However, the headline feature of this new Mk2 Mk2 variant on 2004’s 808 theme is a special digital filter with ‘apodization’ characteristics. Put simply, this changes the ‘shape’ of the mathematical function corresponding to the digitally processed (ie filtered) audio signal. The new filter window, necessarily operating at an upsampled 88.2kHz and requiring a heavy duty 150MIPS processor, avoids the usual replay pre-echo, and further provides part correction of the pre-echo on the recording via a small, lower level notch in response at the appropriate location in the frequency domain. The net result is minimum phase rather than linear-phase output. (See Technology Backgrounder Box.) The 808i.2 comprises a substantial enclosure with black glass top and heavy duty moulded polymer fascia. Our sample had a black lacquer style finish, but the current catalogue lists matt black, gloss graphite or gloss silver as the alternative finishes. A bulky beast, it measures 435mm by 290mm deep by 80mm high. The back has an IEC mains input and main power switch, several S/PDIF coaxial and RJ45 balanced digital audio in/outputs and Comms connections (for synchronising to a complete Meridian system). The six analogue audio inputs are unbalanced, while both balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (RCA phono) outputs are provided. As a digital pre-amp it has two optical and three RCA inputs in S/PDIF, for up to 96kHz and 24-bit. In a complete Meridian system context, the 808.i2 can provide the digital source and control centre for the DSP7200 loudspeakers, which also incorporate the new filter. The 808i.2 will play CD, CD-R and CD-R/W discs, and its universal, modular, screened, switch-mode power supply is rated for 110 and 230V 45 to 65 Hz. The large dot matrix display may be adjusted for brightness and contrast, and also muted. This development from the original 808 model incorporates significant improvements in the DSP section, the core computer, the clocks, the analogue conversion, the buffering and the output circuitry. A ROM drive reads the disc data in multiple passes at high speed, allowing heavy duty error correction that is claimed to be a hundred times deeper than standard CD. The data is buffered in a sequence of FIFO (first in first out) re-clocked memories to deliver a claimed sub-90 picosecond jitter, with spectral content effectively low pass filtered at a low 0.1Hz. The corrected red book 16- bit data is upsampled to a 176.4kHz, 24-bit datastream at 48-bit precision. Precise computation of the apodizing filters is done at this level, claiming minimum phase characteristics and no pre-echo. The DACs are Delta Sigma devices, of the latest type. The volume control has 100 steps of 1dB each, and is part digital, part analogue to deliver the best resolution and dynamic rage. It may be set to a fixed level to provide a near CD standard fixed output. In pre-amp mode the analogue inputs are digitised and sent to the processor like any other digital signal, an approach that also allows them to be sent to a digital loudspeaker, if used. An audiophile might need to consider the implications here, since in truth the analogue side of this player/pre-amp is somewhat auxiliary to its main digital functions. When a disc is first loaded, the drive spins up for a while, forward reading the data and producing varying degrees of whirring noises, depending on the disc and how well centred or balanced it is. This does result in some audible vibration in the early phase of replay. Whether it is this vibration, or the effect of this rapid acquisition, the sound quality does not seem to reach its best until the drive settles down to a lower reading rate, once it is well under way and the drive is silent once more.
Sound Quality We initially tried the pre-amp function. There was some concern that this might affect the CD section, since in part the CD output and the pre-amp output are one and the same, but subsequent auditioning of the player left no doubts about its potential. However, the CD player and digital inputs have a direct digital route, while analogue sources must first be digitised before reaching the control system proper. Analogue derived pre-amp sound was certainly pleasant, undeniably high fidelity, with low noise and quite good neutrality, but somewhat below the best audiophile standards – a rather bland effect with analogue sources. The sound quality score is a jobbing 25 – better than a number of so called audiophile pre-amps, but also a little worse than some inexpensive passive controls. Feeding LP equalised signals from a Koetsu Red T, I discovered that the unit had no chassis ground terminal, and improvised with a croc clip to the nearest screw head. Dare one presume this means that Meridian no longer listens to LPs? There is probably no good reason to use an 808i.2 solely as a disc drive, save as player and control centre for the partnering digital speakers. We hope to have this opportunity in the near future. The new filter technology promised a sweet, ‘non digital’ sound, and from the start this was delivered in spades, through various top quality pre-amplifiers. As an established analogue replay enthusiast, it seems improbable that I could describe CD replay as beautiful, but that is just what it is. Up ‘til now you could play the master tape, recall the studio sound, and hear the unwanted digital artefacts and what was lacking in CD replay, but the 808i.2 seems to deliver much of the character of master tape when compared with conventional CD reproduction. A digital ‘character’ which we have come to accept as inevitable has apparently been swept away. Not only is the somewhat fatiguing hardness and grain of normal CD effectively removed, but that excision has brought a substantial improvement in clarity, leading to gains in focus, image width and depth, low level resolution, and – a Meridian watchword – transparency. It seems that the usual ‘digital’ pre-echo not only adds coloration and shifts the tonal balance but also has a masking effect that obscures information. The results of its removal not at all subtle, regardless of what the double blind brigade might say. To draw a video analogy, consider a high resolution image at 25MP (megapixels), equivalent to the original studio feed. Typical CD replay might be the equivalent of 3MP resolution, which is actually pretty good if you don’t look too closely, but subjectively the Meridian 808i.2 comes in at a far better 8MP. It simply has better detail, depth and gradation. Using this player leads to a re-exploration of your disc library, finding new meaning in performances, greater understanding of the way orchestras and rock bands play. Vocals are more articulate, and sung with greater communication and conviction.
Classical solo piano is rendered with a more open and articulate sound, the delicate yet complex harmonic richness better evoking the familiar sound of a live piano. Violins sing more naturally, sounding less congested and wiry, more vibrant and resolved. Even bass lines are firmly articulate and tuneful, and we found the improvement in resolution was achieved throughout the audio spectrum. You feel that now domestic digital replay quality can be judged fairly for the first time. We have to suppose that Lagadec and others were right all along and that pre-echo is a distortion we have lived with for too long. If we and Meridian are right (ignoring for a moment whether 16 is sufficient bit resolution), surely no one can agree that a 44.1kHz sampling rate alone using conventional digital filters is a wholly transparent audio signal path? In a top class system the 808i.2 can make a substantially improved contribution to CD replay. By removing the now cruelly exposed conventional filter signature, we hear sound which reaches back closer to the performance than before. Returning to ‘conventional’ reference players, the filter artefacts are now plainly audible as a clouding, a blocking hardness, a compression of complex harmonic lines, a loss of separation of complex notes and chord groups, a sort of grey veiling and an overriding mild grain. It could be described as a sort of solarized ‘edge’, a touch of ‘glitter’ highlighting the upper mid and treble. Stuart describes it as unwanted ‘sparkle’ around sounds. If this appears cruel, then it is. When the Meridian was returned, after a suitable interval I was able to acclimatise myself to the older reference players again, but could not forget the Meridian’s particular quality. Doesn’t this all sound very familiar? Have we not agreed with the long recorded litany of complaints about the digital sound described by many analogue die-hards? So is Stuart’s new player the best ever? For many it will be. It pushes so many of the right sound quality buttons that any enthusiast’s back catalogue will replay with substantially greater beauty, resolution, and rather less listening fatigue. It will seem like discs have been recorded all over again, but properly this time. For a classical music enthusiast and for
without too serious devotion to rhythm, and
a straightforward high resolution replay system
especially chosen for exceptional dynamics, the 808i.2
will be the answer to a prayer. In this context
it offers a
truly state of the art sound, delivering a
massive subjective
score of 120. Indeed it’s so good that many
may not fully do it justice.
While rock enthusiasts were also mostly held in
they could still be a little disappointed with
its cooler
approach to rendering dynamics, and
subjectively slowed
pace. Jazz is rendered well, if a little
downbeat. Some
listeners suffered a degree of angst here, so
were they to give up the greater drama impact
and swing
available from the similarly priced but more
sounding Naim CDS3, for the transparency
and tonal
purity of the 808i.2. The score for such
users could be
nearer 70 – still very good.
Leaving the fabled CDS3 aside, against
the most of rest of the world’s audiophile players
this Meridian does do rhythm, thank you, while its huge recovery of detail adds such meaning to performance that criticising its
capabilities has less validity than usual. Connecting
the 808i.2’s variable output directly to a power
amplifier lifted its ‘classical’ best score to a massive 135, an all out
record, showing moderately improved dynamic expression
and grip thanks to the deletion of an external preamp
and cable from the signal path. It worked just fine in
this direct connection. Lab Results The frequency response is dead flat 20Hz to
19kHz, and drops like stone at 20kHz with a hint of
loss, maybe 0.5dB at the nominal band edge (see graph).
The minimum phase impulse response was checked out and unquestionably there is no output before the impulse
so no pre-echo. The brick wall filter will now ring after
all at a supposedly inaudible high frequency, but after
and not before the event – this is the ‘apodizing’ filter
in action. While not state of the art, the test results
are more than enough not to prejudice the sound quality
as a whole. Full level distortion is 0.003%, channel
separation typically 100dB, and channel balance about
0.05dB, all fine results. There was a hint of
compression on the full level high frequency IM test,
but the 0.0025% of difference tone recorded is still
very good. Signal-to-noise ratio was 100dB unweighted,
107dBA. Linearity was excellent with fine level tracking
right down to -100dB recorded level, 16-bit. Output impedance was a load uncritical 50 Ohms, DC output offset was zero, and surface gap concealment
average at 1.5mm gap error. ‘Standby’ has very similar
consumption to ‘on’; it’s the rear power switch which
shuts it down. It draws 24W/35VA in standby and 27W/45VA
when operating – a medium level of consumption for a
high performance player. Conclusions The lab performance is just fine, with no
issues of note save the higher than average ‘fixed’
output setting (requiring caution in A/B comparison with
other players) and the modest maximum output level for
driving some power amplifiers. The fine results were
obtained regardless of the nuisance potential of a
switch-mode power supply, a technology which Meridian
seems to have under good control. Good enough for moderate quality auxiliary
sources, the on-board analogue pre-amp section does not aspire to audiophile
quality nor begin to approach the performance of the CD player – nor do I
think we should expect it to. Conversely, connecting the 808i.2 directly
to a power amplifier fully exploits the dynamically capable high resolution
volume control. It delivers a sound of such clarity, purity,
neutral timbre and immediacy as to leave the competition in its wake.
Direct-to-power-amp mode might handicap sources other than CD, but it delivers
the most dynamic sound possible from this player, hinting strongly that the
corresponding technology performance with the equivalently equipped DSP
loudspeaker should also be promising. This player is firmly recommended. Despite the
mild caveat concerning rhythm and timing, it nevertheless demonstrates a
clear advance in the art of digital replay. I consider it delivers a proof of
concept; that custom minimum phase ‘apodized’ filters do help digital
replay sound more like the real thing. The System . Technology Backgrounder He studied audio electronics and psychoacoustics
at Birmingham, then did a postgraduate MSc at
Imperial College, and has maintained an interest in
perception ever since, in examining, for example, the
required resolution limits for real programme under real room conditions. These results indicate preferred
for recording dither and for resolution headroom to
account for post processing of recordings, and
sufficient archive transparency for future generations. He has generated computer models of human hearing to help guide the design process, and in
years, in collaboration with Peter Craven, has
investigated the effects of digital anti-aliasing and
reconstruction filters. For Stuart, MP3 compressed formats may have
their place, but not in high fidelity. In a recent
presentation at the London AES 9th December 2008, he
also commented on the subject of double blind listening
tests. His view was that the basis of such tests was
flawed because listening to music is a constantly evolving experience, and the knowledge and
of a piece is refined and rememorised every time one
hears it, so that listening experiences are additive.
You can never go back to the moment before it was last
heard and make the same value judgment. This view, with which I wholly agree, for example disputes that a published AES paper
reported a proof that a conventionally filtered
16-bit/44.1kHz (A/D – D/A) Red Book stage is more than
sufficiently transparent to be inaudible as a link in a
high quality audio chain. Some references are given
below, including that for Michael Gerzon’s paper where
he also encouraged researchers to go beyond double blind tests for audibility of signal errors. (Refs 1-4) Noting that the A/B double blind method operates
in the context of short chopped up sections of music
created through randomised signal paths, these become
more like confusing bursts of noise than the musical
performances that are part of our listening culture.
Through this loss of meaning, Stuart suggests that our discrimination is blunted, frequently leading to
results for identifying subtle sound quality differences. Since the early days of 16-bit linear (if you were lucky) non-oversampled CD players, using
‘brick wall’ anti-alias filters at 22kHz, the
alternative approach of oversampling the data has become
the norm, allowing the use of digital filters with
linear phase and low amplitude ringing. Oversampling is now rife with all kinds of claims and benefits associated. When Lagadec
of the possible pre-echo problem with commonly used
digital filters, he was thinking of certain low-order (eg
64-tap) examples, whose mild but visible pass band
ripple was directly associated with potentially audible pre-echo. That warning has since been more
considered for much lower ripple, higher sampling rate
digital filters, where their approach to measured
perfection results in an a causal time response, again
with pre-echo. Some authorities have discarded the
notion of possible resulting audible effects on the
basis that the oversample rate places the filter’s
pre-ring echo frequencies above audibility. Yet
subjective reports have continued of a mild residual hardness and ‘blocked in’ quality for digital replay
when compared with analogue, even though upsampling
can often improve tonal quality. Stuart indicates that
we may well hear the whole wave front energy including
the leading edge, even if some of those components of
the leading edge are in theory inaudible of themselves. With the expert support of Peter Craven, Meridian has the resources to compute
filters and carry out careful listening tests. The
researchers concluded that pre-echo was audible,
altering timbre and masking transparency, even with old
16-bit material. The new digital filter characteristics involve ‘apodization’, which in simple terms merely
changes in the ‘shape’ of a mathematical function.
An example of apodization is the use of the Hann
window in an FFT analyzer to smooth the discontinuities
at the beginning and end of the sampled time record. Meridian new filter necessarily operates at upsampled 88.2 kHz, requires a powerful 150
processor, and is designed to avoid the usual replay
pre-echo, while also correcting some pre-echo on the
recording. In theory the absence of pre-echo should perhaps be heard as a more natural timbre and
an absence of some masking of lower level detail. The
audibility will also depend on the quality of the player
as a whole, the transport and jitter handling
systems, and the transparency and neutrality of the
subsequent DACs and audio path. Note that several player manufacturers, right back to the earliest Krell and Wadia designs,
sought to address the specific choice of filter window
and the resulting subjective quality issues, with
varying degrees of success. Several modern players also
have selectable filter windows, though so far without
very great import.
Further Reading REF 2: ‘Limitations
of Double Blind A/B Listening Tests’
of Double Blind A/B Listening Tests’
Gerzon (91st AES convention).
REF 3: ‘Antialias
Filters and System Transient Response at High Sample Rates’
Filters and System Transient Response at High Sample Rates’
Craven, JAES Vol 52, No 3, 2004
REF 4: ‘Controlled
pre-response antialias filters for use at 96kHz and 192kHz’
pre-response antialias filters for use at 96kHz and 192kHz’
Craven 114th Convention 2003
REF 5: ‘Coding for High-Resolution Audio
Systems’ Stuart, JAES Vol 52, No 3, 2004
REF 6: ‘Predicting
the Audibility, Detectability, and Loudness of Errors in Audio
Systems’, Stuart,
JAES Vol 39, 1991
REF 7: ‘Estimating
the Significance of Errors in Audio Systems’
the Significance of Errors in Audio Systems’
Stuart, Paper 3208 AES Convention 91 (1991)
(also Vol 39)
REF 8: ‘Ringing
False, Digital Audio’s Ubiquitous filter’
False, Digital Audio’s Ubiquitous filter’
Keith Howard, Stereophile Jan 2006.