Always enjoy my time in the Gershman Acoustics room at shows and at AXPONA 2016 they brought their new Inspiration floorstanding speaker ($5900). This modestly-sized, and price speaker produced a natural, well-balanced sound that is all-day listenable.
Am always impressed by their products. Lamm Audio LL2.1 preamplifier and M1.2 monoblock amps plus the colorful red Oracle CD player were put to good use. Wish i had more time to listen to music yet could already feel with so many rooms at AXPONA 2016 that Yours Truly was falling behind.
Within another room, high-end audio cable manufacturer Morrow Audio had Larry playing live guitar! With a computerized backtrack of drums and bass, his guitar sang sweetly through Morrow Audio cables and into the room via Peavey speakers. This was one of those times when music sweeps you away and you can forget the 'system' and simply enjoy the music.
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