Vinyl LP Cleaning Formulas

For all you vinyl junkies out there, i have gathered a few
suggested cleaning concoctions from the internet and other mailing lists i belong to. i
offer NO responsibility for these formulations. Quite a few dudes swear by certain one's.
Me? Well, being too lazy i just buy Nitty Gritty or VPI's stuff.
distilled water alcohol detergent
1) 1 part 1 part isopropyl none
2) 1 part 1 part isopropyl a drop of Triton X-100
3) 1 quart 1 pint denatured 10 drops Photoflo
4) 3 parts 1 part a few drops
5) 3 parts 1 part rubbing a few drops
6) 4 parts 1 part ethanol some
If you have any doubts though you want to save a few bucks, then
may i humbly suggest you simply buy solutions like "Genie in a Bottle". The
Audio Advisor carries "Genie in a Bottle" last i checked. OH, and don't forget
to use your Hunt EDA brush! Remember: a clean needle is a happy needle.