April 2014
For more than twenty years I have been professionally involved in audio. First, I worked in professional audio as a sound engineer in a theater, at concerts and in the recording studio, and then I became involved in home or audiophile audio. During all this time, I have auditioned and reviewed so many products used for sound reproduction that I lost count long ago. However, I do not think of myself as a jaded journalist who is insensitive to what he is doing. I will venture to say more – I still buy albums after albums like crazy, curious about the music they contain and how it will sound at my home. For me, these two things are inseparable. When it comes to equipment for a long time already experiencing but not so big surprises, revelations, glare, as at the beginning. Until recently... In recent times I have had a couple of mystical
experiences that provided a solid framework for my thinking about what is
possible in the audio world. The first, chronologically, was an audition of the
dCS Vivaldi system conducted in my hometown at the Krakow Sonic Society by
RaveenBava, export sales manager for dCS. The next was my audition of the Tech
DAC Air Force One turntable. The third, actually the earliest chronologically,
were my experiences with the Studer A807-0.75 VUK reel-to-reel recorder, both
professional – I used to have three such beasts in the recording studio –
and later at the Krakow
Sonic Society. The source that was presented by Raveen sells for over a
hundred and fifty thousand US dollars, including a rack and necessary cables. I
am used to large sums of money and no longer see a difference between $5000 and
$50,000 for a single audio component. The only thing that matters are the sound
and build quality, brand, finish and customer service. The dCS sounded insanely good. It was the best
sounding digital system I ever heard. The experience was so strong that it
redefined my understanding of the capabilities of such a limited format as the
Compact Disc. That's right, I said CD. It is true that the Vivaldi is a SACD
player, and while it is compatible with the CD its design aim is – formally
speaking – a "higher" format, even though it is also capable of
audio files playback. Yet it was the CD that sounded so spectacular that all of
us present during the audition were truly shocked. We listened to a lot of audio
files only to agree that it's still not the kind of technology that could
compete head-to-head with the CD. Even Raveen confirmed that. The difference was
clear and large, not to the audio files advantage. This may change sometime in
the future, but not just yet. We did not listen to SACDs. I have my own
deep-rooted conviction about high-resolution audio formats, based on my work in
the recording studio and my experience with the best SACD players, as well as
D/A converters as part of computer audio systems. I know the strengths and
weaknesses of both DSD and high-resolution PCM and invariably choose the format
that is significantly older and technically inferior – the Compact Disc. It is
a proven format backed by many years of development, which has finally matured
to become the high-end. In turn, the SACD format is shared, so to speak, with
DVD technology, including the drives used. And it has its own problems. There
have been, however, several players that provided satisfying enough SACD
playback to shake my seemingly firm belief. One of them was the Mark Levinson
No. 512 integrated player. It offered superb build quality and exceptionally
smooth sonics that did not turn the sound of SACDs into a warm mush, nor made
them into super-precise and perfectly focused hi-res PCM recordings. The other
player that revived my interest in this format that was, incidentally,
originally designed for archival purposes was the Accuphase DP-900/DC-901 combo.
Built with precision typical of this manufacturer yet maintaining a healthy
engineering sense, it offered a sound that I found interesting not only for its
own sake, but also because of how it built up on everything that the company
achieved previously. The DP-900/DC-901 combo signaled a new
Anniversary series prepared with a view to Accuphase's 40th anniversary,
celebrated in 2012. The first product in this series was the C-3800
preamplifier, but it was the two-piece player and the A-200 monoblocks that
brought a noticeable change in the paradigm of thinking about sound. All these
changes were then consistently introduced to less expensive products. The DP-720
is the latest example of them. Less expensive is by no means cheap – this much
I think is obvious. The unit under review is the second-from-the-top player from
this Japanese company, and is intended to accommodate in one enclosure most of
DP-900/DC-901 design solutions. Maybe that's why it is so mercilessly heavy.
Mechanical design is just as important for the Accuphase engineers as electrical
design. No money is spared here, although high structure stability and vibration
control is not the result of some sophisticated hi-tech methods but rather
reliable techniques that have been tried and tested in turntable design. The
same is true of its electronic circuits – it would be in vain to try to find
expensive, rare electronic components in Accuphase products. Instead, as I was
told some time ago by Mr. Jim S. Saito, current Chairman of the Board, the
company focused on the laborious and expensive process of component selection.
As he said, it yields better results than using better quality components with
wider parameter variation.
Let me repeat – the comparison to the AFO turntable was no coincidence. If we look more closely at the player under review, we will see many analogies between the DP-720 and top end turntables. I have already mentioned its heavy, rigid, multi-layer enclosure. Add to that a complex power supply. The most important to me, however, is the drive, which is equivalent of the platter and tonearm with cartridge in a turntable. Accuphase belongs to the elite club of companies that manufacture their drives in-house. While a trained eye will detect the characteristic blue optics, known from Sony designs, everything else is the work of Accuphase engineers. During its design, a special attention was given to the large mass, rigidity and proper decoupling of individual components – that is, to what is given attention in turntable design. The company literature focuses on this design aspect and describes it this way:
■ High-grade SA-CD/CD drive. (2) Newly developed "Traverse
Mechanism" with floating design and viscous damping (3) Large bridge cover with newly developed disc
clamping (4) Effective control of vibrations enhanced by
low center of gravity (5) High-quality disc tray extruded from an aluminum block, plus super-quiet smooth disc loading mechanism
■ SA-CD/CD transport outputs ultra-pure
digital signal ■ New chucking magnet design using
neodymium with high flux density and 8-pole ■ High-speed access mechanism with single
lens/twin laser diode pickup ■ Support for playback of DSD discs with
DSF file format, recorded on a computer or similar.
The digital section is of course equally
important. Here, too, Accuphase presents something unique for this company,
dedicated to the best possible DSD decoding. The DP-720 employs advanced MDSD
(Multiple Double Speed DSD) type D/A converters that constitute a
moving-average filter circuit for direct D/A conversion of the DSD signal. As we
read in the company literature, the 1-bit DSD signal is first upsampled by the
factor of two, from 2.822 to 5.644 MHz. Then the timing of the 1-bit signal is
shifted progressively in increments of 177 nanoseconds. The resulting delayed
signals are sent to multiple D/A converters (eight per channel) for conversion
into analog form. The converter outputs are then summed. The entire circuit acts
as an 8th-order filter, with no phase shift in the whole frequency range. It
employs eight high-performance 32-bit Hyperstream DAC chips (ES9018 from ESS
Technology Inc.) that are driven in parallel to improve overall performance by a
factor of about three, as compared to a single converter circuit. Since the
performance improvement afforded by the MDS principle is independent of signal
frequency and signal level, output signal noise at very low levels is also
successfully minimized, a feat that is very difficult to achieve with
conventional delta-sigma converters. The DP-720 is therefore not just another SACD
player. It was developed specifically to provide the best possible Super Audio
CD playback, which can also benefit CD playback. As we now live in the 21st
century, the unit is designed to operate not only as an integrated player but
also as a DAC. It can receive the digital signal in four different ways: via USB
2.0 (Hi-Speed) port (32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 and 192 kHz at
16 to 24 bit, two-channel PCM), S/PDIF RCA input (32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4
and 192 kHz at 16- to 24-bit, two-channel PCM), TosLink optical input (32 to 96
kHz / 16- to 24-bit,two2-channel PCM), as well as a proprietary interface
developed by Accuphase and called HS-LINK (High Speed LINK). The
latter is capable of receiving the PCM signal up to 24-bit and 192 kHz, and DSD
signal (2.8224 MHz/1-bit). It is based on the LVDS (Low Voltage Differential
Signaling) standard.
Design We see the same face plate finish in the DP-720
Super Audio CD player that comes equipped with a vast array of digital inputs
and outputs. The characteristic shape of front panel keys has been inherited
from previous Accuphase designs, here slightly modified to be more rounded and
friendly to touch yet still rectangular, with a clear tactile feedback. They are
all positioned in one row, grouped according to their use. The keys associated
with drive control are located on the right side of the disc tray, with a
visibly larger Play button featuring a small red LED above it and another one
above the Pause button. This way you do not have to guess the player's current
status, staring at a small, difficult-to-read display. The latter is actually
missing here, in keeping with all other Accuphase equipment. Instead, the
manufacturer has consistently opted for very low noise amber LED modules. They
show the total number of tracks and the current track (on the left) as well as
the track time and attenuation level (on the right). In the DAC mode they
display input signal sampling frequency (the word-length is missing,
unfortunately). The player is not CD-text capable, either with SACDs or CDs,
which is a bit of a pity. The LED modules are behind a thick glass plate. They
are accompanied by other indicators, including LEDs indicating the type of disc,
digital loop activation, repeat mode and currently selected digital input. A large button on the left side of the narrow
disc tray is used for input selection. This button and a similar disc eject
button are both really nicely integrated into the front panel. The left side of
the enclosure sports a mechanical power switch and two smaller switches to
change the layer of hybrid SACD/CD discs and to activate the digital loop for
external equalizer. The rear panel is divided into a digital and analog section,
with the input and output connectors arranged accordingly. The analog outputs,
balanced XLRs and single-ended RCAs, are located above an IEC power socket,
which requires some care with cable arrangement so that they are not too close
to each other. Adjacent to the XLRs is an absolute phase switch. The DP-720 is
wired the "American way", with the pin 3 being 'hot'. The enclosure is
made of several layers of high carbon steel plates. This is to help with
vibration control and, together with "advanced high carbon" cast iron isolation
feet, creates an anti-vibration system. It is further damped by the wooden side
and top panels finished with natural wood veneer.
The two power transformers, separate for the
digital and analog sections and the drive, are enclosed in screened cans. Other
power supply components are housed either on the PCB with the digital section or
on a separate board in the case of the analog section. The digital section is based on two ES9018 D/A
converters from ESS Technology, Inc., one per each channel. These are
eight-channel DAC chips with up to 32-bit theoretical resolution, which has been
used here to minimize conversion errors and reduce distortion and noise in the
innovative MDSD (Multiple Double Speed DSD) moving-average filter
topology for direct D/A conversion of the DSD signal (for SACD playback). In the
case of CD playback, the eight channels are driven in parallel, and their signal
is summed after the I/U conversion. This circuit as well as the analogue filter
and output buffers employ popular ICs. The player has a dual-mono topology, with
each channel housed on a separate circuit board. PCBs use expensive laminate
material and PCB traces are gold plated. The XLR output connectors are gold
plated, while the RCAs are not. The output signal can be attenuated from -80 to
0 dB in 1 dB steps. As the attenuation is carried out in the digital domain it
is better not to use it. If it is necessary, you will need to think about a top
quality preamplifier. Not only does the player itself looks like it
were transported from the 1970s (taking this anachronism at face value), but so
does the remote control unit. It is made of gold plated aluminum, with key
shapes reminiscent of TV remotes from 30 years ago. Keys are distinguished by
distinct shapes and even colors, and they have a clear tactile feedback. It is
one of better remotes I have operated in recent times.
Sound "SA-CD is an ultra-compact format capable of storing
seven times more data than a CD. The CD format with its 16 bits and 44.1 kHz is
capable – in our view – of storing considerably more information than an
analog medium. When the CD format was developed it seemed to offer enough 'capacity'.
Nevertheless, it seems that today it is no longer satisfactory for all
audiophiles." To meet their expectations, a new format has been developed
– the SA-CD. I perfectly remember how deeply we were moved and amazed by its
sound quality at the first listen. Compared with the CD, we had a much deeper
and wider soundstage, with the sound that subtly faded away to infinity. That's
why without any hesitation we joined the group of manufacturers offering SA-CD
players. When a respected figure says that one of the currently available
digital formats is much better than an older one, and sounds better than a vinyl
record, it is a big thing. My experience with heads of large companies show that
they are not only good managers and engineers, but also good politicians.
Because of that they usually make non-committal statements, allowing an easy way
out and taking back what they said. To make such a clear statement, Ishizuka-san
had to be 100% sure of his argument. I heard the DP-80/DC-81 player only once, a long time ago, and
I do not really remember how it sounded. However, I know perfectly well the
advantages and disadvantages of its successor, the DP-90/DC-91, because it is
still used by two of my friends in Krakow. It is dammed precise and resolving,
centered on sound focusing, its definition and finish, yet at the cost of body
and density. It seemed that the first SACD player offered by Accuphase, the
DP-800/DC-801 combo, would bring improvement in this area but - in my opinion -
it was only a run-through for what came with the DP-900/DC-901. The DP-720
follows exactly the same path. Its sound cannot be immediately and unambiguously expressed.
Everything is thick and full, with no anomalies at the top end. The treble is
velvety smooth. On the other hand, the bass is strong, slightly emphasized yet
very well controlled. These aspects were similarly presented by the DP-700.
Listening to the 720 I can easily imagine people from Accuphase, first seating
at the conference table and discussing the main ideas of a new design, and then
spending hours in a listening room. I have already said that, but it does not
hurt to repeat it: I have an overwhelming feeling that the latter design stage
is now given much more attention than it used to be by the Japanese companies. I
talked about this with several engineers and I can hear it in components from
both small manufacturers and major companies, like Marantz and Accuphase. Not
that nobody did any auditions before, that's not the point. It is simply a
reflection of changed priorities, as if there finally came a time when technical
excellence can be made even better by modifying the design in a listening room.
Not compromising anything that has been shown by measuring equipment, but rather
making the most of it. The density I am talking about translates in such cases into
the presence or intensity of sound. We know how a boring system sounds, don't
we? It lacks power and is emotionally flat. The Japanese player is nothing like
that. It finds the way to the music lover's heart by inviting him to participate
in a music event. The smaller the ensemble and the more sophisticated the music
piece, the more pronounced the effect. Both Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau's baritone
as well as Georges Cziffra's and Art Tatum's pianos sounded delightfully smooth,
with the effect of presence. They were not defined by selectively separating
them from the rest of the mix highlighted by a strong attack or even less so by
emphasizing anything, which can be done quite easily. Their coming out or
appearing, as that's how it can best be described, resulted from their internal
energy that they showed. It was something like an inner joy that accompanies
some people who show up in our lives. They do not have to smile at all or to
make a fool of themselves in order for us to feel it. The same way, the music
played by the DP-720 is full of vibration, density and power that are
transferred to us. Partly, but to a large extent, it is effected by the bass
delivery. It is big, full and equally energetic as the midrange. Since the two
sub-ranges are combined in one functional whole, linked by their character and a
certain softness that comes with very low distortion, the sound is coherent,
with large-volume phantom images. What I mean is that the images drawn before us
have a large, natural size. They can be experienced deep into and high up the
soundstage. They blend into our room and couple to the listening room's air, not
breaking out and pushing forward. Deep Purple's Child
in Time on the fantastic HDCD release from Audio Fidelity sent
shivers up and down my spine. This deep, soft yet very present sound means that each album
that contains quality music, one that communicates with us, is even further
boosted by the player. Interestingly, I played a few albums that do not evoke
strong emotions in me, and I thought that they sounded considerably worse. I do
not have too many of them, as I usually get rid of music that I do not feel, but
what I heard was puzzling. All the more so as when I heard the opening bars of "Private
Investigation" from Dire Straits' album Love
Over Gold I knew everything's beautiful. A velvety intro, absolutely
black background and thick bottom end. It owed a great deal to the simply
phenomenal Platinum SHM-CD release, but the player showed it brilliantly. The
same was true for the Mobile Fidelity release of Miles Davis' In
A Silent Way. Even though many years have passed since that
interview, I still perfectly remember the words of John K. Wood, the then deputy
director for Mobile Fidelity, who said that they had carried out many auditions
comparing PCM 24-bit/96kHz, 24-bit/192kHz and DSD, and they had chosen a Meitner
implementation of the latter. They also had high hopes pinned on DXD but the
project was apparently suspended. I believe that the time has finally come for
all SACDs released over the years by Mobile Fidelity and featuring its logo to
sound the way they did when played back from digital master tapes in the
recording studio. The Accuphase is capable of going incredibly deep into the
recording, without losing sight of the whole. It is a very detailed player that
does not make us concentrate on detail.
Conclusion A Super Audio CD player that is only suitable for SACD playback would be probably hard to accept. While I have been looking for something like that for years, something that would extract maximum information from this format while leaving CDs to CD players, I am aware that it's my quirk. The DP-720 will not make us leave our CD collection on the shelf and will not 'pass over' the discs containing the PCM 16-bit/44.1kHz signal including HDCDs. The formula of CD and SACD playback is very similar in its case. CDs will sound louder and hence less subtle. Their depth will also be slightly lower. We are not, however, talking about large differences.
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