Capital Audiofest (CAF) 2015 Show Report Part 1
CAF 2015 Coverage By Kemper Holt

Sound Insight And Triode Wire Labs
Hosted by Steven Rabitz of Sound Insight, Charlie Rollo,
SI Ditributor and Pete Grzybowski (a.k.a. Triode Pete) of Triode Wire Labs hailed the debut of the SI-300 Open Baffle Servo Subwoofers
$7900/pr. Modeled after a GR Research design, the SI-300s have 3 12"
drivers designed for open baffle loading, a spec built Rythmik servo plate amp,
and a heavy duty, lined with NoRez double thick cabinet. All you planar owners
(Magnepan, Quad, ET, and ESL) who can't get a sub to integrate with your panels,
here is your solution. The servo action quickens the return of the cone after a
transient and prevents boom and overhang, thus allowing the bass character to
match the planar. The radiating pattern of these OB subs also matches the planar
lending to less room irregularities and seamless integration, you're welcome.
There was a lot of supporting equipment from various brands, Esoteric K-01X
SACD $21,000, Coincident RC preamp $5999, a pair of Pass Labs XA60.8
monos $12,800/pr driving BG Radia FS 880 planar magnetic speakers
$35,000/pr. The entire rig was wired with TWL, HP Digital American power
cord $699, Seven Plus PC $549, Spirit XLR Interconnects $449 ($349 for RCA),
American Speaker Cable $699. Triode Pete's cables greatly contributed to
the overall cohesiveness of the system, they are true bargains. Nothing at the
show had more bass impact, and power down low than the SI-300s, while
integrating invisibly with the panels. A couple of people not familiar with the
Kodo drum track were startled and a little frightened when the first huge whack
exploded into the room, the Sheffield Drum Record was so fun we listened to both
Ron Tutt and Jim Keltner, the system put the drum kit in the room, very
realistic. On one of my many trips to this room, Lyn Stanley came in and
sang live in the room to her newest release "Interludes", available
soon in SACD and CD formats, giving us a live versus Memorex moment to Led Zep's "Whole Lotta
Love". Sensational!

Viva HiFi, Daedalus, Modwright, And WyWires
Scott Dalzell's Viva HiFi shop
is local to DC and it's filled with audio candy. Scott had his Daedalus
Athena V.2 speakers $11,950 on display being driven by ambidextrous genius Dan
Wright's (solid-state/tubes ) prototype amp, Ambrose. The Ambrose
is a single ended EL34 pentode design with about 10 watts output. The beautiful
case is the handiwork of Daedalus' excellent woodcraft-man. If the amp is well
received, and it was universally praised here, Dan has more powerful variations
for RMAF ready to show. Scott assembled a ModWright system that debuted
another new product, SWL 9.0 Anniversary Edition Tube linestage, Elyse Tube
DAC $6900, PH 150 Tube Phonostage $7900, and a ModWright Truth modded
OPPO 105D $2495 for the mod. A VPI Aries 3D with 12" JMW 3D arm
$10,000, handled a Dynavector XX2 cartridge and shared the top of the
rack with the Ambrose. Alex Sventitsky's WyWires latest Diamond
series cables were lacing it all together. This system really brought
home how important dynamic aliveness is to drawing you into a musical
performance. Many systems at the show just didn't have that jump factor that
is present in live music, this room had IT. I used Michael Hedges' Rickover's Dream cut all through the show to cut the wheat from the chaff, his
percussive style was startling in this room, dynamics leaping forward, great
body and tone, loads of detail, and bass that didn't overpower the room, great
job Scott of room matching.

John Vernon of Fyssion was enjoying his first audio
show and having fun with it. Let's start with "The Chair", it's
comfortable, vocals seem to come from inside your head, plenty of detail, and
the sound didn't radiate loudly into the room, perfect for the 'Turn down
the TV dear" conversations many people have. The Chair's price is in flux,
but expect $2000 to $5000 depending on the framework and leather quality. The
speaker lineup is mostly a variation on a theme, bigger cabinets and more
drivers. They took us for a tour of all their speakers in 4 minutes, as we
played the larger of the Omega series I got better deep bass, more
ambient retrieval, and more impact. The use of 30 degree off axis radiating
pattern really widened the sweet spot and opened up the soundstage nicely.

Resolution Acoustics
Credit Resolution Acoustics with putting together the
best A versus B comparison possible. Simply put, take two identical audio systems in
two adjacent rooms, and add acoustic treatments to only one, and play the same
music simultaneously in both environments. Voila, swap rooms and listen, I liked
the treated room much better, no surprise. I noticed more focused vocals, a
relaxed feel, less in your face, tighter bass, the stage opened up both
laterally and front to back, and voices and piano just sounded more real, job
well done. They used some fine kit to play music starting with Sonus Faber
Stradivari speakers, a pair of Pass Labs XA 100.5 amps, Pass XP-30
preamp, and a Meitner MA-1 DAC. The treatments aren't cheap, but
they are beautifully made, will look unobtrusive in a living room, and make
whatever gear you have sound better.

Now Listen Here, Rogue, And Joseph Audio
Matt Early of Now Listen Here had 2 rooms filled with goodies.
I first let Jeff Joseph explain how carefully he labored tweaking the Prism
speakers $3699/pr, trying to get them as close to his wonderful Pulsars
and still being less than half their cost, nice results. The really affordable Rogue
Sphinx Integrated amp $1395 with remote beautifully matched the Prisms.
Rogue surprised me with an update to the Sphinx, a V.2 edition shipping soon.
The improvements include a lower noise floor (yea), reworked phono stage adding
6dB more gain, new headphone amp with 1 watt output, the remote now has a mute
feature, and the faceplate will have a machined groove across the front, all for
the same price making a great value even better. The second room, when I
visited, had a pair of Rogue M180 tube mono amps $5995/pr driving a pair
of Totem Forest speakers $6400/pr, fronted by a Rogue 99 Super Magnum
preamp $2995, Triton Phono Stage $995, and an OPPO 105. The
system sounded relaxed and rich with focused voices and punchy bass.

Bettinger Audio Design, Fern & Roby,
And Luminous Audio
I was drawn into this room as I heard Anne Bisson spinning on
the turntable. I walked up to the TT and asked "Is that a Syrinx?", and the
reply was yes and you are the first one to identify it. The Syrinx PU-3 was an
arm I had on my SOTA Star 3 decades ago, bettering the FT-3 it replaced. The
PU-3 had a Soundsmith Hyperion cart $7500 installed. Chris Hildebrand
of F&R explained the construction was a byproduct of using their
forge to make product prototypes for clients. If absorbing vibrations was good
for a TT, then a 70 pound cast iron plinth and 35 pound bronze platter should do
the job. We put on some Basie and the system was swinging. The F&R Turntable
$4500 w/o arm sounded as solid as it looked. Mike Bettinger had a
hand in developing two other products being used, the F&R Integrated
Linestage amp $2850, and the Luminous Audio Technology Arion Phono Preamp
$6400. Tim Stinson of LAT told Mike to build the best phono stage possible
without cost constraints and the Arion proves what a good designer Mike is
because it's a world class stage, and yet still costs less than many other
options. If a 110 lbs. turntable didn't catch your eye, how about The Beam
speakers $4500/pr, stunning looking with a cabinet that starts out as a
solid heart pine beam, gets routed out, and incorporates an 8" woofer and 1"
tweeter using a phase accurate first order crossover. Tim, who helped with the
design, said he recently tweaked the xover and to me they sounded more neutral
in the lower midrange, way to sweat the details. LAT cables were used
throughout, and I got a close up look at their Lynx Mega Power Cord $649, Tim
explained that instead of dynamics robbing ferrite rings to combat noise, LAT
uses neodymium magnets instead, reducing noise and letting the dynamics come

Vinnie Rossi And Harbeth Speakers
Every time I opened the door to Vinnie Rossi's room,
it was like "Vinnie you got some splaining to do", packed with people and
Vinnie explaining the change from battery to capacitance power supply. The star
here is the Vinnie Rossi LIO Modular Integrated amp, $2,495 to nearly $8,000,
depending on modules incorporated. If you need to conserve space, and don't like cables, here is your solution. All the bases are covered with an MM
and MC phonostage, tube linestage, headphone amp, DSD/PCM DAC, and two methods
to vary volume- resistor stepped or autoformer (Slagelformer). An Acoustic
Signature Manfred TT had a Dynavector 17D3 cartridge installed, and a
favorite of music lovers everywhere, Harbeth Super HL5 plus speakers made
the LIO's magic audible, or should I saw inaudible. Very black backgrounds in
this room, when it was less populated, helped the musical details flow from the
system. Voices and violin/string tone were sensational here, nothing bombastic
just very real sounding. The after-hours pairing of the LIO with Greg
Robert's Volti Vittora horn speakers proved spectacular. The 104dB/W/m
sensitive Vittoras had all the power they needed, no noise floor – zero. The
dynamics were stunning especially noticeable on drums/percussion and horns, low
level details revealed easily, and thus a perfect combination.

Salk, Wells, LampizatOr, Ginko, And DanaCable
A beautiful room in every way, sonics, scenery, and people! Is
there a nicer couple at shows than Jim and Mary Salk? They had to tackle
a big, live room and after four hours, and with the help of Vinh Vu and Norm
Ginsburg of Ginko Audio, got a handle on it. An impromptu use of stacked
folding tables behind the speakers draped with cloth was the finishing touch
helping to allow a rock solid center image. The center image was so engaging
that many guests were forced to look under the folding tables to assure
themselves a center speaker wasn't hiding underneath the cloth. A Salk StreamPlayer
$1495, fed a LampizatOr Big 7 DAC/Preamp $13,500, a Wells
Innamorata amp $7000, and Salk's Exotica 3 towers $12.995/pr.
finished the system. All of their hard work paid off in big dividends,
sensational soundstage wider than the speakers with tremendous depth. The
Exotica 3 towers use SEAS Exotic drivers with Alnico magnets, and servo aided
twin 8" self-powered subs developed with Brian Ding of Rythmik to bring
a 92dB/W/m sensitivity to the plate, hello tube amps. The atmosphere and sound
made this room an oasis to just relax and listen to music. The system did it
all, big dynamic contrasts, stupendous bass power and depth, great tone and
body, detailed and musical. Jennifer Warnes "Famous Blue Raincoat" was
special, voices here were wonderful. Michael Hedges Rickover's "Dream" had the
explosive live dynamics I expected, and the guitar sounded like it was in the
room. Jim played at levels that were loud enough, but not over the top 'mine
will play louder than yours' and he knows how to get the most from a system. I
only heard the Exotica 3s playing even though I stopped in half a dozen times,
didn't matter, the system with the E3s was spectacular.
---> Part 2 of Kemper
Holt's CAF 2015 show report.