AXPONA 2019 Show Report --
Audio Expo North America
Am sure many of you reading this already are familiar with legendary USA manufacturer McIntosh Labs. Their backlit blue meters are a thing of beauty! In fact my Muse / Wife Heather loves the look of our MC611 monoblock amps (reviewed here) we have within our living room. Just never, ever, under any circumstance turn off the blue lights. Just don't! Heather will not be pleased. So what makes Heather happy, besides, well, you know? As they say, "Happy wife, happy life."
During AXPONA 2019 Heather took one look at the McIntosh turntable and exclaimed "We need to get one!". Have heard so many great sounding McIntosh stereo systems over decades that if there's one constant, it is exceptional sound quality, which is only matched by incredible build quality. In fact when McIntosh releases their next gen surround processor i'll be at the front of the line to buy one. For those into home theater, you should get in line too. For those into stereo systems, audiophiles looking for their next piece of gear need to take a listen to McIntosh's latest offerings. While they are not inexpensive, and far from the most expensive at AXPONA, McIntosh products are well worth the sound investment (pun intended). During AXPONA their gear was mated with Sonus faber loudspeakers and yes my friends the sound was glorious! Wonderful sense of scale, excellent dynamics, and natural harmonics too. Me likeee... a lot!
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