January 2006
Personally, I think a very good case can be made for the use of super-tweeters from first hi-fi principles. Indeed, I have an argument for the use of super-tweeters that does not even require any listening, critical or otherwise. If the first principal of hi-fi, the founding axiom as it were, is to reproduce as closely as possible the original acoustic event, and the original acoustic event contains frequency content that only a super-tweeter can reproduce, the use of a super-tweeter is necessarily entailed to reproduce those frequencies so as to recreate the original event as closely as possible. Otherwise, it just ain’t as hi-fi as it could be and is not the point of it all? (Actually, I am not sure it is. The purpose of domestic hi-fi, I think, ought to be enjoyment and education. But that’s another story.)
The Explanation Such noise has also been known to melt a Krell or three. DVD-Audio of course may not suffer from such problems, but when was the last time you played a DVD-Audio? And how many DVD-Audios do you actually own? And while vinyl, in principal, is able to produce ultrasonic frequencies, such playback will only be available on perhaps the first or second play before normal stylus wear eliminates it. On FM, of course, listeners with super-tweeters may be given the pleasure of listening to the 19kHz pilot tone, but from there on up it is a sonic void. Tape me another matter, but I don’t know anything about it. But there are also, I would like to add, a number of a posteriori or empirical arguments supporting the use of super-tweeters, aside from the fun of scaring bats, and the dogs and other vermin, none particularly welcome in the listening room. There is, for example, credible evidence that the human brain can sense sonic events of between 10uS to 20uS (equivalent to 100Hz to 50kHz. (Acuity of Laterising Transients Klump and Eady, 1956. See also Yost, 1971). In terms of a listening to a point source this is the same as a listener being able to detect a shift of 1 degree laterally. While this is for steady state sources, it has been reported that for random sources may even be better. Furthermore, neuron firing in auditory nerves can be detected above 20kHz in healthy humans. This spatial detection is not just dependent on the relative amplitude of sounds, the ear can also detect astonishingly small differences in phase, good transient response over a wide band from the acoustic source will help with transients and with the original sound field being accurately reconstructed. If the same transient signal is fed to two speakers of headphones and one of the signals is made to lead in time the signal leading in time will sound louder and be dominant, this effect can be detected down to 2uS for detecting (Jeffress and Hafter, 1968). In real sound sources, i.e. those not manufactured with the help of a Robert Moog, but rather an Antonio Stradivari, audible beat tones can be generated from ultrasonic energy in the sources. Such beat tones do contribute to the timbre of the music and should, it would seem, be retained if you are to maintain the highest standards of fidelity. Of course you may say if you record these sources you also record the beat products tones so the super-tweeters are not needed. But most recordings are multi tracked, rarely are all the instruments and vocals recorded at the same time, with over dubs more common than not, that such beat tones rarely if ever exist on the recording. However a wideband audio system is capable of reproducing these. Whether or not this is a good or a bad thing is, as with many things in audio, a matter of taste. And for those of who like to listen to very loud music at very high volumes, at high SPL air inter-modulates (above around 130dB) and to accurately reproducing such inter-modulations could also be an interesting reason for having a supertweeter. Cerwin Vega, who know more than most when it comes to busting ear drums, have done a lot of work on this for their coaxial drivers with ribbon tweeters. The above empirical arguments I cribbed (to put it politely, plagiarism is probably closer to the truth) with the help of Southern Ontario based audio engineer who has spent a lifetime looking into these and other problems. This, our intrepid designer hastened to add was prefaced on the distinction that such super-tweeters did not begin only begin to work at 50kHz and go on from there. Obviously, then, the Golden Sound Super Tweeter, reviewed very well elsewhere I should add, a super-tweeter that only begins at 1GHz (!!!) need not apply. So I am bitten. You might even say I am prejudiced. Before even listening to a super-tweeter, I want it to work. I want to know that I have the hearing of a bat and know once for all that the reason I dislike dogs in the park is not the dogs but the owner’s whistles. And so we come to the subject of this review, Tonian Laboratories TLR1 super-tweeters. It’s not every product that’s not snake oil that you’re not even sure if you will hear. Well packed in Styrofoam, the super-tweeters weighed in about 3 or so kilograms each, and were about 15 centimeters wide, 15 centimeters deep and just over 20 centimeters high. The weight is accounted for not by the ribbon that weighs next to nothing, but the internal transformer. My review samples came in matte black, but for an added charge, they can be finished in other colors. Attractively finished, I thought the tweeters with their silver slits and black box rather looked the biz. My wife, alas, was less than impressed comparing them to Darth Vader, and this from a woman who has so far as I know never seen a Star Wars film that has Darth Vader in it. Looks of course are a matter of taste and are in the eye of the beholder but in this case, my wife is (she doesn’t read this stuff anyway, only edits it) simply wrong.
The Hookup The manual specifically warns against connecting the super-tweeters directly to an amplifier as doing so may cause your amplifier problems. Bi- and tri-amp’ers ought, therefore, to tread carefully with their interconnects. As an experiment I did connect the super tweeters directly to my Audio Note Kit 1 amplifier but experienced no such problems. I was however watching the amp closely and had my favorite annoys wired in parallel. No nasty smells either, always a bad sign and not just in hi-fi.
The Listening Part 1 1) One of the speakers was damaged in transport and 2) the functioning one crossed over much lower than advertised. This review was a little unusual as it is often the case that short hanging up the phone, I can’t get the manufacturers to stop telling me about the underlying theory and practice of their products. Tony, of Tonian Laboratories (geddit), was a little less forthcoming.
I am not sure I completely agree with this. It is of course true that the customer does want great sound from his stereo, or a great ride from his car, but when it comes to making a substantial purpose for one’s Hi Fi, it’s important to know how the new component is likely to react with the old ones. Does your speaker’s treble roll off slowly or quickly. How high do your existing speakers go? If you are using some form of either digital or analog correction system, how should you configure it? If you are bi-amp’ing or even tri-amp’ing, how is the speaker going to react with the amplifier. It’s no understatement to say that just as all speakers are different, as are most amplifiers as are rooms, ears and tastes: It’s just good to know these things so you can at least place yourself in the right ball park before tweaking the system to audio nirvana. It’s also nice to know what exactly you’re buying. Just trust us is in these days of audio hyperbole and snake oil is, I believe, insufficient. Having your hard work stolen from you is no fun either, so I suppose a happy medium can be found and it does sound as if Tony was burned in the past and you certainly don’t have to and buy Tony’s excellent super tweeters if you don’t want to. But Tony did allow the following to appear in print, belying his professed reticence at spilling the beans:
So That, As They Say, Is That. Setting up the super-tweeters was simplicity itself. After taking them out of their well packed boxes (after paying the FedEx bastard a ‘customs brokerage’ fee, I placed each tweeter on top of each of my Tannoy D700s, approximating as far as I could to line them up on the same axis as the ‘speakers’ tweeters. Not quite sure how far back to place, I experimented with a number of positions from flush with the front to flush to the back. As my speakers have nothing on their top surface that is at all grippy and as the super-tweeters had nothing grippy on their bottoms, things tended to slip slide away some. I see other people have used such super-tweeters with stands all their own, not a bad idea I think, but I am already pushing it when it comes to gear in my listening room. Instead, I found some ‘puds’ from an old Cambridge Isolation Stand and squashed one between each of the speakers. This gave me a firm foundation that I could set an’ forget and hopefully isolate somewhat the tweeters from cabinet vibrations. The system at the time was bi-amplified. A Nad Silverline provided bottom. Top end was delivered by a bog standard Audio Note Kit 1 with TJ Mesh Output Tubes. Sources ranged from a Sony SACD player, a Garrard 301 turntable with Rega Arm, Goldring Cartridge and EAR Phono Preamp. Preamp was also a Nad Silverline. Power conditioning was by Monster. And there was a variety of cables employed — nothing coherent about this cable loom. Standout cables were prototype Masonics of Masonic Cables, Datchet. A monster of a subwoofer, subject of a forthcoming review, provided extreme bass duty. Couch by Ikea.
The Listening Part 2
But then went on Dark Side of the Moon, CD and SACD. This was my first clue that the tweeters were really working. I could immediately hear that they were doing something quite different to the extreme treble. They made the treble sound distorted and harsh. I later learned from the very self-same audio engineer previously cited that it was not the tweeters that were wrong, but the recording. This was definitely a good sign.
I would say that if your system is already enormously resolving, you listen to a lot of modern high-resolution recordings and you just need to make that next step, the Tonian super-tweeters could just be the ticket for you.
Specifications Tweeter 2.5-inch ribbon tweeter Frequency Response: 15kHz to 40kHz Nominal Impedance: 8 ohm, DCR 0.02 ohm Sensitivity (Variable): 85 to 95 dB/W/m Power Handling: 17W nominal, 40W max Dimensions: 8.0 x 4.75 x 6.5 (HxWxD in inches) Price: TL-R1 as reviewed $950, larger TL-R2 $1,250
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