VPI is proud to announce its participation in the Consumer Electronics Show to debut the VPI Avenger Plus. This will be the first live display of the VPI Avenger Plus with Audio-Technica USA in Suite 29-236. The Avenger Plus takes the technology of VPI Titan (and previous VPI Rim-drive models) and applies it to the Avenger model. During the event, the Avenger Plus will be demonstrated with multiple uni-pivot JMW 3D Reference arms with VTA on the fly using different Audio-Technica cartridge models. The Avenger Plus and all Avenger models can mount up to 3 tonearms of any manufacturer make or model.
The Avenger Plus was inspired by filling the large price gap between the standard Avenger ($10,000) and the Avenger Reference ($22,000). The Avenger Plus offers an Avenger flavor ($15,000) while being modular and upgradeable to the higher model at the customer’s convenience.
The Avenger Plus’s configuration is also dynamic in its ability to handle up to 3 tonearms of any make or length, the same as on the other Avenger models. The tri-pod shaped chassis is machined acrylic / aluminum / acrylic design to offer precision both in sound and quality. The Rim-Drive motor assembly is a machined aluminum housing with two 300 RPM motors driving the idler wheel which makes direct contact with the side of the platter. The Rim-Drive motor assembly is the same that can be found on our $48,000 MSRP Titan Turntable.
We top this off with our new high current Analog Drive System (ADS) power supply by VPI’s Director of Electrical Engineering, Michael Bettinger. The biggest design feature is the use of analog based oscillators to generate low-distortion analog sine waves for its 33/45 rpm – relative to the digitally synthesized circuits of SDS. Regenerating the AC sine wave eliminates the powerline noise and harmonics, providing pure, smooth AC power to the turntable motor.
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