| | December 2001

Chilling at the Bee-Hive
A Group Test of Nine Different 300B Valves
Life, the Universe... and Everything
by Thorsten Loesch
Click here to e-mail reviewer
From the days when Enjoy the Music.com
was just Steve Rochlin’s personal Audiophile Website, he had a nice picture of an
Imperial AT Walter and the classic quotation from the Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Film, "Many Bothan spies died to bring you this information" on
his Tweaks or Free Stuff page(1). Well, let me tell you those Bothan
spies had a lark! I mean fighting Imperial storm troupers, bounty hunters etc.
doesn’t remotely compare to what it took to get this report to you. The
original blind group listening test that provided much of the info for this
report was conducted on no lesser day then the 7th of June - Election Day in the
UK. Luckily enough tubes turned out and my test was better than that at the Ballot
boxes, I guess every country gets the government they deserve.
This report should have been written a little after that, but alas, many
things intervened - not the least a love affair with the throes of young and
foolish love... the arguments, the breaking up, listening only to bluest blues(2),
Country & Western(3) and Scandinavian(3) classical
music for weeks, the making up, making love and so on, You know how it is(5).
Thus much time that I should have spend listening and writing reviews was taken
up by other pursuits. Yet when she looks up at you with those eyes and says
"But darling, I though you’d be spending time with me". In
situations like this what’s a man gonna do, but what a man’s gotta do?
Having finally gotten though these distractions (we are going real steady
now) I changed my day job (I wish I could live from being involved with Hi-Fi,
but I can’t) with the result that again my time was seriously taken up with
getting to know the ropes and everything, many a late evening and the occasional
weekend day was needed. Still, this report was slowly taking shape. The next
blow came in the form of a friend who kindly donated a new Motherboard for my
PC, while fitting it I managed to loose the Hard Drive content and I found that
my backups had excluded my whole desktop, where I keep all current problems.
Well, I started to retype everything.
The final attempt of Live, the Universe and Everything to stop this report
from reaching you, it’s intended readers came in the form of a badly infected
tooth a few days before the final deadline for last month issue. I could not
sleep at night and finally had to visit my dentist who promptly decided root
canal surgery was needed. Ouch! Okay, all this is past but believe me, an audio
reviewers life ain’t all fun and games...
To Be or Not Be – Those are the 300 Questions Here
This report covers a pretty large range of 300B output Valves(6).
Only six years ago in 1995 this would have been a pretty short report,
including the Chinese Shuang made 300B’s marketed among other brands as
"Golden Dragon", the American "Cetron" brand 300B made by
Richardson and the New Old Stock (NOS) Western Electrics 300B which even then
used to fetch ridiculous sums. Still, Jean Hiraga declared the 300B to be
"the tube of the century" and in my view rightly so.
Since those days a true Aladdin’s cave of 300B valves have become
available. Several vendors in China and Taiwan, two in Russia and three in the
Czechs and Slovak Republics make 300B’s. Even the legendary Western Electric
300B has been
put back into production. I’m not sure about the product status of the
Cetron, but it certainly is still being sold and readily available. From a
situation where there was basically no real choice we have come to one where
the choice is huge and perplexing. Hence this test, in order to relate how
many of those different valves perform and sound. Some valves here are old favorites, others have found their way to us only very recently, yet they are
all 300B’s by name.
Looking in my Valve Cabinet upstairs and beholding the incredible riches of
seven different types of 300B valves (and in some cases several pairs)
compared to the state of affairs not so long ago makes me realize how lucky we
Ultra Fidelity enthusiasts really are. In addition to the valves in my own
possession and those submitted by manufacturers and distributors I leaned
heavily on friends and acquaintances to obtain a loan of 300B valves they had
at hand to make the test as comprehensive as possible. Simply the logistics of
this where quite difficult and I’m very grateful to everybody who helped,
provided valves and attended the blind listening session. So a big thank you
to Iwao, Jon, Richard, Ian, Justin and Stuart from the London Live DIY Hi-Fi
Circle and to Brian (DIY Hi-Fi Supply) as well as to Jadson (Valve Art).
In the end I had nine different 300B’s to test. Some task! Notable by
absence where both AVVT and KR, due to the fact that I could not obtain
samples from either the factory or distributors in/for the UK(7),
nor did I have access to any valves from these companies in my circle of
friends and acquaintances.
Finally a few words on the results and conditions of the test. Music and
sound is a very subjective thing. The sound of an entire system comes into
play, so there are often synergies and other effects that make what works well
in one system work less well in another. As a result of considerations such as
that I have tried very much to bring out each valves individual sonic
character relative to the others in the test, in addition to assigning
"absolute" scores based on relative performance in my system.
My own scoring is based on the use of the valves in a system(8)
that essentially offers an in-room response from near 20Hz to way beyond 20KHz
thanks to the large, high sensitivity loudspeakers, digital equalization and super
tweeters I generally employ. Further, with speaker sensitivities of
102db/2.83V/1m or 97db/2.83V/1m my speakers offer very much above average
sensitivity and are very revealing of dynamics and detail. The use of digital
room correction means that usual bass bloat of the room is suppressed, thus
the system is comparably close to an open window with pretty low colorations.
Using more conventional systems will significantly change results. For
example a valve that will sound a little bass shy in my system might actually
tame the excessive bass resulting from room/speaker interactions in your room.
A valve
that sounds rather bright and brash in my system might help in a system that
sounds somewhat dull in the high frequency range. Also, if speakers with a
rather limited frequency range are employed the midrange quality alone may be
deciding in subjectively preferred valve.
Hence, just because a valve has received here a score overall of 90 out of
100 it is not just the only one worth buying, it may not necessarily match
your taste and system as well as another person's system and taste. Equally, just because a valve has
received a low score it should be excluded from consideration. On
the contrary, the sonic characteristics of this valve may very well suit your
system very well. So please read the whole text and try putting my comments on
relative sonics into the context of your taste and system.
Now, Let the Games begin!
Cetron 300B

The Cetron Brand 300B was/is made by Richardson Electronics and is a
true Veteran in this line-up. It has been around pretty much since the
late 80’s when Western Electric stopped production and Richardson decided to fill
the gap. The examples tested where borrowed from a friend and well
burned in. The valves I had looked consistent, if quite cheaply made
with thin glass and flimsy looking internal structures. Internal
structures look common and without unusual features.
The sound was bright, brash and dry. The soundstage delineation and
depth was not ideal. On the positive side, despite a tendency to
brightness the midrange was clean and uncluttered with non of the
edginess and graininess of some other valves. Microphonics are about
average, perhaps a little better then average. It seems to be a highly
reliable valve, which might have attraction for some.
Overall a valve that might work well in a system that is rather on
the dull side and needs brightening up. If your system is already on the
bright side this may be too much. At current prices and in the current
market I feel this Valve is overpriced. All in all a Valve that did not
find much favor with either listening panel or myself.
Overall 55
Tonality 50
Bass 50
Midrange 60
High-frequencies 60
Resolution 55
Soundscape /Imaging 50
Fit and Finish 60
Last printed price known $235 each from Audio Electronic Supply.
Richardson Electronics, Ltd.
40W267 Keslinger Road
P.O. Box 393
LaFox, IL 60147
Voice: (800) 348-5580
E-mail: marcomm@rell.com
Website: www.rell.com
Electro Harmonix 300B

Electro Harmonix is a relatively new Brand for Valves (it is well
known for guitar effects) owned by New Sensor who also own the Sovtek
brand name. The valves are actually rebadged Reflector units, made in the
Saratov Factory in Russia. I briefly tested before "real" EHX
units, in this test I used the Reflector ceramic base 300B that is the
same Valve as re-labelled EHX. The test samples where purchased directly
from Russia. Manufacturing was reasonable and consistency good. Other
than the ceramic base there is no external clue to any differences to
the Reflector/Sovtek 300B which seems identical but for the Plastic
base. Internal structures look common and but the filaments are
supported on coiled springs different from the Western Electric type
This valve offered a very balanced sound, perhaps slightly dark but
with strong bass. The midrange had good detail and delineation with a
slightly subdued high frequency content. Compared to the plastic base
Reflector 300B the sound is slightly brightened up. In terms of three
dimensionality it did not match the best yet this Valve was quite
likeable and even-handed sounding giving much of the bloom and warmth of
the 300B. Not the last word in refinement or detail, but a good
allrounder with better than average resistance to microphonics too.
This valve is more than a little at the high price side and does not
offer the same kind of balance and sound as some others at similar
prices. Sound is good all-round and the valve will give a good account
of itself in most systems, especially those that are perhaps a little on
the bright side tonally.
Overall 58
Tonality 60
Bass 65
Midrange 60
High-frequencies 60
Resolution 50
Soundscape /Imaging 55
Fit and Finish 55
Price $156.00 each from Newsensor
Voice: (212) 529-0466 or toll free in USA: (800) 633-5477,
Fax: (212) 529 0486
E-mail: info@ehx.com
Website: www.ehx.com
JJ Electronics 300B

Made in the Slovak Republic in the former Tesla Valve factory this
Valve has been around a while. The Valve has a substantial ceramic base
and in general appears well made. Internal structures are a little
different from normal. However the connection between Glass Bulb and
base was worryingly loose and lacking in rigidity.
I felt distinctly unhappy handling these Valves. While no valve with
a separate base should be pulled out by its glass bulb this lack of
solidity is worrying and possibly has an influence on the sound too.
Both valves where identical so I do not think this was an isolated
fault. The valves where pretty new but run in for around 100 Hours.
Sonically this valve failed to convince, sounding bright, harsh and
edgy. Soundstaging was lacking too. One positive side, the bass was
quite strong and well defined but the overall tonal balance was
subjectively objectionable and faintly unpleasant. This valve may have
needed "burn in", however my experience has so far been that
few valves change their sound dramatically after burn in. Moreover, the
friend who bought them still reports similar sonics many 100 hours
later. Microphonics are about average.
Given the cost ($200/pair or more) and sonic performance this Valve
disappoints. I would not recommend it unless the asking price was very
Overall 50
Tonality 50
Bass 55
Midrange 50
High-frequencies 50
Resolution 50
Soundscape /Imaging 50
Fit and Finish 50
Price $ 100 each from Watford
Valves UK plus shipping and taxes, $157.40 from Newsensor.
A Hlinku 4,
022 01 ČADCA,
Slovak Republic
Voice: +421-041-432 55 38
Fax.: +421-041-432 51 72
E-mail: jj.electronic@bb.telecom.sk
Website: www.jj-electronic.sk
Reflektor/Sovtek 300B

This valve is the one that until recently was sold under Sovtek label. It seems to have been taken out of the Sovtek
catalogue by New
Sensor but remains readily available in Russia, from where these most
recent samples where imported at a cost of $30 each (via El-Tubes,
previous purchases where at similar prices via tubes.ru). This makes
this 300B by far the cheapest currently offered. Manufacturing quality
is good, internal structures are usual but for the coil spring support
for the filament wires.
Sonically this valve sounded almost identical to the ceramic base
version now sold under Electro Harmonix label. Evenly balanced tonally
with strong bass this Valve makes easy listening. Compared to the
ceramic base version this Valve sounded more subdues in the treble
range, also having a slightly more constricted soundstage. Microphonics
of this valve appear lower than average.
This valve is tremendous value for money and offers evenly balanced
sound slightly on the warm and dark side, thus suited best to overly
bright systems. Highly recommended if import directly from Russia is
possible or dealers offer similarly competitive pricing.
Overall 56
Tonality 60
Bass 65
Midrange 60
High-frequencies 55
Resolution 50
Soundscape /Imaging 50
Fit and Finish 55
Price $30 each from El-Tubes, plus shipping import duties etc.
P.O. Box 84
Voice/Fax: +7-095-407-0310
E-mail: el-tubes@mtu-net.ru
Website: www.el-tubes.webzone.ru
Svetlana 300B

This valve was previously marketed by Svetlana USA, who in recent times
seems to have suffered finical difficulties. The Svetlana factory in St.
Petersburg still seems to make the valve though, current stock is still
in the dealer channels. I have been told new production runs will be
made, so I consider this Valve very much current.
In the past Svetlana 300B’s have suffered from quality control
issues and had a tendency to develop grid/cathode shorts when the
cathode/filament supports deformed after running the Valve hot. Internal
structures match the WE style very closely, the glass is quite thick and
heavy. Still reliability is an issue with this valve.
Tonally the Svetlana 300B is evenly balanced with a beautifully
delineated midrange and gorgeous sound staging. It has been a
longstanding favorite of mine for it’s sound which is classic 300B,
close in fact to the reissue WE 300B. While great in the midrange the bass and Treble are only very good. The soundstage depth is very good.
Microphonics of the Svetlana valve are perhaps a little above average,
but not much.
All in all this Valve stands a good deal above much of the
competition at the budget end and offers superb sound. The history of
poor reliability however makes good backup from a reliable and reputable
dealer a must, so a recommendation with some question marks is on order.
Overall 70
Tonality 70
Bass 70
Midrange 75
High-frequencies 70
Resolution 65
Soundscape /Imaging 75
Fit and Finish 60
Price $80 each from El-Tubes, plus shipping import duties etc, list
in US around $150 each.
P.O. Box 84
Voice/Fax: +7-095-407-0310
E-mail: el-tubes@mtu-net.ru
Website: www.el-tubes.webzone.ru
TJ 300B Mesh Anode Globe

This Valve is rather new, the units I tested where some of the first
series units. They are being made in China in the Tianjin Province, the
supplier (DIY HiFi Supply) being somewhat coy about more details. The
Factory specializes in early WE Replicas and has build up quite a
reputation in Japan. Their products are available from a number of
sources under the Full Music and All Music label.
The "TJ" label is the "house label" of Opera
Audio Hong Kong and DIY HiFi Supply. They claim for the TJ valves added
selection and burn in and curve (rather point) matching. DIY HiFi Supply
will ship the valves internationally and are pleasant to deal with but
for one little detail. Credit Cards are accepted only via the paypal
service, other payment methods include bank transfer. In both cases extra
effort and expense is needed, this may dissuade some people from
In terms of build quality these Valves are easily the best in the
whole group, with thick glass, substantial internal structures and a
superb consistency. These Valves have a number of features that set them
aside form the usual, not at least the perforated anode, globe glass
envelope and a very different structure for suspending the filaments.
Also, the filament wires extend past the Anode structure, a feature
claimed by another manufacturer that uses it to improve linearity. No
specific claims are being made for any of the features in the Valve and
a question on performance elicits a dry "WE Spec" reply.
Sonically this valve was a revelation. In one of my amplifiers I can
switch between many Valves including the 45. I always have liked the 45,
but it’s limited power meant that often the 300B was preferred,
despite it’s slightly thick, overly warm and slow sound. Well, this valve "out 45’s" the 45! It offers that clarity, directness
and openness I know from my 45’s but adds power and even more
resolution. I love it. The tonal balance is very even-handed, the
soundstage is ridiculously extended and opened up. Detail, especially
these little background things are exceptionally well resolved. Okay,
hand me the drool towel. The fact that the valve glows very, very
prettily in the dark is a distinct bonus (see "lit up"
picture), but it’s the sound that counts.
While not cheap this Valve to my ears is the highest 300B game in
town. I personally would, given the choice (and I have the choice) use
nothing less.
Overall 90
Tonality 90
Bass 85
Midrange 90
High-frequencies 90
Resolution 90
Soundscape /Imaging 90
Fit and Finish 95
Price $275 matched pair, plus shipping import duties etc.
Sophia Electric
Washington, DC
Voice: (703) 204-1429
Cellular: (571) 277-8823
Fax: (703) 560-3502
E-mail: Sophia_electric@yahoo.com
Website: www.sophiaelectric.com
DIY Hifi Supply
6H, Blk 1, Park View Garden
Tai Wai, N.T.
Hong Kong
E-mail: sales@diyhifisupply.com
Website: www.diyhifisupply.com
TJ 300B Solid Anode Globe

This was actually the first TJ valve I encountered. It has the same
shape and features and same providence as the "mesh anode"
version, but the Anode is a conventional solid metal type.
I fitted it into my amplifier and was struck how much of the sound of
a 45 it brought along. Compared to the "Mesh Anode" this valve
offers a little less detail and directness, but the TJ family sound
(also found in the Solid Anode Coke bottle valve that was withdrawn from
the review) is clearly there. Balanced, detailed, direct open and
beautiful. This Valve is certainly well worth considering, in fact if it
was not for the TJ Mesh Anode this would be my recommendation. One
advantage is that the solid anode version is a bit more rugged if run at
very high dissipation. So if your amplifier runs the output valve very hard
this may be a better bet for long term reliability. Otherwise go for the
As it stands this Valve costs a little less than the Mesh Anode TJ
300B and sounds a little less good. If the budget is tight then make it
stretch at least this far. If you can stretch it to the cost of the Mesh
Anode TJ make it stretch.
Overall 85
Tonality 80
Bass 85
Midrange 85
High-frequencies 85
Resolution 80
Soundscape /Imaging 85
Fit and Finish 95
Price $199 matched pair, plus shipping import duties etc.
DIY Hifi Supply
6H, Blk 1, Park View Garden
Tai Wai, N.T.
Hong Kong
e-mail: sales@diyhifisupply.com
Sophia Electric
Voice: (703) 201-6578
Fax: (703) 560-3502
Website: www.sophiaelectric.com
Valve Art 300B

Made in Hunan China this valve is by now a veteran. My test pair was
actually the (replacement) pair supplied for the Billie Kit Amplifier
where it comes as standard. The valves where well burned in. Internal
structures resemble the Sovtek valves, but the anodes are a shiny black
Sonically this valve very much resembles the Cetron, with a bright
tone, forward and overall a slightly tipped up balance is combined with
a good bass punch, but the sound is rather lean. The soundstaging was
quite open and resolved. Unlike the Cetron, the Valve Art could at times
sound a little grainy and edgy, but much less so than the JJ. The
tonality did smooth out a little with burn in but fundamentally
remained. Microphonics are about average, perhaps slightly better. If
your system is essentially neutral sounding or even a little bright this
Valve’s sound may prove too bright and incisive, if you system sounds
a bit a dull this valve will brighten things up.
Given the current pricing and performance this Valve comes
recommended, with a caveat on the excessively bright tonal balance that
will exclude this Valve from many systems.
Overall 55
Tonality 55
Bass 60
Midrange 55
High-frequencies 50
Resolution 55
Soundscape /Imaging 55
Fit and Finish 60
Price $99 matched pair, plus shipping import duties etc.
International Electronics Building
Yingbin Road
Changsha, Hunan 410011
PR China
E-mail: sales@diyhifisupply.com
Website: www.diyhifisupply.com
Valve Art 4300B

This Valve is also made by O&J Enterprises in Hunan but
brand-new. It introduces a new type anode made as a sandwich of copper,
nickel and iron. More power dissipation and better sound are claimed.
Internal structures and externals match the normal Valve Art 300B, but
the Anode is a flat grey as most other 300B’s and the pins are gold
plated. To denote the premium grade status O&J has chosen to
use the STC UK 4300B designator for the valve, the original STC 4300B is
considered by many the best sounding 300B, quite a tall order to live up
Sonically this valve resembles the Cetron and normal Valve Art but
with the brightness and forwardness elevated to a new level. The slight
graininess and edginess of the standard Valve Art however is gone, yet
the tonal balance is even more tipped up. On the positive side, this
valve seems more resolving and detailed than the standard type. It will
again work well in system that are on the dull side, in my system it
clearly exceeded my tolerance levels for brightness. It was however much
at home driving the Beauhorn B2
loudspeakers I reviewed a while back, where
it managed to compensate for their lack of treble extension. As with the
Cetron and standard Valve Art this Valve is unlikely to work well in
evenly balanced or slightly bright systems.
Given the pricing and in the right system this valve can be
recommended, just be careful it matches your system.
Overall 59
Tonality 58
Bass 55
Midrange 60
High-frequencies 60
Resolution 60
Soundscape /Imaging 60
Fit and Finish 60
Price $ 159 matched pair, plus shipping import duties etc.
International Electronics Building
Yingbin Road
Changsha, Hunan 410011
PR China
E-mail: sales@diyhifisupply.com
Website: www.diyhifisupply.com
Western Electric 300B

Reaching the end of this particular marathon we have the Western
Electric 300B. Reissued a few years ago this has long been the 300B
against which every other has been measured. In some inconclusive tests
I felt that the original pre 1988 WE sounded better and others have made
similar comments, but I can’t be sure.
Internally, well it's a WE 300B. So that is what it looks like.
Compared to some others build quality is consistent but not very solid,
the glass is a bit on the thin side and the Valve feels lightweight,
still, you get five years warranty and reliability seems to be great.
Sonically this valve clearly shows what made the reputation of the
300B - warm, expansive and open it offers great tonality - good
Soundstaging, warmth, all those classic qualities. At that it is however
classic 300B sound, eluding the final levels of directness and detail
that I had always thought the domain of a 45 or 10/VT-25. Given the
excellent balance, tone and soundscaping this valve would have been the
king of this hill had it not been for the TJ Valves. Whatever the WE
300B does wrong, it errors are those of omission, not of commission. It
does not offer those last, final levels of detail, space, airiness etc,
but it offers solid, balanced and excellent performance.
The price of the valve is on the high side, make that very high side.
For the price of a matched pair you can easily buy three matched pairs
of the TJ Mesh Anode Globes. To make up for that you get a five years
warranty, that is a lot of peace of mind. Me? I'd go for the sound,
who knows if I or if Western Electric are around five years from now….
Overall 74
Tonality 75
Bass 75
Midrange 80
High-frequencies 75
Resolution 75
Soundscape /Imaging 80
Fit and Finish 60
Westrex Corporation
P.O. Box 52455
Atlanta, GA
Voice: (404) 352-2000
Fax: (404) 352-2222
E-mail: info@westernelectric.com
Website: www.westernelectric.com
After detailing each valves background and sound time for a closing few
lines. As I mentioned, all valves have their own characteristic sound and
tonality. As such some will work better in some systems than in others. As it is
generally not possible to borrow Valves for a few days and listen, you will have
to go by comments of such as reviewers and people commenting in the Usenet and
on Discussion Boards.
If you do look up their advice or consider mine make sure you know the System
and musical taste of those commenting. While in general my comments have been
born out in my circle of friends (many of whom also have Sovtek, Svetlana and TJ
valves at hand) you may find that in your system things pan out a little
different. The whole topic is complex. Ideally look for comments from people
that own the same Amp and ideally the same speakers as you do. Otherwise make
sure speakers have comparable efficiencies and tonality. As mentioned on some
speakers which where arguably somewhat deficient in HF extension the Valve Art
4300B offered excellent sound because it compensated this. In my own system
which is by far more evenly balanced and offer a very extended frequency
response the same Valve turned very bright, almost unbearably so. While I
can recommend most Valves within this line-up (with the exception of the JJ and
because of pricing the Cetron and EHX) they come in general all with the
"make sure they match your system" health warning.
It was exhausting but fun to appreciate all the different 300B Valves in
various Amplifiers and contexts and I hope that this little article will help
you a little to make your choices easier. However, it should by no means be
taken as the gospel. Just because I did not like the particular Valve you paid
your hard-earned cash for and that you like does not mean that you made a wrong
a choice. In the right system I could enjoy my music with pretty much any of
these Valves and that’s what it is all about.
Until next time...
System used for formal audition:
Source: Adagio non-oversampling DAC prototype with TDA1541 driven by a
modified Pioneer DV-505 DVD Player
Preamplifier: Toccata – modified from an Arthur Loesch design
Power Amplifier: Opera Audio Consonance M500 Kit with Ken Rad VT-229 and
Mullard GZ-34
Loudspeakers: Magnificat – DIY based around antique Goodmans Full-Range Drivers,
around 104db/W/m, 25Hz - 20kHz in room, additional Visaton T-25 subwoofer
Room correction – Behringer Ultracurve 8024 Digital equalizer.
Music used included Eiji Oue conducting the Minnesota Orchestra playing
Mussorgskys Pictures at an Exhibition on reference recordings, some
further reference recordings CD’s (these where brought by a friend) including
Nicholas McGegan/Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra Vivaldi for diverse
instruments as well as Moloko The Time Is Now for a modern
"pop" tune. Valves where tested blind and given five minutes warm-up
before playing the same musical sequence.
My own informal audition stretched over many month and included the
Analog Sources:
Oracle Delphi Turntable and Acoustic Solid "Solid One" turntable
with a number of Arms and Cartridges including Origin modified RB-250 &
Goldring Elite, SME 3009 & Denon DL-103, Rega RB-300 & Goldring
Elite/Denon DL-103, Ortofon RS-212 special with SPU-GTE Pickup
Digital Sources:
Adagio Non oversampling DAC, Philips LHH-1000 DAC (aka Marantz DA-12) and
Pioneer DV-505 DVD Player plus Teac P-500 Transport
Toccata (modified Arthur Loesch Pre), Shindo Claret (DIY Copy), Consonance
Reference 1.2
Power Amplifiers:
Opera Audio Consonance M500, Legacy (modified from the le Maison de
l’Audiophile Legacy design, a modernized WECO 91 with adjustable HT, Heaters
and cathode resistors for the output Valve allowing many types (including 2A3,
300B, 45 & 10) to be used
Tannoy Monitor Red 15" in Corner York Cabinets, Magnificat (DIY based
around Goodmans Axiom 80 and Axiom 201 fullrange Drivers), Beauhorn B2
Some of the valves where evaluated further in a friends system. This consists
of DIY hybrid electrostatic speakers and two different push-pull amplifiers (one
fully differential "Direct Reactance Drive" 300B only Amplifier with
6S45PE Driver Valves, the other with a 6SN7 interstage transformer coupled
design that can be converted between 2A3 and 300B) on the ESL Panels. Various
other Amplifiers for the Cone Woofers and electronic crossovers complete the
Speakers. The source in this system is the Adagio DAC driven by a Acoustic
Precision Eikos CDP and a Euridice transformer coupled pre-amplifier.
- Steve Dude, whatever happened to that page?
- John Lee Hooker, Gary Moore
- Loretta Lynn, Patsie Klein, Tammy Wynette
- Sibelius, Grieg, Rautavaara
- If you don’t know or can’t remember, what are you doing reading this?
Go out and fall in love!
- I guess the only true 300B is the pre-1988 Western Electric 300B, all the
newer versions are probably best described as 300B compatible, as they
differ in materials, structures etc.
- Trust me, I tried to get Valves, especially the AVVT C37 Mesh Anode types,
but even a personal endorsement by Dieter Ennemoser ("Mr C37") did
not succeed in getting me samples, I was told I could buy a pair at
distributors cost and declined.
- A complete description of the equipment used, some of the music used and
other technicalities are near the bottom of this report
Steve sez: Thorsten dude, the original "Bothan" 300B shootout is
available by clicking here.
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