T.H.E. Show Newport Beach 2012
The Home Entertainment Show
Report By Jeff Poth

Tannoy and Cary

Emotiva with their Stealth speaker that looks the part.

Full Emotiva Lineup.

Amphion Waveguided speakers with Hegel electronics.

RSL Speaker Systems had an impressive setup with very small mains and a nice sub with what appears to be a quite nice woofer.

Wyred 4 Sound.

Wyred 4 Sound had a nice mini music server, with internal hard disks that would auto-rip from CDs inserted in front. Very elegant solution.

Emerald Physics was showing their near-nude Coax setup.

Induction Dynamics S1.8T sounded nice.

Sonorus and their big stats.

Sonorus had their own Reel-To-Reel setup.

YG and SimAudio.

TAD, Wywire, and Zesto.

Coincident had an elegant look to it, didn’t get a good listen but hear they
are very impressive.

Nola’s KO is a short midtweet array, open baffle.

George Warren Turntable… purdy!

Atohm had very decent sound going on.

Eficion’s F250 had a rounded bottom end...
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