Vacuum Tube State of the Art Conference
VSAC 2008 Report By Jeff Poth
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Occam Line Arrays plus Grant Fidelity RITA-880 amplifier & CD-327A tube CD player.

Bottlehead room, with Tape Project Reel-to-Reel Source, and tons of amps driving lots of drivers. The SETs were used in series on the midrange to get higher output power. Doc Bottlehead front and center prattling on about something or other (kidding Doc!).

Close ups of the Tape Project deck.

Audio Note. With Audio Note. Oh yeah, and Audio Note kits plus Audio Note! Lots of it!

Diligent 'lil amp builders at the amp building class! Seems like they probably left with some great amps.

Beauties of JJ tube gear in the Eurotubes room. Great T-Shirts too, Gizmo would have approved!

Diycable.com/exodus audio Kepler with their great little midwoof (like that in the Creative sound room) and the exquisite peerless HDS dome tweeter. Shown run with Modwright electronics. Very solid sound using the modded Slim Devices Transporter (one heck of a nice source) and high res hard-drive playback. No problems with higher output levels or greater amounts of bass in this room. Amp was UCD amp from Exodus.

Kara at DeHavilland did it again; she often comes up with good show sound. The Sonist loudspeakers had superb bass, and the driver integration was surprisingly good. One of my favorite rooms! To Kara's credit, when I put in some Bach Lute music, she not only recognized it, but had been playing it, as in, playing the lute!

Marigo and Teres Audio had the lovely turntable and distinctive speakers shown here.

Diy amp, lovely build Caucasian Blackplate!

High impedance drivers (400 Ohms) and OTL and surfboards with PVC! Wild!
Audible Improvements had a very unique speaker here indeed.

Rythmik Audio controller. Great servo sub technology from this firm. I have recommended them to a number of people and never regretted it!

Goto drivers and "Experience Sound" horns. Certainly not level limited, these rocked the Kasbah late each show night. The source gear is also Experience Music and the fellow is Jeff, the designer of the horns. Obviously a genius as he's named Jeff.
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