A letter recently received from an
the Music.com reader:
I love your site, but your showgirls section, funny though it obviously is intended to be, is pathetic! Apart from being puerile and reinforcing the stereotype of audiophiles as geeks without a life, this probably does not do a lot for any women who might be interested in audio...
Dan Moller
Thanks for your e-mail. This is exactly why there was fairness with photos of myself within the Milan 2003 show
report. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Of course in the end what really matters is that you...
Enjoy the Music,
Steven R. Rochlin
And to further the "what is good for the goose is good for the gander"...
After receiving Dan's e-mail i took much thought into providing something extra
special for the ladies. Since i was in Las Vegas, surely there was some
male figure who not only has sex appeal, but is also legendary within the
music industry. The choice was obvious and so we here at Enjoy the Music.com
proudly offer to our female readership not just any man, but a true
showman. This man has brought the joy of music to millions of people for
decades. His amazing, powerful, and unique voice is only matched by his great
stage presence and a kind heart. i am truly humbled to present to all the
female Enjoy the Music.com readers...
Vocalist Tom Jones meets editor Steven R. Rochlin
And to be fair, it is time to go one step further for the
ladies. Enjoy the Music.com's editor
Steven R. Rochlin is offering a ticket from Tom Jones' concert on January 11th,
2004 (Section 1A, Row A, Seat 7) and also a signed photo from none other than
the legendary man himself! This contest was open to all the ladies
and a winner will was notified on February 5th, 2004. We
here at Enjoy the Music.com always
desire to be fair to both our male and female readers. Of course in the end
what really matters is that you...
Enjoy the Music,
Steven R. Rochlin