New York Noise 2002 Audio Design Exhibition Show Report
Welcome to the official virtually live coverage of the nyNOISE Audio Design Exhibition festival and show held in New York City at Arlene Grocery (a NYC rock club). The 2002 show was held on Saturday, June 1 in New York City at Arlene Grocery (a rock club). Hosted by JC Morrison and Blackie Pagano, 2002 marks the fourth consecutive year they have both sponsored this event so others may bask in the glory of DIY audio. For those of you who missed our previous show reports, please click the appropriate date to see that year's coverage (1999, 2000, and 2001). The nyNOISE event is the place for true audio artisans to share in their designs and delights. No posers, false bought n' sold hypemeisters or deadbeats allowed here!
Click here for next page of NY Noise 2002 show report.