Aural Acoustics Model B
A tale with two preamps and four
Review By Rick Becker
here to e-mail reviewer.
Try as I may, some reviews take longer than others. In this case,
it was a long and twisted road filled with numerous diversions and a lot
of work. The story began almost a year ago at the New York show where the
Aural Acoustics caught my eye and ear. It sounded very good and the
technological emphasis on vibration absorption hooked my interest. But it
would be another half year or more before a pair finally landed for
This is a young company and the design and testing of the
shipping cartons delayed their progress. Spencer Clark, the designer and
owner of Aural Acoustics also insisted that I review the Model B with a
set of conrad-johnson gear, which had been used in the voicing of the
loudspeaker. To complicate matters, c-j was just introducing new
preamplifiers and power amps, so it made sense to wait until these became
available and have me review them as well. Many reviewers would balk at
such a request, arguing that to throw even two new components into a
system would negate the reference. I heartily agree, but took on the
challenge anyway, figuring that I would evaluate each component
separately, and then in combination. Can you see the mountain rising
before me? The trail upward became even steeper when the rare and exotic
KR Kronzilla DX monoblocks arrived for a brief three-week stay. But often
the more difficult the mountain, the more spectacular the view can be.
With the Manley Mahis
When I dropped the Model B straight into my reference system fresh out
of the box, it only hinted at what I remembered from the New York show.
The drivers required a substantial break-in, somewhere in the neighborhood
of a hundred hours, which I accomplished with my video system while Linda
was away on business. But even back in the big rig after break-in, it
still did not equal my distant memory. The mids and highs were pretty
good, but the bass suffered from excess emphasis and distortion and they
did not reach very deep with my Manley Mahis. The tonal balance was bass
heavy, but it wasn't a very tight or deep bass. I began to suspect why
Spencer wanted me to use the c-j equipment.
With The KR DX Monoblocks
Thinking the bass needed more power; I swapped in the KR Kronzilla DX
monoblocks that had dropped by for a quick review. With their 100 watts of
single ended triode power, I though I might reach nirvana that way, but I
soon learned there was no short cut to the top of the mountain. The bass
was definitely tighter with the DX monoblocks, but the tonal balance was
knocked even further out of balance with the bass even more prominent
than with the Mahis. Of course, this also explains why the KR DX
monoblocks and the Mahis work so well with my reference Kharma
loudspeakers, which benefit from the strong bass.
With The conrad-johnson MV60-SE
At this point I decided to get with Spencer's program and try the
conrad-johnson MV60-SE that had come along with the new CT-6 preamplifier.
Ahhhh! Now I see why he insisted I use the c-j equipment. The bass was
de-emphasized, relative to the Mahi and KR, resulting in better tonal
balance. The bass and mids were now much more compatible. The terrific
resolution of the MV60-SE also benefited the Model B, achieving even
better midrange and treble focus than the Kharma 2.2, just as the
Escalante Design Pinyons and Von Schweikert VR-4jr had done earlier. (But
stay tuned for my upcoming review of the new Kharma 2.2c). On the flip
side of the coin, the MV60-SE left the bass of the Kharmas sounding less
prominent, in spite of having greater power than the Mahi. On the positive
side, the resolution of inner detail across the board rose up a
significant notch above the less expensive Mahis. It was easy to see why
the MV60-SE has been so highly acclaimed, but it wasn't an optimal match
with the Kharmas — at least at this point in the game.
While the CT-6 and the MV60-SE drove the Model B loudspeakers very well
in my large room, there was evidence of some shortcomings. The tonal
balance was still tipped upward in the mid-bass, though it was now in much
better focus and more seamlessly connected to the midrange. This is good
news for those who equate bass response with chocolate, I suppose, but
there were some other issues. As the bass fell off from about 40Hz, it
started to sound pretty ugly. I suspect part of the problem is the
smallish 7" woofer. Did I say "smallish"? The nominal 7"
driver, which has only six inches of exposed cone diameter, is very
small for a driver that put out this much bass in such a large listening
Furthermore, the front of the Model B was 65" in front of the wall
behind it and there were no corners anywhere near it to reinforce the
bass. This performance was quite admirable and the shortcomings
forgivable, given these circumstances. The port on the Model B is
positioned on the front of the loudspeaker to facilitate placement of
these loudspeakers closer to the front wall, which will be a more typical
requirement in many homes. Also, most listening rooms for loudspeakers in
this price range will be considerably smaller than mine (6000 cubic feet
with wide open passageways to adjacent rooms). In a smaller room, I expect
you will have a much more musical roll-off in the bass than I had with
this amplifier. Nonetheless, you can expect a strong bass. The quality of
that bass will depend on the particular amplifier you will use, which
brings me around to the last amplifier in my deck of cards.
With the Plinius SA-100
Back in the 1990's I picked up a used Plinius SA-100 Mk III to replace
my old Counterpoint amplifier that suffered terminal melt down. I had used
the Plinius for many years, first with an EAR 834L tube line stage and
subsequently with the CAT SL1 Sig. III that I use to this day. I liked the
combination of a tube preamplifier with a solid-state power amp. The
Plinius was especially nice because I could run it cool in Class AB, and
do my serious listening in Class A with the flip of a switch. This feature
also allowed me to keep it fired up constantly, which had definite sonic
benefits. It also helped to heat the room during cold winter listening
sessions. A couple of attempts to sell it over the years didn't bring
sufficient offers so I've been hanging on to it as a reviewer's tool. Good
thing! I placed the Plinius on the amp stand with a set of Boston Audio
Design TuneBlocks under it and let it warm up for a day. It takes several
days for it to fully settle in after sitting for a long time. I left the
CT-6 in the system, knowing that a good tube preamp helps the Plinius a
lot. I didn't have great expectations for this combination, but I figured
I would learn something about the ability of the Model B to produce deep
the CT-6 preamp and the Plinius amplifier, it was evident from the start
that this was a special combination. The CT-6 was sending the Plinius the
cleanest, most transparent signal it had ever seen and it transformed the
amp from a virtual boat anchor into a respectable muscle amp. The effect
of this combination on the Model B was very impressive at first. The
mid-bass not only tightened up dramatically, but as the bass rolled off,
it did so musically, not distracting the listener from the core of
the music in the midrange. The tonal balance was still strong in the bass,
but there was continuity with the midrange by virtue of the seamless
degree of focus that stretched from the depths of the bass through the
If the music was bass heavy, as with modern rock music or rap, the
prominent bass stood out and could be objectionable to people who don't
like that music to begin with. (That's a joke on the British side of the
pond). In concert hall recordings, the bass emphasis contributed to the "you
are there" experience with the explosive dynamics of classical music and
the ambient hall reverberations. Looking upstream past the Plinius, it was
easy to understand the contribution of the CT-6 to the black background,
the fast attack and decay, and the excellent focus. And of course it was
the Model B that had the ability to manifest those attributes. The Plinius
SA-100 Mk III has been superseded by two generations but apparently there
is more thunder in the old girl than I ever knew she had. Still, it makes
me wonder how good the Model B might be with a more contemporary solid
state design capable of dealing with its moderate 87dB/W/m sensitivity.
The payoff of time alignment and phase coherency was evident in the
superb focus that only rarely became irritable — and then only because
of the source material. With my favorite "bad" CDs (Dylan's Real Live
and Hendricks' Live at Winterland) the lyrics were readily
discernable and the focus and transparency of the system allowed me to
revel in the creative use of distortions by the musicians. With the tight
control of the bass, the pace and rhythm of the music caused almost
endless toe tapping, revealing my subconscious delight. And that delight,
more than sonic perfection, is the greatest reward for me.
The Model B is a wide dispersion design and in walking around the room
the music did not lose focus, although the tonality would shift somewhat
as I walked through resonant room nodes. The soundstage was also fairly
well preserved one seat immediately to the left and right of the listening
chair. Tonality shifted when standing up from the listening position, as
often happens, but changing the volume did not produce any major shifts in
the music, other than the rolling off of the bass a little and the treble
more so when the music was lowered into the 70dB range. This is a normal
response of human hearing and the reason why all those mid-fi receivers we
listened to in the old days had a "loudness" control.
The Model B does not suddenly "come alive" at any point when the volume
is slowly raised as some loudspeakers do — it is always alive! There
seemed to be a cap on how loud it would play, however, starting to
compress when the peaks reached the 100dB level. Keep in mind the
sensitivity of the loudspeaker, the size of the woofer, the large volume
of my room and the "mere" 100 'Class A' watts of the Plinius. It was
probably asking too much of the Model B to play any louder. For me, this
was not a problem as I typically listen with the SPL needle dancing in the
85dB to 90dB range. On late nights when Linda retired early, even at very
low levels in the 65dB range, the inner detail and luminance of the
midrange made listening to music a pleasure. At such low levels, the band
sounded like it was playing on the roof of a loft on the next block, but
it was still enjoyable. This can be an important feature for keeping peace
in the family.
The soundstage with the Model B was recessed behind the loudspeakers,
placing the singer with his nose to the outside glass of my front window.
It was also as wide as any other components have been able to produce in
my room, but on Hearts of Space on National Public Radio the music
extended even further — several galaxies to the left and right (read
this as poetic, but not cute). Even more amazing to me, it extended
out into the room to the listening position, a phenomenon that is
extremely rare with my wide room configuration). With more typical music,
the soundstage itself was very deep extending out into the yard and
instruments and back-up singers were firmly planted in their positions.
Moreover, the furthest reaches of the soundstage were very well
illuminated due to the excellent focus of the Model B. The three female
voices of the Wilson Phillips group were easily discernable in spite of
the very tight weave of their harmony. Recordings made in a large space,
or with added reverberation, were positively holographic. A recording of
didgeridoo music by the master David Hudson convinced me that the
aboriginal instrument is the direct predecessor of the earliest Moog
synthesizers. Even those recordings of more familiar music made in more
intimate settings had an airy, three-dimensionality that is highly prized.
Much attention has been paid to absorbing vibrations behind the drivers
inside the three individual cavities of the Model B. At the New York show,
I was able to see inside one of the cabinets, and there appeared to be
small amounts of sound absorbing materials strategically applied to the
walls. This is part of their PureSound Phase Array which is explained in
more detail on their website. There was still some minimal vibration to be
felt on the outer walls of the loudspeaker, but the fact that they
achieved such a high degree of focus and such stable imagery, suggests
that the job is getting done without the use of ultra-thick cabinet walls
and a labyrinth of internal baffles. The soundstage was placed well behind
the loudspeakers and the loudspeakers themselves disappeared almost as
completely as the much more expensive Kharmas. The 9" wide x 13"
deep cross section of the tower certainly contributes to this effect,
being about the footprint of a typical small monitor, though the base
flares out slightly at the floor. The small footprint also means it will
not visually overpower more modest size rooms — another big plus, which
leads to the next area of importance.
Aesthetics & Functional Design
The unique waterfall styling of the front of the Model B is the obvious
major design element. With the grilles in place it is very handsome,
giving the loudspeaker an identity among the multitude of floor standing
towers of this general size. Even to the uninitiated, this appears as a
somewhat special loudspeaker. I requested the cherry finish because cherry
fits very well with my decor. I was hoping it would be of the same
outstanding character and quality of the Coincident loudspeakers in our
video rig, but it was not. It falls on the dark side of brown country
cherry and has a rather flat, lifeless finish without much depth in it. At
first this was a disappointment to me, kind of like a blind date that wasn't
quite as attractive as I imagined.
the three individual grilles off also revealed a rather gangly façade as
I discovered the woofer is mounted on yet a fourth vertical plane. The
Sonotex dome tweeter with its copper ring and large felt covered flange,
and the brassy colored woven carbon graphite and Kevlar midrange further
contributed to the initial feeling of awkwardness of the design. She was
definitely not the first girl chosen for the cheerleading squad, but she
was on the squad nonetheless, and for very significant reasons. Let me
tell you why.
In the course of living with the Model B, sans grilles, the many
sonic virtues of the loudspeaker emerged, and gaining familiarity with the
visual styling ameliorated the visual shortcomings. Furthermore, many
listeners may actually prefer to leave the grilles on. In fact,
they were designed to be used that way... but you know how audiophiles
are. I did most of my listening with the grilles off. Installing the
grilles while listening to New Age music shrank the soundscape from
galactic to merely very good proportions and the soundscape became more
recessed. They soften the sound ever so slightly, and they dress the
speaker up for when company comes to visit. On more than one occasion,
however, I discovered that I had left the grilles on without knowing it,
and didn't notice the audible difference while listening. This happened to
me both listening in the dark and in broad daylight! The cherry finish,
while not spectacular, is very easy to live with, blending in with both
country and more formal, traditional settings. By not calling attention to
the loudspeaker visually, I largely ignored it and bathed in the timbre
and tonal coloration of the music.
You also have the option of light natural maple, which fits in very
well with light, contemporary décor. And of course there is the option of
black ash, which can be stunning in contemporary settings, and even fit in
well in traditional settings, given the conservative styling of the tower.
Both the natural maple and the black will command your visual attention
more than the cherry, however, not only because they are more striking
colors, but because the finish appears to be of the high quality that is
typical of these finishes. The front of the loudspeaker is black, as is
the grill cloth. Leave the grilles on and the visual shortcomings
disappear, leaving you with a loudspeaker that is very appropriate for all
but those who wish their loudspeakers to scream, "Look at me!" With such a
distinctive façade, the Aural Acoustics nameplate on the lower grille
cloth might better be positioned on the backside of the loudspeaker for
those who are curious. Most people don't want to know, and will be
impressed by the design of a loudspeaker, caring less about who the
manufacturer might be. Your audiophile friends will ask, giving you an
invitation to talk about them.
The tapered black base of the loudspeaker is a fully isolated chamber,
which houses the crossover and also protects the wood veneer from the
ravages of the vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately, the positioning of the
spikes does not take full advantage of the wider stance offered by the
base; they could be mounted closer to the corners for even greater
stability. The vulnerability from being bumped is greater from side to
side than from front to back. While it is less vulnerable than many other
loudspeakers I've bumped into, it could be improved a bit with little
effort. The weight of each loudspeaker is sixty pounds and it is
reasonably easy for one person to handle on occasion since the center of
gravity falls close to the body. The speaker cable binding posts are
knurled for finger tightening and also have a hex grip for the use of a
binding post tool. They would be easier to tighten by hand if they were
spaced further apart, however. There is only one set of posts so you will
only need one set of speaker cables which will either save you some money,
or let you buy a more premium set.
Thinking Inside the Box
As I said above, the anti-resonant AccuRange technology of the speaker
really intrigued me. Not only is the crossover mounted below the
loudspeaker in its own compartment, but is also mounted on an
anti-resonant platform and anti-resonance glue is used to bind the
elements to this base. Expensive film/foil capacitors give a very low
noise floor and present an easy load to drive. Everything is hand wired
and silver soldered.
The drivers have high power handling capability and very high
bandwidth, both of which are necessary for the phase and time coherent
first order crossover design.
Much attention is paid to dissipating the back wave of the drivers
resulting in higher levels of detail and a lower noise floor, which in
turn yields a higher perceived dynamic range. The drivers are mounted on a
floating anti-resonance baffle with bituminous felt, although from the
outside, they seem to be firmly mounted on the solid front baffle. Rapping
my knuckles up and down the side of the loudspeaker I could clearly
differentiate the individual chambers for the three drivers with the large
bass chamber being the most resonant, of course, and the tweeter area
being almost as solid as rock. Spencer tells me that the loudspeaker is
not designed for ultimate output, particularly in the bass, but rather,
the emphasis was placed on optimal decay response and overall accuracy. He
also mentioned that the film/foil capacitors take a long time to break in
— like about 300 hours. With all the component swapping entailed in a
review such as this, it is difficult to keep track of the play time. I
certainly passed the hundred hour mark before critical listening, which
was necessary for the drivers to break in, but testing with the various
amplifiers took place in a broad window that began at about 100 hours and
was interrupted by the Montreal audio show, the writing of my Montreal
show report and the International Home Furnishings Show. I did notice an
improvement in the inner detail and particularly the bass response as time
went on, so a bit of uncertainty clouded my earlier findings with the
various amplifiers.
Check, Double Check
Rather than submit the review to meet the deadline, I ran the Model Bs
continuously for another five days straight to be certain I had completed
the 300-hour break-in time that Spencer suggested was needed for the
film/foil capacitors in the crossovers. I then reconnected most of the
various combinations of preamplifiers, power amplifiers and ran them with
both loudspeakers, leaving the combination of CAT preamplifier and Mahi
monoblocks out of the equation. While this exercise may seem a bit
obsessive, I'm glad I did it as some new findings emerged, and I am
confident with the results.
The bass became better balanced with the midrange and tweeter. It not
only went deeper, but it was more tuneful. It still did not go quite as
deep as the Kharmas, and it would occasionally protest the demands of loud
output in my large room — usually in the neighborhood of 100dB or more.
Within these limits, however, it was very enjoyable. And within these
limits you will preserve your hearing longer.
Overall, the frequency response was equally enjoyable, but it was not
as smooth as the Kharmas. The soundscape was further back behind the
loudspeakers than with the Kharmas, as I said, but the quality of the
soundscape of the Model B was superior.
The music floated more delicately and gracefully in air and was more
holographic. The Model B was more transparent, and the transparency
extended to the back of the soundstage — a distance that was also
further than the Kharmas could reproduce. These characteristics seem to be
precisely the stated goal of the AccuRange technology.
The conrad-johnson MV60SE amplifier also performed better with both the
Model B and the Kharmas than I had previously mentioned, so perhaps it too
needed more break-in time. While it did not give quite as deep and
controlled bass response with either loudspeaker as did the Plinius, it
was smoother, more grain free, more transparent and more holographic than
the Plinius. On the flip side the Plinius would play louder and had better
control of the bass. The pace and rhythm seemed a little quicker with the
Plinius. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend trying the Model B with a good
solid state amplifier of sufficient power, even though my personal
preference might be for a tube amplifier. With the right amplifier, the
Model B should be outstanding with either tube or solid state.
Many audiophiles, perhaps more those who are new to the hobby, fear the
consequences of a loudspeaker being so "ruthlessly revealing" that they
are forced to upgrade other components in their system faster than their
finances or their comfort level might allow. The Model B gave lots of
resolution with whatever amplifier I used, and each combination was
enjoyable despite whatever minor shortcomings I heard, with the exception
of the Mahis, which probably would have fared better if I had thought to
double the wattage by switching it from triode to ultralinear mode. The
arrival of two new review products, one for the analog front end and one
for the digital, showed me that the Model B was capable of even greater
musicality than I had experienced during most of the review process. I
heard no evidence that adding the Model B to a rig would be degrading to
the enjoyment of music. Its performance just kept getting better and
better with each additional improvement to other areas of the system. It
has a tuneful and somewhat prominent bass, in keeping with the listening
preference of the North American market, but it also delivers a very
refined sound for serious music lovers. It is not a loudspeaker for
The in-room frequency response graph presented here was taken at the
listening position with a basic Radio Shack SPL meter and should not be
confused with a more accurate graph made with more sophisticated equipment
in an anechoic chamber. The frequency extremes are known to be inaccurate,
and the measurements include the room interactions of the listening room.
Furthermore, Spencer tells me the loudspeaker measures smoother with the
grilles in place. Since I preferred the sound of the Model B without the
grilles, this is the way I measured it. The graph corroborates my
impression of the strong bass, but notice that it is strong over a wide
range, not just in a single narrow band. This suggests a very tuneful bass
region and indeed it was. The slight peak at about 80 Hz appears on most
of my loudspeaker measurements, indicating that it is most likely a room
resonance and probably a floor bounce.

Model B And The VR4-jr
Those familiar with the body of my review work will want to know how I
think the Model B compares with the Von Schweikert VR4-jr. This is a tough
call, with my JR review being over a year old. One major factor may well
be the amplifier you intend to use. The JR performs best when it is
bi-wired or even more optimally, bi-amplified, which will tip the overall
cost balance considerably. I didn't feel like I had quite the optimum
amplifier for the JR at the time, although I certainly tried a variety of
different combinations. The JR achieves a similar holographic soundscape,
albeit with the use of a second, rear-firing tweeter that may have some
effect on phase and focus. With the right amplifier, the JR will play
louder should you wish to destroy your hearing. Both loudspeakers will
easily break your lease or spoil your marriage if you don't use them
judiciously. The JR may go slightly deeper in the bass, but the Model B is
probably more tuneful down there. Both loudspeakers had a similarly
prominent bass response. The JR should be a lot easier to locate for
audition, but you are unlikely to find these loudspeakers side by side at
any shop. It kind of comes down to a David and Goliath situation, and you
could certainly tip the balance by improper positioning of either
loudspeaker, or selling your system short in some other area. The Model B
is worthy of much more expensive components than it is likely to be paired
with, but I pretty much said the same thing about the VR. I suspect the
Model B would come out slightly ahead in transparency, focus and tonal
color in a side-by-side comparison. But certainly, neither loudspeaker is
a loser.
Model B is a very high resolution; wide dispersion loudspeaker that throws
a huge soundscape that is both recessed and very deep. It reveals
extraordinary inner detail, micro-dynamics and tonal color. The music is
airy, exceptionally transparent and effortless. However, it needs an
amplifier with sufficient power to deal with its moderate sensitivity and
capacity for wide dynamic range. Feed it with high quality components
upstream and surround it with a properly tuned listening room and you will
have a moderately priced world-class system to which all but the most
obsessed could listen endlessly. The Model B is an outstanding first
effort from Aural Acoustics. There's no need to wait for an improved "Model
C". They've done their homework on this one. Very highly recommended,
Type: Full range, floorstanding loudspeaker
Tweeter: Sonotex silk soft dome with Hexadym patented magnetic structure.
Midrange: Four inch driver with hand woven blend of carbon
fiber and Kevlar cone
Woofer: Seven inch treated paper bass driver with Kapton
voice coil former
Frequency Response: 33Hz to 25kHz
Impedance: 8 Ohms nominal / 4 Ohms minimum
Sensitivity: 87dB/W/m
Recommended Power: 35 Watts minimum
Features: AccuRange technology to dampen and absorb rear wave response,
time and phase alignment for both drivers and crossover. Isolated
free-floating baffles plus optimized driver chambers.
Real Wood Finishes: Black Ash, Cherry & Maple
Weight: 120 Pounds per Pair
Dimensions: 10.25 X 15.25 x 41.5 (WxDxH in inches)
Price: $4,500 per pair
Company Information
Aural Acoustics
Voice: (516) 626-2920
Fax: (516) 626-1138