Wells Audio and DanaCables joined forces at AXPONA 2016, with an AXPONA premiere of the Wells Audio Majestic ($3499) playing sweet music to my ears. A yet-to-be-named Salk three-way speaker system ($2895) sang with the Salk StreamPlayer Generation II Mini ($1195). For DAC duties the highly rated company Lampizator provided their Amber PCM/DSD DAC ($2200). Naturally this system was wired up with Danacables ($3780).
Well Audio's Majestic stereo integrated amplifier provides a healthy 150 watts @ 8 ohms, has five inputs including a pair of balanced XLR, and you have to love that gorgeous centrally-located volumeter. With solid build quality, you can expect the majestic to provide many years of musical bliss.
Dana Robbins is the brains and brawn behind Danacables and has more than 25 years in high-tech industries where he worked on everything from automotive to aerospace electronics. With his ultimate goal being nothing short of perfection, he continually offers high-precision craftmanship to produce cables that are of high-end audio standards. In designing the Danacables, they choose to get back to basics and believe that for audio signal transport copper is a tried-and-true and cost-effective material. Danacables' Onyx line has more than 5000(!) strands of Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) in a pair. The Sapphire speaker cables have more than 10,000 strands. To-range Diamond Reference comes in at over 25,000 strands, thus reducing resistance to vanishingly low levels.
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