September 2019
Furutech NCF Cable Booster-Signal
Sometimes, you can't help but get giddy about a product that most everyone is going to gripe that, "It can't possibly work!" But the fact is the highly debatable yet finely engineered Furutech NCF Booster-Signal I've been lucky enough to be closely reviewing these past few months clearly improves the clarity, focus, resolution, and musical enjoyment of just about any otherwise free hanging or gently lying-about cable you may be using in your high-end audio playback system. "What, what, WHAT?!?!" I hear someone saying, far away in the Internet. As though the mere fact that elevating or "Boosting" a cable off its normal path might even begin to make an audible difference much less a repeatable one, and yet here I am saying just that. Many factors are in play here, not the least of which is a capacitive effect where the plastic cable jacket actually charges up and holds onto the passing signal for a tiny instant of time before discharging back into the same signal, and thus distorting and corrupting what's passing by on the conductor at that moment. Essentially, with no jacket (therefore no capacitive smear) sounds better, faster, less like listening to a stereo recreation and more like live sound that has not been amplified. "Jeremy, are you serious?" It may seem far fetched, as I explore this idea with you, but go ahead and try Skoff's little experiment and come back here and tell me you heard no difference, at all! Sure there is a limit to how well you personally will hear the improvements I speak of when introducing even a few of the Furutech NCF Booster-Signal into an existing playback system. But taken as a whole, if you know and love the sound of your system and then add a few Booster-Signal in key spots (especially Speakers and Amp Power) you are likely to be in for a pleasant surprise, one that becomes increasingly intriguing and intoxicating since it will make your favorites sound new, once again and like you have never really heard them, before. Hyperbole? You be the judge. But you must try the Furutech NCF Booster-Signal, then, and give them a real chance.
Click here to read the complete review.
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