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Music.com's Taiwan International Hi-End Audio Show 2009 Coverage by Won
Kok Chieat. Being an avid reader of Taiwan audio magazines for years, I have always been fascinated by the thriving audio scene in Taiwan. My dream of visiting the Taiwan audio show came true when my maiden trip to Taiwan coincided with this year's show.

While the weather had not been to Taiwan's favor, the Morakot typhoon did not impede the crowds' attendance to this year's Taiwan International Hi-End Audio Show. There had been a change in venue this year to Sheraton Hotel as the hotel was more
accessible with public transport in close proximity.

With an invitation pass in hand, I turned up in the hotel way earlier to avoid the weather turning bad. I was lucky as it started raining just after I arrived at the hotel.

When I saw the crowd in front of the ticketing booth, I was slightly disappointed as it was not as packed as I have anticipated. A look at the watch made me
realized that I was a bit over worried as I was more than an hour early.

The scarce crowd took a 180 degrees change when it was half an hour to the show.

Though I could not say the scale was as big as the Hong Kong's show, the exhibition turned out to be as eventful and as exciting with a huge selection of brands and products on display.

Just to show you how thriving the audio scene is in Taiwan, this setup with Boulder amplification and Audioaero digital source was used to demo music software on sale.

Jadis JA500 power amplifiers driving the massive Westlake Audio TM-3VF 3-way loudspeakers with dual 15" woofers per side for those who craved for the grandiose of orchestral work.

Wadia digital source with Jadis JP 200S Symmetrical Preamplifier.

Podium Sound speakers driven by Jadis amplification and Wadia digital source. I was surprised to be greeted with sound that was rich, extended and fluid. For speakers this thin, I was expecting something similar sounding. Not thin at all!

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