Jim Smith's book
Get Better Sound... If you do not have it within your library, get it.
See Enjoy the Music.com's review of the book at this

There is a reason why I took the above photo. Look carefully and hopefully more manufacturers will clue in to why I took the above photo. If not, then congratulations you may have lost many modern customers. Sure this sounds harsh, but serious guys
wake up and realize the newfound technology you are missing out on in providing your perspective customers and easy way to find your website.

Waterfall speakers had their Niagara and smaller Victoria ($54,000 and $6,000 per pair). Color me a man who has been sold on their stunning visuals and excellent sound quality before anyone in the USA had a clue who Waterfall was. Technically, I clued
Enjoy the Music.com readers to this manufacturer back in 2002 (see
this link). Nice to see that 8 years later the United States press is finally taking note. Better late than never guys.
Oh, and yes we provided a world premiere review of their Waterfall
Audio Iguascu EVO speakers.

Channel D, who offers Pure Vinyl... just get it. If you have a Mac and enjoy music from your computer/NAS, just get their Pure Vinyl software now. Seriously, you want perhaps the very best, then just get this software and enjoy the music. If you have a turntable,
seen to the right within the above photo, they also offer the Seta balanced direct ultra wideband phono
preamplifier that provides users of Channel D Pure Vinyl software with an end-to-end route for "flat" vinyl reproduction (linear amplification followed by software RIAA correction).

Opera Consonance D-Liner 8 24/192 DAC and D-Liner 7 24/192 media server ($1050 and $1250 respectively) is great for those looking for high quality at a very reasonable price. They decode many types of digital audio formats including WAV, WMA, MP3, APE, FLAC, ALAC and ACC.

And remember kids, when in Denver you should listen to KUVO / KVJZ public radio 89/98.9 for jazz, blues and news. Of course they also have an ACC stream so even if you are not in
Denver you can right now
click this link and
listen to their great programming anywhere in the world. Of course guys like me with a networked audio system would instead choose
this link to add it to our Internet radio
Well, that is all that I found to be interesting today. Tomorrow is a gnu day, so until then... nytol (night all).
Click here for
Saturday's coverage.