December 2008
Yamamoto-San's factory is in Ono-city, within the Hyogo Prefecture, on Japan's Honshu or Main Island. Honshu is divided into five regions, one of which is Kansai, where the Hyogo Prefecture and Ono-city are located. Ono-city has an estimated population of only 50410 people. For those interested in golf, I am told that the Ono Golf Club is a difficult course to play, with its nice rolling terrains, beautiful greens and numerous ponds. Perhaps it is this tranquil small country setting that has helped inspire Yamamoto-San's use of natural woods, tube amplifiers and hand crafted products.
On To Something New And Exciting
Borrowing from his many years of successful amplifier designs is the belief that a good strong power supply will yield a powerful sound with great bass impact. He holds that the same is true no matter what the audio apparatus and has incorporated this design philosophy into his new DAC. Looking inside the YDA-01 you see a custom Yamamoto transformer which helps provide the YDA-01 with its strong bass extension and dynamic swing. Appearance wise the front panel is very clean with only an on/off switch while the rear of the unit has a digital input and two RCA outputs as well as an IEC connector for those of use who love to play with power cords. The fuse is nicely hidden just above this connector and tucked neatly out of the way. You will immediately notice that there are no balanced connections, which was purposely done in an effort to keep the product affordable. The wood trim on both sides of this product is made from Japanese Cherry wood. The use of wood is a common reoccurrence seen throughout the Yamamoto Sound Craft line, which it looks and feels magnificent. If you like wood products please take a moment to look at their wooden audio racks, speaker stands and horn enclosures, as they are certainly beautiful to behold.
Setup For power cords I substituted a Monarchy Audio AC-1 in place of the stock cord. Connecting the YDA-01 to the preamplifier were PS Audio Transcendence Silver interconnects. This DAC was never finicky or demanding as to which digital cable, interconnect, transport or power cord was necessary in order to sound its best. Talking to Brian Bowdle of Venus HiFi, Yamamoto's North American Importer, he recommended I try the YDA-01 with an inexpensive transport, as that is really all it needs. The funny thing is that I had already discovered that on my own and therefore agreed with him. It is not necessary to find a transport costing as much as a good used car to pair with this DAC to produce great digital sound. I did however place underneath the transport some Yamamoto audio bases that I have found to make excellent isolation devices. The YDA-01 itself comes with its own African Ebony footers (just like Yamamoto's amps), which is made from the same wood as many of the Yamamoto audio bases. One more note is that I had on hand a Philips DVD 9000S DVD video/SACD player. This Philips player was on loan to me from CC Poon of Monarchy Audio who bought this unit in Hong Kong, as it is not available for the United States market. The Philips was close to stock with the only change being a huge upgraded Jensen capacitor at the AC input that Mr. Poon himself installed. I thoroughly enjoyed this new addition to my system and was considering making a purchase until I heard the more expensive Yamamoto YDA-01. This DAC took my digital playback to a higher level and won me over, the details of which I would now like to share with you.
Selections The Assad family provides us with three generations of musical heritage as mother sings along with her three grandchildren, two girls and one boy. These three are the children of Sérgio and Odair Assad. As a side note their father Jorge also performs with them on mandolin but he did not play on this particular song. One of the reasons I choose listening to Yo-Yo Ma is that the cello is a unique instrument capable of producing deep warm tones, which some feel to be the most expressive instrument within the orchestra. In 1529 a three-stringed instrument (now of course four-stringed) was made that later was deemed the "violincello" which in Italian means "small double bass". About fifty years later this was shortened to what we now call the cello. Beethoven wrote five sonatas for the cello and perhaps had he heard Yo-Yo Ma perform he would have created more for this modern day master cellist. Listening to "Familia" the YDA-01 clearly places the opening voices of three singers, one at a time as they start singing, first left then right and finally dead center in-between the loudspeakers. I had to stop for a moment checking to see if I had a third loudspeaker somewhere hidden in-between my Legacy Focus 20/20's as the third singers voice was so evident. The five total singers voices are layered quite nicely with each performer distinctly heard within the soundstage. Yo-Yo Ma's cello sounded both detailed and delicate while the YDA-01 allowed you to feel the strings vibrate as the bow glides across them. Another treat on this CD is the singing voice of James Taylor, a long-time favorite of mine. His voice brings such warmth to his songs that I thoroughly enjoy his performances no matter what he is singing. Here playing with Yo-Yo Ma, together they do a rendition of "Here Comes the Sun", a classic George Harrison piece, which throws out a wide soundstage extending beyond the loudspeakers. The vocal presentation is strong as even the smallest resonance in his voice can be heard quite clearly. There are five background singers accompanying him and the YDA-01 has no trouble differentiating and pinpointed them all clearly in front of us. This DAC has the ability to create space around instruments and vocals that rival some of the best out there. Moving onto one more song from this album I would like to mention "Invitación al Danzón" performed by Paquito D'Rivera on clarinet. He was a child prodigy born in Cuba playing both the saxophone and clarinet for the Cuban National Symphony Orchestra. With him on this song is the Israeli pianist AlonYavnai. Mr. Yavnai began his journey with the piano at ago four and was playing professionally by age fourteen. Within the song we hear the clarinet floating musical notes lightly before us as AlonYavnai's quick yet distinct piano keys are can be heard playing in the background. TheYDA-01 gave me a feeling of tonal and harmonic accuracy with its reproduction of Paquito D'Rivera's clarinet. As for Yo-Yo Ma the timbre and tone quality of his cello is clear and the resonance from his cello can be distinctly heard. The YDA-01 has this ability to separate individual performers within songs, whether they are two, three, five or more playing together. I found this time and again no matter what music I threw at this DAC. It was quite apparent that it was at ease with handling the music's inner resolution. The YDA-O1 enhanced my listening pleasure by bringing familiar songs to new uncharted levels that I had not previously enjoyed before. As I rediscover old familiar songs I now found them once again to be new and exciting. One note about this CD is that there are many more fine musicians performing within it and Songs of Joy & Peace now has been put on my favorites list for use in future reviews. Moving on now to Buddy Guy's CD Skin Deep [Silvertone 88697-31629-2], I was quite impressed with the song "Every Time I Sing The Blues". Here we have Buddy Guy and Eric Clapton on guitar and vocals. The recorded performance was astounding and the YDA-01 did its best to let you hear it all. Taking a line from the song, "Just trying to tell the truth every time I sing the Blues" is reminiscent of the way I felt about this DAC's presentation of music. It did not over romanticize things nor did it place any unnatural emphasis on any part of the musical spectrum. It was quite balanced, neutral and very dynamic. Playing music loudly with the YDA-01 was a joy and even at levels that were nearing the threshold of being uncomfortable, still sounded excellent. Being one not to risk damaging my ears, there is a point that I always turn the music down. Hopefully you will also so that many years from now you can continue to "enjoy the music". Not to be outdone the song "Skin Deep", from the same CD, features the work of guitarist Derek Trucks and a host of others. Yamamoto-San's DAC brought out the unique character of Buddy Guy's voice giving an earthy blues presentation to his songs. Once again the layering effect of background vocals, Buddy Guy's singing and guitar work, as well as the rest of the band playing was a pleasure to hear. No matter what I fed the YDA-01 it never got confused or congested. In order to test this a little further I threw on Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble's The Real Deal: Greatest Hits Volume 2 CD [Epic/Legacy 88697 22629 2]. Listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan's lightening fast guitar playing on the song, "Scuttle Buttin" I was amazed with the YDA-01's ability to not miss a beat and give a lifelike feeling to this all to brief yet incredible set. That and the fast paced "Love Struck Baby" which can sound lacking in energy with the wrong setup made me want to get up off my favorite chair to dance. When I am driven to stand and deliver that speaks volumes about a product. I would also like to mention its ability to produce deep resounding bass wherever it found it. Never did bass sound overemphasized but instead live and natural.
Steps... A Pair Of SET Amplifiers Diana Krall's, The Look Of Love [Verve 314 549 846-2], CD with the opening song "S'Wonderful" threw an expansive deep soundstage that immediately caught my attention. There seemed to be a little extra space surrounding instruments and vocals alike then I had heard with my solid-state amplifiers. Diana Krall's voice was very alive and the overall effect of the combination of tube and DAC can best be described as smooth. It was missing some of the bass impact but not too much. Diana Krall's voice on "Cry Me a River" was so clear and real it was startling. "The Look of Love" came across as sultry and seductive, as it should, with an extra bit of breath in her voice that was quite pleasant. Lastly I listened to James Taylor's Covers CD [Hear Music HRM-30829-02] where he records songs that were written by various artists. Hearing him sing "Suzanne", a classic Leonard Cohen piece, I was taken by the YDA-01's ability to handle the decay of notes as well as bringing a great holographic image to the song. The slides from his guitar were evident, as they should be, yet not shrill or annoying. James Taylor also sings a rendition of George Benson's, "On Broadway". I had heard George Benson perform live many l years ago in both New York City and one evening in Boulder Colorado. Upon hearing the background vocals with "On Broadway" I was amazed at how well the YDA-01 kept them distant yet oh so clear. This song truly produced a "Wow" moment for me.
the Do-It-Yourselfers
It Up The nice thing about this DAC was the ease at which it took to matching itself with other gear. It slipped in and out of different systems while I changed from tube or solid-state amplifiers, used a variety of digital cables, power cables and loudspeakers and it did so without any fuss. The YDA-01 was comfortable with male or female vocals, Blues, Rock, Classical, Country Western or whatever music I cared to feed it. This is indeed a user-friendly product that creates great sounds on the fly with whatever music or equipment you care to throw at it. There were a few times when I forgot I was playing a CD and thought I was listening to my turntable, it was that good. Finally I would like to thank Shigeki Yamamoto for giving me the pleasure of experiencing first hand what this top quality DAC can do for the enhancement of my CD experience. He emailed me that almost all of his business comes from Japan while maybe one one-thousandth of it is U.S. driven. Hopefully this will change as more people become aware of this man's talent for creating audio products. My ratings: Please take into consideration that the equipment under review is being measured in my room, with my equipment and heard through my ears. As always you should be the final judge as to what works for you in your environment and measured against what traits you value most. The following was how I rated the equipment based on a rating system that does not take in to consideration the cost of the product, until the very last question, "Value For The Money". Before that all products are rated against others in its category, regardless of financial considerations.
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North American Importer for Yamamoto Sound Craft: Voice: