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Schematics Of Various Tubed Crossovers

 From: "Le Cleac'h J.-M." <lecleach@cgi.ensmp.fr>
 Subject: Heath and Marantz tube crossovers schematics


 You'll find here few ASCII schematics for Heath and 
 Marantz tube crossovers.  They were given in 
 L'Audiophile No 11 old sery July 1979.  In the same 
 paper there is another tube crossover designed by Gerard 
 Chretien now at the head of Focal (i'll try to send an ASCII 
 schematics of that one tomorrow). (to be print in courier font)
 Best regards
 Jean-Michel  Le Cleac'h,  Paris,  France
                            High pass filter
                       B+                                         .
                        |                                         .
                        o---------------o                         .
                        |               |                         .
                        R4              |                         .
                        |             Plate                       . 
               12AX7    o----C2---o---Grid   12AX7                .
                      Plate       |   Cathod                      .
 INPUT--R1--o--C1--o--Grid        |     |                         .
            |      |  Cathod      |     o----------o---C4---o HPF .
            |      |    |         R6    |          |              .
            |      |    o----o    |     R7         |              .
            |      |    |    |    |     |          |              .
            R2     R3   R5   C3   o-----o          |              .
            |      |    |    |          |          |              .
            |      |    o----o          R8         |              .
            |      |    |               |          |              .
            |      o----o---------------o--GROUND  |              .
            |                                      |              .
            o--------------------------------------o              .
                            Low pass filter
                        |                   |                     
                        R4                  |                     
                        |                 Plate                    
               12AX7    o--R9--C2--o---o--Grid   12AX7            
                      Plate        |   |  Cathod                  
 INPUT--R1--o--R3--o--Grid         |   |    |                     
            |      |  Cathod       |   |    o---------o--C5--o LPF
            |      |    |          |   R6   |         |           
            |      |    o----o     |   |    R7        |           
            |      |    |    |     |   |    |         |           
            R2     C1   R5   C3    C4  o----o         |           
            |      |    |    |     |        |         |           
            |      |    o----o     |        R8        |           
            |      |    |          |        |         |           
            |      o----o----------o--------o-GROUND  |           
            |                                         |           
                               High pass filter
              B+(1)                  B+ (2)    B+ (1)               
               |                       |         |                  
               |                       |         |                  
               |                       |         |                   
      12AX7    |                      R10        |      12AX7       
             Plate                     |       Plate                
 INPUT-C1-o--Grid                      o-----o-Grid                 
          |  Cathod                    |     | Cathod               
          |    |                     Plate   |   |                  
          R1   o-R3-o-C2-o-C3-o-C4-o-Grid   R11  o--------o-C5-o HPF
          |    |    |    |    |    | Cathod  |   |        |         
          |    |    |    R6   R7   R8  |     |   |        |         
          |    |    |    |    |    |   |     |   |        |         
          |    |    |    o----o----o   |     |   |        |         
          |    |    |    |             |     |   |        |         
         +    |    |    +             |     +   |        |         
         Pol   R2   |   Pol            R9   Pol  R12      |         
          -    |    |    -             |     -   |        |         
          |    |    |    |             |     |   |        |         
          o----o    |    o-------------o-----o---o-GROUND |         
          |         |                                     |         
        GROUND      o-------------------------------------o         
 Pol = DC supply for fixed grid potential
                                  Low pass filter
             B+(1)                  B+ (2)    B+ (1)
              |                       |        |
              |                       |        |
              |                       |        |
    12AX7    |                       R8       |      12AX7
             Plate                    |      Plate
 INPUT-C1-o--Grid                     o----o-Grid
          |  Cathod                   |    | Cathod
          |   |                    Plate   |   |              
          R1  o-R3-o-C2-o--o-R6-o--Grid    R9  o--------o-C5-oLPF
          |   |    |    |  |    |  Cathod  |   |        |
          |   |    |    R5 C3   C4   |     |   |        |
          |   |    |    |  |    |    |     |   |        |
          |   |    |    o--o----o    |     |   |        |
          |   |    |    |            |     |   |        |
          +   |    |    +            |     +   |        |
         Pol  R2   R4  Pol           R7   Pol  R10      |
          -   |    |    -            |     -   |        |
          |   |    |    |            |     |   |        |
          o---o    |    o------------o-----o---o-GROUND |
          |        |                                    |
       GROUND      o------------------------------------o
 Pol = DC supply for fixed grid potent
 Hello, it is me again,
 Here is the ASCII schematics of the AudioResarch 
 (6db/octave) tube crossover.
 Best regards
 Jean-Michel  Le Cleac'h
                             Low pass filter
             B+(1)  B+(2)            B+(3)  B+(4)
               |     |                 |     |
             R3     |                R10    |
               |   Plate      GROUND   |   Plate
               o---Grid          |     o---Grid
               |   Cathod        C2    |   Cathod
             Plate   |           |   Plate   |
  INPUT-R1-o-Grid    o-C1-o-o-R7-o-o-Grid    o-C3-o--o-R13-oLPF
           | Cathod  |    | |      | Cathod  |    |  |
           |   |     |    | |      |   |     |    |  |
          R6   R2   R4   R5 |      R8  R9   R11  R12 |
           |   |     |    | |      |   |     |    |  |
           |   o-----o----o |      |   o-----o----o  |
           |         |      |      |         |       |   
           |       GROUND   |      |      GROUND     |      
           |                |      |                 |
           o----------------o      o-----------------o
 All tubes = 12AX7
                             High pass filter
             B+(1)  B+(2)               B+(3)  B+(4)
               |     |                    |     |
              R3     |                   R11    |
               |   Plate      GROUND      |   Plate
               o---Grid          |        o---Grid
               |   Cathod        R7       |   Cathod
             Plate   |           |      Plate   |
  INPUT-R1-o-Grid    o-C1-o-o-C2-o-o-R9-Grid    o-C3-o--o-R14-oHPF
           | Cathod  |    | |      |    Cathod  |    |  |
           |   |     |    | |      |      |     |    |  |
          R6   R2   R4   R5 |      R8    R10   R12  R13 |
           |   |     |    | |      |      |     |    |  |
           |   o-----o----o |      |      o-----o----o  |
           |         |      |      |            |       |   
           |       GROUND   |      |         GROUND     |      
           |                |      |                    |
           o----------------o      o--------------------o
 All tubes = 12AX7
 Larsen and Chretien (audiophile No 11)
 High pass filter 7kHz, 12 dB/octave, (Bessel second order)
             B+(1)  B+(2)            B+(3)      B+(4)          .
               |     |                 |          |            .
              R3     |   V2            |          |            .
               |   Plate          o----o          |            .
               o---Grid           |    |          |            .
               |   Cathod         R7   |   V3     |            .
             Plate   |            |  Plate        |            .
  INPUT-R1-o-Grid    o--o-C2-o-C3-o--Grid         |            .
           | Cathod  |  |    |    |  Cathod       |            .
           |   | V1  |  |    |    |    |        Plate          .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    o-----o--Grid   V4      .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |  Cathod         .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |    |            .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |    o--C4--o HPF .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |    |            .
          R5   R2   R4  C1   R9   R6   R8    |   R10           .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |    |            .
           |   o-----o  |    |    o----o     |    |            .
           |   |        |    |         |     |    |            .
           | GROUND     |    |       GROUND  |  GROUND         .
           |            |    |               |                 .
           o------------o    o---------------o                 .
 V1 and V2 = 12AX7
 V3 and V4 = 12AT7WA
 R1 = 150 kohms
 R2 = 2.2 kohms
 R3 = 301 kohms
 R4 = R8 = R10 =105 kohms
 R5 = 402 kohms
 R6 = R7 = 81.2 kohms
 R9 = 38.45 kohms
 C1 = C4 = 0.2 microfarads (200VAC)
 C2 = C3 = 560 picofarads
 Low pass filter 7kHz, 12 dB/octave, (Bessel second order)
             B+(1)  B+(2)            B+(3)      B+(4)          .
               |     |                 |          |            .
              R3     |   V2            |          |            .
               |   Plate               |          |            .
               o---Grid                |          |            .
               |   Cathod              |   V3     |            .
             Plate   |               Plate        |            .
  INPUT-R1-o-Grid    o--o-R6-o-R7-o--Grid         |            .
           | Cathod  |  |    |    |  Cathod       |            .
           |   | V1  |  |    |    |    |        Plate          .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    o-----o--Grid   V4      .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |  Cathod         .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |    |            .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |    o--C4--o LPF .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |    |            .
          R5   R2   R4  C1   C2   C3   R8    |   R10           .
           |   |     |  |    |    |    |     |    |            .
           |   o-----o  |    |    o----o     |    |            .
           |   |        |    |         |     |    |            .
           | GROUND     |    |       GROUND  |  GROUND         .
           |            |    |               |                 .
           o------------o    o---------------o                 .
 V1 and V2 = 12AX7
 V3 and V4 = 12AT7WA
 R1 = 150 kohms
 R2 = 2.2 kohms
 R3 = 301 kohms
 R4 = R8 = R10 =105 kohms
 R5 = 402 kohms
 R6 = R7 = 47.5 kohms
 C1 = C4 = 1 microFarad (200VAC)
 C2 = 505 picoFarads
 C3 = 453 picoFarads
 Larsen and Chretien (audiophile No 11)
 High pass filter 5kHz, 24 dB/octave, (Bessel fourth order)
            B+(1) B+(2)          B+(3)           B+(4)         .
               |   |               |               |           .
              R3   |   V2          |               |           .
               | Plate         o---o               |           .
               o-Grid          |   |               |           .
           V1  | Cathod        R7  |  V3           |           .
             Plate |           | Plate         o---o           .
  INPUT-R1-o-Grid  o-o-C2-o-C3-o-Grid          |   |           .
           | Cath  | |    |    | Cathod       R13  |           .
           |   |   | |    |    |   |           | Plate         .
           |   |   | |    |    |   o-o-C5-o-C6-o-Grid   V4     .
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    | Cathod        .
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    |   |           .
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    |   o-o-C4-o HPF.
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    |   | |         .
          R5  R2  R4 C1   R9   R6 R8 |   R11 R12 R10 |         .
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    |   | |         .
           |   o---o |    |    o---o |    |    o---o |         .
           |   |     |    |    |     |    |    |     |         .
           | GROUND  |    |  GROUND  |    |  GROUND  |         .
           |         |    |          |    |          |         .
           o---------o    o----------o    o----------o         .
 V1 and V2 = 12AX7
 V3 and V4 = 12AT7WA
 R1 = 150 kohms
 R2 = 2.2 kohms
 R3 = 301 kohms
 R4 = R8 = R10 =105 kohms
 R5 = 402 kohms
 R6 = R7 = 81.2 kohms
 R9 = R11 = 38.45 kohms
 R12 = R13 = 162.4 kohms
 C1 = C4 = 2 microfarads (200VAC)
 C2 = C3 = C5 = C6 = 560 picofarads
 High pass filter 5kHz, 24 dB/octave, (Bessel fourth order)
            B+(1) B+(2)          B+(3)           B+(4)         .
               |   |               |               |           .
              R3   |   V2          |               |           .
               | Plate             |               |           .
               o-Grid              |               |           .
           V1  | Cathod            |  V3           |           .
             Plate |             Plate             |           .
  INPUT-R1-o-Grid  o-o-R6-o-R7-o-Grid              |           .
           | Cath  | |    |    | Cathod            |           .
           |   |   | |    |    |   |    _    _   Plate         .
           |   |   | |    |    |   o-o-R6-o-R7-o-Grid   V4     .
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    | Cathod        .
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    |   |           .
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    |   o-o-C4-o LPF.
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    |   | |         .
          R5  R2  R4 C1   C2  C3  R8 |    C5  C6 R10 |         .
           |   |   | |    |    |   | |    |    |   | |         .
           |   o---o |    |    o---o |    |    o---o |         .
           |   |     |    |    |     |    |    |     |         .
           | GROUND  |    |  GROUND  |    |  GROUND  |         .
           |         |    |          |    |          |         .
           o---------o    o----------o    o----------o         .
 V1 and V2 = 12AX7
 V3 and V4 = 12AT7WA
 R1 = 150 kohms
 R2 = 2.2 kohms
 R3 = 301 kohms
 R4 = R8 = R10 =105 kohms
 R5 = 402 kohms         _    _
 R6 = R7 = 47.5 kohms, R6 = R7 = 47.5 kohms
 R9 = R11 = 38.45 kohms
 R12 = R13 = 162.4 kohms
 C1 = C4 = 1 microfarads (200VAC)
 C2 = C5 = 1010 picofarads
 C3 = C6 = 453 picofarads
      Here is an ASCII schematic for the Bessel crossover 
 (2nd and 4th orders) designed by Larsen and Chretien.
 Best regards
 Jean-Michel  Le Cleac'h
 HV supply for the Larsen - Chretien tube crossover
                                B+    B+   B+   B+ 
                                (1)  (2)  (3)  (4) 
       PT      R                 |    |    |    |  
 ______   ,---[>|---o--o-L1-o-R1-o-R2-o-R3-o-R4-o       
       )|(          |  |    |    |    |    |    |  
       )|(          | C1   C2   C3   C4   C5   C6  
 MAINS )|(-o GROUND |  |    |    |    |    |    |  
       )|(          |  o----o----o----o----o----o  
 ______)|(     R    |       |                      
          `---[>|---o     GROUND                   
 PT = POWER TRANSFORMER 2 x 260VAC at secondary
 -[>|- = 1N4007 Silicon rectifier
 L1 = 12 H 30 mA (400ohms)
 R1 = R2 = 500 ohms
 R3 = R4 = 1 kohms
 C1 = C2 = 60 microfards 450V
 C3 = C4 = C5 = C6 = 20 microfards 450V

Click here to e-mail your questions to one very cool dude
named Jean-Michel Le Cleac'h.






















































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