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Static 13

Live in Concert!

Tony Low

Tony Low (Bass)
Chris "Animal" Boylan
Chris "Animal" Boylan (Drums)

Ari (Lead Vocals)
Jay "Crunch" Edson
Jay "Crunch" Edson (Guitar)


Here's a new band that kicks! Static 13 has been gaining major steam in the college radio scene and are making some serious waves. Maybe i should go back to when i knew the drummer, Animal, as a drummer for a lesser known band called Phillips Head a few years back. On second thought let's not. Basically i've known Chris for years and have been waiting for him and his band to make it into the big time. With Static 13 it seems he's on his way (GO Chris GO). So these guys showed up at a local Nashua music store at 4:30pm called Strawberries to do an acoustic set. After setting up in front of an eager audience they played some of their better known tunes. You can sense the real substance of their music. How it reaches into your inner soul, ya know? Not too much new music does that for me nowadays. Too much hype, not enough substance. With Static 13 things are much different... Hearing them acoustically play their popular collage radio hit eye won't fool i gave me new insight to how truly talented these dudes really are. They don't need to rely on fancy studio gear, they sound good even in the light of acoustic musical purity. After 1 1/2 hours of jamming they packed up to go to their big gig at Sharky's in Nashua NH.

Here's where the music went into overdrive! They opened up with their song Let Go Of Yourself and the crowd went wild. It's a hard rockin' jam that begins with a cool sounding phase shifting guitar and heavy hittin' rhythmic sound. With the Animal keepin' rock steady hard punishing beats the music drives the audience into head swingin' motion like Beavis and Butthead enjoying music that doesn't s-ck. Later in he performance their ever popular tune-edge eye won't fool i was played and the crowd loved it! The interaction between the band and the audience was like one huge energy flow able to power a immense city. Being a musician myself you learn to sense when things are really clickin' between the band and the audience. This was defiantly happenin' here right in front of my eyes. (Sigh) Makes me rue the day i stopped touring myself. The lead singer worked the crowd as the band went headlong into musical magic.

A few songs later came one of my faves not yet available on CD called raindrops of love. It's a phat slower tune that seems to reach deep into my soul. The beginning lyrics are "Running away from the hills I find a desperate need to return. Innocent laughter was once by my side... Welcome to the raindrops of love." It's just that their music seems to be so, well, so real and true to life. It's not just the talents of the musicianship here that's great, it's also combined with lyrics that really hit home. In fact i have personally procured a live recording off the mix board of this tasty tune! It's not available anywhere else but here on my www site via RealAudio 3.0! Please see the bottom of this www page to partake in this very appetizing yet unreleased music. Another tune found on their CD is Can't find You. There truly is some awesome guitar screamin' here as the band rocks on. Static 13's music is like a mix of Zepplin with Doors flavored with modern day metal. The lead singer, Ari, has a very diverse voice able to plumb deep down into the very essence of what makes us all human.

In my humble opinion here's a band that is ready for more then just college radio. i betcha they'll be goin' big time soon and get signed with a bigtime music label. Ya better catch 'em now or you'll just be one of those Johnny-come-latelys. After the show many audience members bought their CD, T-Shirts, and wanted just to meet the band. You could see how their music's vibe made the audience want more from these guys. It's as though that invisible yet undeniable connection we humans have was amplified and received by the entire audience. My humble suggestion is to get the CD, see 'em in concert, and above all else...

     Enjoy the music,

     Steven R. Rochlin






















































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