If you're interested in or work in Live Sound, Studio Recording, Home Recording, Music Production, Broadcast and Streaming, Sound for Picture, Networked Audio, Game Audio or Product Development then the 141st Audio Engineering Society International Convention had you covered. AES LA 2016 supplied you with tools of the trade, breaking research, theory and application, historical perspective, student competitions and career development – presented by the best minds in audio. This year's AES Los Angeles show was from September 29th through October 2nd, 2016. Los Angeles, according to the AES, is a world center of audio production, and 141st AES International Convention attendees had the unique opportunity to visit some of the most storied audio-related locales in the area. AES' new "Super Session" program was featured as part of the Product Development Track at the Los Angeles Convention. Targeted to Product Design Engineers, Product Managers, Product Marketing and Engineering Managers, and others, this series of sessions seek to "Develop a killer audio product in one day!"
Audio and video delivery continues to make the move from traditional cabling to content delivery over networks, in particular Ethernet, LAN (Local Area Network) or IP-based WAN (Wide Area Network). At the 141st International Audio Engineering Society Convention at the Los Angeles Convention Center explored the latest developments in the methods, protocols and applications of networked audio. If there's one thing that's constant about broadcast and streaming media, it's constant change – and the 141st AES International Convention kept attendees on top of the latest industry developments and trends with its Broadcast and Streaming Media Track events. Audio Engineering Society (AES) 141 Show Report AES 141 Los Angeles Introduction
Mic Section AEA Ribbon Microphones And Preamplifiers
Electronic Section Fredenstein Professional Audio Nagra, Audio Technology, And Remote Audio Bricasti Design, Ltd., Benchmark Media Systems, Inc. And BURL Audio
Tape Section Recording The Masters And AM Belgium
School Section Sounds Of Giants And The Blackbird Academy
Other Audio Engineering Society (AES) Show