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Welcome one and all
to the Clube do Áudio e Vídeo
Hi-Fi 2001 shows in São Paulo, Brazil!
Seen above are various personnel for the Brazilian magazine Clube do Áudio e Vídeo
who also sponsor this show. They are, from left to right, Ronam Junqueira
(financial director), Adriana (secretary), Victor Mirol (chief editor), and Marco
Aurellio (assistant).
In the Sennheiser room we find Miriam Macari of Studio Two with their new HD 600
(1,440 Real).
Studio Two has three stores in São Paulo.
An assortment of illbruck acoustic panels that are offered in many different styles
and colors depending on your room's needs. illbruck makes the popular in the recording studio Sonex line of acoustic panels.
Not to be confused with "audiophile" snake oil poles and wooden
pucks. These are the real deal folks.
This being a show concerning both audio and video products, Pacific Music had many CD, DVD-Video, CD-Video and
DVD-Audio for sale. Alas, SACD need not apply as none were to be found. In
fact SACD seems to be fairly unknown here in São Paulo.
Brazilian company Philco had a full 5.1 DVD surround setup.
The basic setup featured stand-mounted front right and left monitors, a
subwoofer, center channel and dipole rears.
Another Philco setup featured their InfoWay 42
inches flat panel HDTV-capable monitor (30,000 Reals). LCD and plasma panels
are becoming all the rage for many companies all over the world.
Showing within a surround sound system is the critically acclaimed Avantgarde Acoustic Duo 2.0
charcoal ($14,200 USD). My personal pair is in Porsche red, though hopefully
one day they will make a set in Ferrari red just for me :-) .
Also seen in the same room driving the Avantgarde Acoustic Duos is the Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-75SE
tubed stereo amplifier ($11,500 USD).
Going further up the audio food chain, as it were... feeding the BAT VK-75SE and Avantgarde Acoustic Duo
hornspeakers is the Primare P30 surround sound processor ($3,000 USD).
The show just began and there was already standing room only at the Sound Image Audio & Video room. In the room was the Avantgarde Acoustic Uno 2.0, Clearaudio Champion Level 2
plus other audiophillia (seen below).
Also in the same room is the Burmester loudspeakers and gear plus the Clearaudio Master Reference with their new three belt system
(!) and Master
TQ-I linear tracking tonearm. Three motor and three bets folks! Yowsers! Seen
above is the new Clearaudio Quartz tonearm headshell rod (clear rod as seen
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