaxed sense to just listen and have fun.
This room could have been the top of the lot, had it not been next door to even
bigger Tidals.

Bricasti, Tidal And The
Voice That Is
If Batman had a
man cave, he would have these speakers. Resplendent in Midnight Gloss Black, the
450 pound (each) Tidal Agoria speakers
$109,990/pr, looked at home in this big room. Brian
Zolner, President of Bricasti, got to be the ultimate DJ and played
all genres of music. First I heard The Weekend's "Earned It" from the 50
Shades of Grey soundtrack, exhibiting dynamics I didn't know the
song had, huge soundstage, wide and very deep, and the vocals mesmerizing. Then
I heard how sensational DSD can sound as Brian played some pieces from Channel
Classics' catalog, WOW! Staggering dynamic swings, tons of detail,
beautiful string tone, and a true sense of transparency usually reserved for RTR
tapes and huge electrostatics. Decoding these and other Hi-Res Audio files was a Gold
plated Bricasti M1 DAC $15,000, and
the "Goldfinger" edition had some mods under it's gleaming skin as well.
Brian experimented with components and simplifying paths to get a surprising
improvement to the already stellar M1, probably going to be a SE version. The
two large mono amps, Bricasti M28s $30,000/pr,
the stand and were connected directly to the M1 DAC without any intermediary
preamp as they were designed. Chris Jones' "No Sanctuary Here" from Roadhouses
and Automobiles showcased his voice, tightly focused and real
sounding, as well as the powerful bass the song is noted for. I found myself
just hanging out in the room, relaxing to Brian's playlist, and just "Enjoying the Music". Great system!

Volti, Triode Wire Labs,
And McIntosh Labs
Every time I see these horns, the exquisite craftsmanship and
woodworking skills to make these blows me away, and then I wonder how great
they'd look in my family room. Greg Roberts drove
down from Benton, Maine bringing with him the Volti
Audio Vittora System $25,000 for the three-piece set that includes the
two main Vittora speakers and an Extended
Low Frequency cabinet. McIntosh supplied
a C22 Preamplifier $6,000 and a
pair of MC75 Mono amps $7,500/pr. displayed
on canted Volti stands. Triode Pete seems to be everywhere this show, especially
in great sounding rooms. TWL cables
were on the amps, Seven Plus P/C $499, Ten
Plus $349 on the preamp, Digital
American P/C $499 on the CD/SACD player, and TWL
ICs and Speaker cables connected everything else. I have heard enough
systems with TWL cables to appreciate their neutrality and lack of a sonic
signature; they just get out of the way of the music and allow it to spring from
a black low noise background. I had Greg play "New York City Serenade" from
Bruce Springsteen's The Wild, The Innocent
and The E Street Shuffle, and the piano intro was stunning in it's
realism and not bettered in any room at the show. Details of the beginning of
percussion instruments strikes was lightening quick, and the dynamics were very
wide. My cut from Michael Hedges' "Rickover's Dream" was explosive and
live sounding, great string detail and the sense of the wooden bodied guitar was
evident. Saturday night Vinnie Rossi brought down his LIO
integrated amp and hooked it up to the Vittoras, what a synergistic combination.
The lower noise floor helped maximize the Vittora's strengths, especially
revealing low level information clearly while other instruments are playing much

If you had never heard of David
Berning before coming to this show, you have now probably met and
talked with him, and listened to his gear. A bicycle riding fanatic and "out
of the box" electronics designer, David would have biked here if it were
safer. The DC Do It Yourself room
was different every time I walked in, three speakers were shown at various times,
and a rotation of amps were in play. Friday I listened to a homemade 20 year old
pair of electrostatics, direct driven without any transformers, (David is
allergic), by a Berning one off OTL amp. Here we heard transparency rivaling any
ESL, top to bottom coherency, and rich tone on guitar, sax, piano. They used a
pair of subs to fill out the bottom, just enough to balance the Stats, did I
mention the ESLs were homebrew? My friend from Excalibur Audio in the 1980s, Joe
Roberts (of Sound Practices fame) brought a pair of Western
Electric 755A drivers in 2 cubic foot enclosures that I heard on
Saturday, not strong at the frequency extremes, but a natural sounding midrange
that loved voices and jazz combos. Roscoe
Primrose, who manned the room tirelessly, OK beer fueled, built the
amp based on the 1940s Western Electric 124, push pull pentode tubes, about 15
watts, and inside a Phase Linear 400 chassis. The third speakers shown were
Roscoe's own Open Baffles, using an 8" Tang
Band full range driver atop an 18" Goldwood
woofer. The amps used here were a pair of chip based monos based on the LM1875
silicone, about 25 watts each. This combination wasn't pretty, but they made
good music, natural, relaxed, no boom or bass overhang and no box coloration
(both OB traits), focused vocals, and very affordable to boot. In front of all
these permutations was a PC running into a DIY DAC made by Tom
Perazella, who also brought the subs. A Denon
DP3000 motor was mated to a hard maple butcher block plinth and
sported an SME 3012 tonearm and an Ortofon
SPU Classic GM cartridge. The line stages were either a tube unit
built by Dave Berning, or a passive
unit with Intact Audio autoformer
modules. The phono stages were built by Roscoe and Stuart Polansky. This room was fun and relaxed, and the
conversations in the hall outside the room clogged traffic as David Berning,
Roscoe, Tom, and Stuart fielded questions about the gear. It just proves that
you don't have to spend tons of cash for good sound, maybe just inhale some
solder fumes and burn a finger now and then, and have the pride that comes from
building something yourself.
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