People At CES 1997 Event
Why LOOK!!! It's Tickle Me Elmo!!! Elmo had his own WCES pass too :-) . (Said in good humor) Oh, and that stuffed thing beside him is Jeff Joseph of Joseph Audio. Jeff's one of the coolest dudes folks. He even let me play my slammatocious Infectious Grooves music. Go on with your bad self brother Jeff.
And it was none other than Jimmy Rogers who preformed at the FI magazine party. Man can this dude cook!!! Folks got up and started to dance as he worked this axe off for the crowd. Jimmy's opening act was his son no less! All i can say is that these cool dudes can turn goats milk into gasoline. Metallica was performing the same night yet with what FI had in store, my feelings were that Metallica could wait. After all, how often does one get to enjoy a true blues legend? My deepest gratitude goes out to FI magazine. Thanks!
Also at the show was none other then tube-dude Herb Reichert. HEY HERB, IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU WITH A TAN!!! Years of hard work has finally paid off for one of the hardest working men in the SE tube biz. Ya see, Herbs with Audio Note now and also makes his own stuff too. Herbs SE tube amps are legendary among us tube crazies.
Performing at the Hard Rock Cafe' on Saturday night was none other than Lori Lieberman, Badi Assad, and to top it all off Sara K (not pictured). Brought to us by, now get this dudettes / dudes: Cello Music and Film Systems, Chesky Recordings, and BOSE. Ok, so let's play a Sesame Street game here. Which one of these manufactures don't go together? ANYWAY, what really matters is the music. Lookey here, whatever you do you just MUST see Badi Assad live in concert at least once in your life (and buy her recorded music too while you're at it). This groovy chick has more talent in her pinky than some musicians have in their entire body! What amazed me is how few "professional reviewers" i saw at this show. What i mean is if they love music than why didn't they go to the show? Inquiring minds wanna know.
Just when you felt it was safe to go into "the waters" appeared none other than the self proclaimed "Triode Father" Harvey Rosenburg. Ok, so i can get a bit, er, um, wild myself but Harvey is THE MAN!!! Wearing a Keltic skirt he shows up at the FI party ready to rumble. One of these days Harvey and i are gonna seriously party down. Hey Harvey, N I C E H A T !!! (Humor time) Seen only rarely. Few know the spiritual experience when first meeting with it. i was enthralled with joy. That constant boom boom boom sound, that special color of pink. For it could be none other than...
Also at the WCES was none other than Kondo-san of Audio Note. Kondo is the cool dude who brings us the Ongaku, the Io-2 cartridge, and other top-o-the-line Audio Note products. Known also for his humbleness, Kondo posed next to some freaky dude. i mean, like, a tied-dye tee shirt? A dog collar for a necklace? i wonder what's going through Kondo's mind as this picture was taken?