House Of Stereo / Wolf Audio Systems
Featuring Ayre, VPI, Van Den Hul, Wireworld Cable, Quad, Focal, Bob Carver, Bel Canto, Audience Cables, TAD And KEF.
Florida Audio Expo
2019 show in Tampa, Florida.
Report By
Steven R. Rochlin

House Of Stereo is a
longstanding retail store located in Jacksonville, Florida, and they had two glorious rooms at Florida Audio Expo 2019. Bob Carver's 350 amplifiers drove the highly musician KEF Blade 2 floorstanding speakers. Adept Response power filtering joined wolf audio system bits.
Positioned on the short wall, this system sounded gentle, with lovely micro-dynamic and the sound was more laid back and extremely musical.
Another House Of Stereo room had TAD Labs Micro Evolution 1 speakers being driven by the new Ayre EX-8 integrated amplifier. Once again the sound was beautiful, with an ultra-wide soundscape... and I'm not even in that proverbial sweet spot! Am
coming to realize that without a doubt there's something about the room here at Florida
Audio Expo 2019 that favors the short wall setups.
Below is a listing of the gear within both House of Stereo rooms.
House Of Stereo / Wolf Audio Systems Room 810
Ayre EX-8 Integrated Amplifier $7850
Ayre QX-8 Digital Hub $5450
Ayre P5 Phono Preamp $3500
VPI Bespoke Prime $10,000
Van Den Hul Crimson Stradivarius Cartridge $5400
Wolf Audio Systems Alpha 3 w/ Flux Capacitor Clock $6750
Wireworld Cable Silver Eclipse Cable Loom
1-meter Silver Eclipse interconnects (XLR / RCA) $700/ pair
2.5-meter Silver Eclipse 8 speaker cables $3800/ pair
2-meter Silver Electra 7 power cords (5) $700 each
Space Port power conditioner $699
TAD Labs Micro Evolution 1 Speakers $10,000
Headphone Kitchen Room 810
Quad PA-One Headphone Amplifier/DAC $1799
Ayre Codex DAC $1795
Wolf Audio Systems Luna Server $3600
Wireworld Cable Silver Eclipse Cable Loom
Focal Clear Headphones $1500
Focal Utopia Headphones $4000
Wolf Audio Systems / Bob Carver Room 811
Bob Carver Crimson 350 Monoblock Amplifiers $9500/pr
Bel Canto Black EX Pre/DAC $18,000
Wolf Audio Systems Alpha 3 w/ Flux Capacitor Clock $6750
Audience Front Row Cables
KEF Blade TWO Speakers $25,000
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Expo 2019 show report page.