September 2013 Note: The below article was first published in 1996 and remains virtually unchanged today.
Warning: The below senseless rambling discusses "progressive" subject matter. Viewer discretion is therefore advised. As the media debates over DVD, CD, AC-3, DDS, etc., there are others who disregard all of these for another. Computer technology is becoming more advanced every day. The current capabilities of reproducing audio signals digitally is possibly far and away better than any current commercially available format. The same goes for video as well. Cyberspace and the Internet have grown by leaps and bounds over the past two years alone. Technology stocks are considered a "hot ticket" in this "bull" market. So with all this happening now, what is our future? Well, we have all seen the various movies that show how through technological advances our daily lives may be effected. Yes my friends, we're talking about a world of total cyberspace. Before you choose to ignore the rest of this Senseless Rambling, please realize that how we attempt to reproduce music/movies/sound is a type of cyberspace of sorts. Crude as it may be, it still is an attempt never-the-less [personal note: Please realize where computer technology was 30 years ago as compared to today. Where will it be 30 years from now... in 2026?]. Who will be the pioneers of this field? How will these pioneers discover how to better "fool" or "trick" our senses and minds to feel/think as though we are in real space? Reality... what a concept. My feelings are that one day we will achieve a better understanding of how we humans function and therefore adopt technology to these requirements. For when i attend a live concert there's more to it than just the sound. The atmosphere, the smells, the feelings, etc are all part of the experience. Once we achieve the capabilities to recreate this, what will we do with said technology? How will we, as humans, use this technology? Hopefully the saving grace is that we feel the need for real human companionship, have an inherent desire for freedom, and that most of us choose to not survive in a life of predictability and boredom. To keep this brief, i'll close by saying a few last words as it were. Who will be ultimately responsible for the usage of this newfound technology? Who will be responsible for the human "casualties"? Just as the Internet has caused a disruption in some lives, how will this even more interactive format affect us? Shall we hold Oppenheimer responsible for the deaths and human suffering due to his discoveries? Shall i hold the candy industry responsible for all my tooth cavities? In the end, we are all responsible for our own actions. My most humble apologies if the above article may seem like a true
senseless rambling. i find no absolution to my rational point of view. Maybe some things
are instinctive, but there is one thing we can do. You can try to understand me. i can try
to understand you. A most humble thanks for your time. It is appreciated.
As always, in the end what really
matters is that you...