Seen here is the Woodstock riots '99 merchandise tent being set
ablaze. This is where some people purchased their Woodstock '99 memorabilia such as
t-shirts, jackets and hats. The performing bands also had their products being sold from
this tent as well.

In mid-throw, this rioter was feeding the flames with one of the
2 x 4 wooden posts which were part of the Woodstock 1999 fairgrounds surrounding wall. You
can also see a large plywood board on the right side of the fire which was also part of
the surrounding wall which was destroyed during the festival.

youths add another plywood board into the fire (center of photo) which another is cheering
on the crowd (left). Because of all the plywood at hand which made up the surrounding
walls of the festival, rioters were easily able to find wood to fed the flames. They also
threw in garbage, blankets, and whatever else could burn.

To finish off this report, here is a longshot view of four fires
that were on the East stage's field. You can clearly see the two large fires to the right
while there is is a still standing speaker and light tower just left of center. Two more
fires are seen on the left part of this photo. As you can also see, there were many people
who were onlookers while the fires raged on.
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