August 2014
Editor's note, Bill is back to once again with this very last article to tout the same gear as before, so this is his very final thoughts. It has been a
while. AA 168 was written shortly before my retirement 19 months ago when I felt
I needed to take a break from reviewing and recharge the batteries. There was no
longer any enjoyment either in the writing or the music. High-end audio has a
tendency to do that, dragging one into listening to the sound of the individual
components or the system rather than the music. It happens to most reviewers,
and many audiophiles. Audio had become boring. My wife and I took six months off and
went down to our retirement home in the Caribbean, and even on returning to New
Hampshire last summer, stayed away from high end audio from June to November,
when I returned south. Yes, I did listen to music on the my Audeze LCD 2
headphones, and Stax
Electrostatic headphones and amp there, driven by the Smyth
Realizer, which recreates my home system in
a reasonable fashion, but listening sessions would only last a movement or two
of a symphony before petering out. This year, by the end of seven months in the
Caribbean, we got to the point of discussing selling the northern house and
moving into a condo for summers, where my system built up over 30 plus years
could have no place. No more 2 acres of lawn and leaves and other housekeeping
chores. No more umpteen thousand dollars of mortgage, taxes, insurance and
maintenance. But also no more 6 foot long horns with 8 subwoofers. Then we returned home to New Hampshire, and after letting the system warm up for a couple of days of watching video, sat down for my first real listening session in 19 months. What a revelation! Suddenly I was in a concert hall truly enjoying everything I could throw at the system. Horns and tubes, especially with a 7.8 surround system enveloping one in sound, have a way of doing that. Back was the joy first obtained when playing my French horn in several orchestras those many years ago in high school. Alas for my bank account, gone was the wish to sell the house, and be stuck with a lesser music system. On the other hand, gone also was the need to ever improve the system with new equipment, tweaks and software. My system and 4 terabytes of music would satisfy me for a lifetime. This went on for about a month. Then little defects in the sound began to creep into my consciousness. There would be nights when even the three Pure Power +1500 power supplies would let in those electrical gremlins just enough to disturb my pleasure. That would lead to my contacting PurePower for the new +2000 power supplies they had promised. Unhappily they have not arrived as yet as they are selling them as fast as they can be produced in their Canadian factory. Happily an event occurred which has seemed to cure this
problem. We had a thunderstorm one evening while listening to the system, and
the electricity went out. The power supplies started running on batteries and
for about three glorious minutes the sound was even better than before. They had
done this before when disconnected from AC, but running multiple tube amps only
allowed them to do this for a few minutes. Then, at the beginning of July, the air conditioning kicked in
and started giving off RF noise which was picked up as static sound by my long
rear channel interconnects, even though they're balanced. Finally, George Louis
sent me an email about his new disc cleaning formulation. With these three
events, that old nemesis, Audiophilia Nervosa, kicked in. So here I am, back to experimenting and writing. God help me!
Digital Systems & Solutions UltraBit Diamond Plus Disc
Treatment So George sent me his latest creation, Ultrabit Diamond Plus
to review along with a note from Jennifer Crock of Jenna Labs, maker of fine
cables, extolling the product. Unhappily he failed to include his new cleaner,
but let me know that the new Diamond Plus is somewhat incompatible with the old
cleaner, but does a very good job of cleaning normal grunge from the discs. Only
if one needs to remove another polishing solution should one need the new
cleaner. Included with the bottle of Diamond Plus were a couple of
cleaning cloths and a special pad for polishing the discs, and then emailed me
the instructions for use. On the other hand, the audio side was markedly improved for a
very reasonable price. I've found that for some reason the Blu-ray discs,
especially those from European orchestras, are somewhat dull sounding with less
than appropriate ambiance from the surround channels. Whether it's due to their
being produced from concerts recorded for television viewing I have no idea.
It's not the Blu-ray system itself, as all except one of my recordings from the
San Francisco symphony orchestra are superb. That's
a recording of the Shostakovich Fifth symphony which was recorded in Russia, and
has the same problem as the other European produced disc. Go figure. In all case, there was a considerable improvement in all sound
parameters I can think of; more ambiance and micro and macro dynamics, cleaner
soundstage and tighter bass and individual instrument placement and space. I
could go on like most reviewers with the names of multiple recordings and spend
pages describing what I heard, but really you must try the stuff on your system
to appreciate what it does. Interestingly, the treated discs sounded almost as
good as the hard is files played through RAM on my computer, until now the best
playback I've achieved. Unhappily I didn't have any more of his Platinum plus, which
is still available, to compare the new solution with, but I'd go with the
Diamond Plus from this point on. My only concern now is whether to pull out my
700 CDs, DVDs and laser discs and re-transcribe them to hard drive, a
monumental task. Guess I'll try a couple and compare the hard disc digits with
the original copies to see if there's any improvement. He has not sent me the list price for the Diamond plus, so
hopefully he'll let us know in his discussion below. I do know the price is very
reasonable and is well worth the price!
A Few Words From George Of Digital Systems & Solutions George S. Louis