Clube do Áudio e Vídeo Hi-Fi Show 2002

Welcome to Enjoy the's
second consecutive year covering the Clube do Áudio e Vídeo
Hi-Fi show in São Paulo, Brazil! This show is conducted by the Brazilian publication
Clube do Áudio e Vídeo
magazine that features many wonderful articles concerning both stereo hi-fi and
home theater plus live and recorded music and movies. Held at the Centro de Exposições da Câmara Americana de Comércio
from August, 2nd through the 4th, 2002 in São Paulo,
Brazil, the 45 rooms were purpose-built and offer good sound and high acoustic
isolation to achieve a low noise floor. The rooms at this show
were designed for music. This allows for the best overall sounding show than
the usual hotel shows found in most parts of the world. The show sponsors should
be extremely proud for a job well done. We need more excellent shows like this
around the world!
$1 USA ($ USD) = 3.2 Brazil Reals (R$)
Click here to see
our previous year's show report.