Saturday The electronluv AV20 line stage ($20,000) uses a pair of AV20 and WE354 tubes. Truly erotic and i could care less about the specs.
The Cain & Cain Studio Ben ES loudspeakers ($12,000) make use of a Fostex brass T900A supertweeter and FE208E Sigma for the lower frequencies. They were being driven by the Electroluv 801/45 monoblock tube amplifiers ($20,000). Does that thing got a Hemi? Sweeeeeeet :)
The deHavilland GM-70 amplifier ($8,999), in a gorgeous red, produces 50 watts using the Russian Ulyanov GM-70 output tube. Output is triode "Class A" for the ultimate purity.
Here we have Classic Audio Reproductions amazing Hartsfield 50th Anniversary ($17,700) uses TAD drivers in a fully horn loaded three-way system. Sweet!
The Kuma Reference turntable has a Van den Hul with Grasshopper GLN vintage cartridge. They don't make 'em like the used to here in the Classic Audio room.
The Edge Audio G8 stereo amplifier ($5,995) produces 175 watts into 8 ohms with exclusive use of N-channel output devices. It is quasi "Class A" because the output device reduces the crossover distortion. The chassis is solid machined aluminum and the unit weighs in at 58 lbs.
It's the big room, by Colorado Springs retailer Audio Limits, was the Oasis Statement monoblock amplifier ($12,500) with Dali Megalines ($40,000). The amplifiers produce 200 watts in pure "Class A" while the loudspeakers have a dozen 6.5-inch woofers and long ribbon tweeter.
Attention all units of the Audio Federation. Attention all units of the Audio Federation. We have assumed control. Wow, sorry for the Rush 2112 flashback :) The Audio Federation room proudly displayed the Marten Design Coltrane loudspeaker ($50,000), Edge Electronics NL Signature One monoblock amplifier ($31,000), and Audio Note's Kegon amplifier. The Coltrane loudspeaker is a four-way design with a super wide 20Hz to 100kHz frequency response while the NL Signature One monoblock produces a staggering 400 watts. Audio Note's Kegon is a pure "Class A" 22-watt monoblock employing a quartet of 300B tubes.
Hi-Fi Logic's room had Chord's new Blu transport ($7,495) is mated to their DAC64 ($3,495) work in concert. Sampling rate is 4x at 176kHz. Therefore a pair of digital cables is needed from the transport to the DAC. While not pictured here, they were also using the Living Voice OBXR2 floorstander ($8,295) that employs a pair of 6.5-inch midrange/woofers mated to a 1-inch ScanSpeak Revelator tweeter. The crossover unit is outboard to insure no vibration interfered with their operation.