Reviewer's Bio
Roger Skoff
Roger Skoff is an economist and entrepreneur, still active, but claiming to be retired from a career that included starting and operating nearly two dozen companies in industries ranging from aerospace to franchising, to healthcare, to Holstein dairy cattle breeding, to oil and gas drilling, to publishing, and, finally, to High End audio, where he was founder and designer for XLO, the company whose cables were, until he sold it in 2002, recognized as "The Best in the World". He has consulted to companies as diverse as Procter & Gamble, Motown Records, and Lear-Baylor, Inc.; is an accomplished inventor, with U.S. patents issued or pending in several disciplines; and, with basic discoveries in interactive field theory and capacitive discharge effects as related to signal transmission in cables, is considered to be one of the world's great authorities (sic) on the performance and electrical characteristics of short lengths of wire. As such he has been interviewed by industry and enthusiast publications in more than a dozen countries; been a member of the Executive Committee of AAHEA (The Academy for the Advancement of High End Audio); has served on committees of CEMA (the Consumer Electronics Manufacturer's Association) and EIA (the Electronics Industries Alliance); and has acted as advisor and consultant to a number of High End audio and Home Theater manufacturers in the United States and abroad. His first published writings were in the field of consumer electronics, where he was a reviewer for Sounds like... magazine, a consumer audio publication, and later became Editor of Sounds Like... News, an industry publication in the same field. In whatever spare time he has from his current consulting activities and ongoing research in cable physics, he writes for this publication; for Audiophile Review; and for Positive Feedback Online. In 2014, he was elected Vice-President-at-Large
of the Los Angeles Orange County Audio Society (at more than 1500 members,
LAOCAS is believed to be the world's biggest Hi-Fi Club) and produced and
moderated seminars at T.H.E. Newport Audio Show.