In the May Audio Marketing
room was Combak/Harmonic Reimyo and their Bravo speakers ($4300/pr) CDT-777 CD transport ($8500), DAP-777 ($5200)... and PAT-777 tube amplifier ($25,000) and power supply stabilizer ALS-777 power supply. The system had impressive imagine and it is nice to see a system where all the led lights are the same. Is it me, or do high-end manufacturers need to find a color of LED and stick with
it!?!? Review of the Combak's Reimyo CDP-777 CD player/transport can be seen

Various retail sales companies were at the show including Madisound (pictured), Acoustic Sounds, Reference Recordings and many others.

In a large conference room were some really interesting audio craft.

HiFi-Tuning's HFT Noise Destroyer ($250) plugs into one of your home's electrical outlets and reduces line noise.
Naturally we have reviewed this piece, read it by clicking

Tonian Labs has the super extension ribbon in their TL-M1 MK. II ($37,500) large floorstanding loudspeaker. The Raven R2 ribbon tweeter and PHY 12-inch driver combination produce frequencies from 30Hz to 35kHz. An easy to drive 16 Ohm load and 97dB/W/m sensitivity ensure even a single watt amplifier should do nicely. They played for me an impressive CD of drums that was incredibly dynamic and realistic sounding.

Parts Express had a both chock full of impressive tweak bits.

For only $1/minute you too could have a message.

Here we have cool dude Sean Martin, groovy chick Janice Mancuso and head honcho president Tam Henderson of Reference Recordings.

Audioengine had their white model 5 ($349) and
black A2 ($199) small monitors. Do not let the low price fool you as i'd
say more, yet having reviewed both models and have come away extremely
impressed, best bet is to read my full reviews. The Audioengine 5 review is here
and A2 review is here.

Antique Sound Labs Flora ($3000) preamplifier, Reference 3a Grand Veena ($7995) floorstanding loudspeakers, and Cadenza ($6500) monoblock tube amps.
While Enjoy the Music.com will soon be publishing reviews of the Grand
Veena, we do have reviews of the Reference 3A Veena here
and Flora EX DT line preamplifier here.

Saturday night featured a live performance of
the stringed quartet with many in attendance enjoying the music.
Click here for Sunday's