The Home Entertainment Show

T.H.E. Show

Of course WAVAC is here, and this time with a U.S. premiere of their MD805 MK II monoblocks ($47,000/pr) operating in Class A and produce 60 watts. Like all WAVAC, it has ITC (interstage transformer coupling) between the driver tube and output tube, no capacitors in the signal path.

Get blown.... away by... the speakers of course! What were you thinking? Just an advertisement from Olympic Audio.

Royal Device Sara 300B SET amplifier ($3,295) is a cute lil amp producing 10 watts per channel. If you have one input, the built-in passive attenuator means no preamplifier required. Sweet!

Cogent manufacture field coil compression drivers. The DS 1428 upper range can be mated to their DS 1448 bass unit. They had the horn-loaded in custom cabinets and all i can say is impressive! Most impressive!

SAP had a really nice, Italian, fourth generation magnetic floating stand. The Relaxa 4 ($595) uses five pairs of magnets to float upwards of 65 lbs. This insures floor borne vibrations are virtually eliminated. The base itself comes in 12 different colors.

Environmentally conscience audiophiles can relax in their new tubed home. Convection warming comes from... Oh, whom am i kidding? This is the top of Messenger's Reference Tube Preamplifier ($16,000 with MM/MC phonostage). The tube is a 7062/6829 for 30dB of gain. For output a 6AS7 is employed while 6h30pi is for phono duties.

Love your iPod? If so, then this matching tubed 26 watt per channel stereo integrated amplifier by Gini Systems (about $900 including speakers) looks to be an amazing deal! The speakers have a 1-inch tweeter; 4-inch paper cone midrange/woofer is matching color cabinet. The central control on the main base has one input, both 4- and 8-ohm output, and uses a tube compliment of four 6L6and a pair of 6922. Really an amazing deal that should be in production in March. Hurry while supplies last!
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Saturday's T.H.E. Show coverage.